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This paper investigates mechanisms controlling the mixed-layer salinity (MLS) in the tropical Pacific during 1990–2009. We use monthly 1°?×?1° gridded observations of salinity, horizontal current and fresh water flux, and a validated ocean general circulation model with no direct MLS relaxation in both its full resolution (0.25° and 5 days) and re-sampled as the observation time/space grid resolution. The present study shows that the mean spatial distribution of MLS results from a subtle balance between surface forcing (E???P, evaporation minus precipitation), horizontal advection (at low and high frequencies) and subsurface forcing (entrainment and mixing), all terms being of analogous importance. Large-scale seasonal MLS variability is found mainly in the Intertropical and South Pacific Convergence Zones due to changes in their meridional location (and related heavy P), in the North Equatorial Counter Currents, and partly in the subsurface forcing. Maximum interannual variability is found in the western Pacific warm pool and in both convergence zones, in relation to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. In the equatorial band, this later variability is due chiefly to the horizontal advection of low salinity waters from the western to the central-eastern basin during El Niño (and vice versa during La Niña), with contrasted evolution for the Eastern and Central Pacific ENSO types. Our findings reveal that all terms of the MLS equation, including high-frequency (<1 month) salinity advection, have to be considered to close the salinity budget, ruling out the use of MLS (or sea surface salinity) only to directly infer the mean, seasonal and/or interannual fresh water fluxes.  相似文献   

The Brazil Current (BC) is likely the least observed and investigated subtropical western boundary current in the world. This study proposes a simple and systematic methodology to estimate quasi-synoptic cross-sectional speeds of the BC within the Santos Basin (23° S–26° S) based on the dynamic method using several combinations of data: Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD), temperature profiles, CTD and vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VMADCP), and temperature profiles and VMADCP. All of the geostrophic estimates agree well with lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) velocity observations and yield volume transports of -5.56 ±1.31 and 2.50 ±1.01 Sv for the BC and the Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC), respectively. The LADCP data revealed that the BC flows southwestward and is ~100 km wide, 500 m deep, and has a volume transport of approximately -5.75 ±1.53 Sv and a maximum speed of 0.59 m s?1. Underneath the BC, the IWBC flows northeastward and has a vertical extent of approximately 1,300 m, a width of ~60 km, a maximum velocity of ~0.22 m s?1, and a volume transport of 4.11 ± 2.01 Sv. Our analysis indicates that in the absence of the observed velocities, the isopycnal (σ 0) of 26.82 kg m?3 (~500 dbar) is an adequate level of no motion for use in geostrophic calculations. Additionally, a simple linear relationship between the temperature and the specific volume anomaly can be used for a reliable first estimate of the BC-IWBC system in temperature-only transects.  相似文献   

Tomczak  Matthias 《Ocean Dynamics》2019,69(3):301-311
Ocean Dynamics - The concept of water type richness wtr and inversion count inv is introduced and applied to high-resolution Argo float data in a meridional strip in the southern Indian Ocean as a...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—An analysis of the displacement rates of GNSS points indicates that the values of current deformations gradually decrease from the center of...  相似文献   

The interactions of seafloor hydrothermal fluid with igneous rocks can result in leaching elements from the rocks,creating potential ore-forming fluids and influencing the chemical compositions of near-bottom seawater.The hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase microphenocrysts and basaltic glass in the pillow basalts from one dredge station(103°57.62′′W,12°50.55′N,water depth 2480 m)on the East Pacific Rise(EPR)near 13°N were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope(SEM)and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry(EDS).The results show that the edges of the plagioclase microphenocrysts and the basaltic glass fragments are altered but the pyroxene and olivine microphenocrysts in the interior of the pillow basalts appear to be unaffected by the hydrothermal fluids.In addition,our results show that the chemical alteration at the rims of the plagioclase microphenocrysts and the edges of basaltic glass fragments can be divided into separate types of alteration.The chemical difference in hydrothermal alteration of the plagioclase microphenocrysts and the basaltic glass indicate that different degrees of hydrothermal fluid-solid phase interaction have taken place at the surface of the pillow basalts.If the degree of hydrothermal fluid-solid phase interaction is relatively minor,Si,Al,Ca and Na diffuse from the inside of the solid phase out and as a result these elements have a tendency to accumulate in the edge of the plagioclase microphenocrysts or basaltic glass.If the degree of hydrothermal fluid-solid phase interaction is relatively strong,Si,Al,Ca and Na also diffuse from the inside of solid phase out but these elements will have a relatively low concentration in the edge of the plagioclase microphenocrysts or basaltic glass.Based on the chemical variation observed in the edges of plagioclase microphenocrysts and basaltic glass,we estimate that the content of Si,Al and Fe in the edges of plagioclase microphenocrysts can have a variation of 10.69%,17.59%and 109%,respectively.Similarly,the Si,Al and Fe concentrations in the edges of basaltic glass can have a variation of 9.79%,16.30%and 37.83%,respectively,during the interaction of hydrothermal fluids and seafloor pillow basalt.  相似文献   

Observations of wave-driven fluctuations in emissions from the OH Meinel (OHM) and O2 Atmospheric band were made with a narrow-band airglow imager located at Adelaide, Australia (35S, 138E) during the period April 1995 to January 1996. Simultaneous wind measurements in the 80–100 km region were made with a co-located MF radar. The directionality of quasi-monochromatic (QM) waves in the mesopause region is found to be highly anisotropic, especially during the solstices. During the summer, small-scale QM waves in the airglow are predominately poleward propagating, while during winter they are predominately equatorward. The directionality inferred from a Stokes analysis applied to the radar data also indicates a strong N–S anisotropy in summer and winter, but whether propagation is from the north or south cannot be determined from the analysis. The directionality of the total wave field (which contains incoherent as well as coherent features) derived from a spectral analysis of the images shows a strong E–W component, whereas, an E–W component is essentially absent for QM waves. The prevalence of QM waves is also strongly seasonally dependent. The prevalence is greatest in the summer and the least in winter and correlates with the height of the mesopause; whether it is above or below the airglow layers. The height of the mesopause is significant because for nominal thermal structures it is associated with a steep gradient in the Brunt-Väisälä frequency that causes the base of a lower thermospheric thermal duct to be located in the vicinity of the mesopause. We interpret the QM waves as waves trapped in the lower thermosphere thermal duct or between the ground and the layer of evanescence above the duct. Zonal winds can deplete the thermal duct by limiting access to the duct or by negating the thermal trapping. Radar measurements of the prevailing zonal wind are consistent with depletion of zonally propagating waves. During winter, meridional winds in the upper mesophere and lower thermosphere are weak and have no significant effect on meridionally propagating waves. However, during summer the winds in the duct region can significantly enhance ducting of southward propagating waves. The observed directionality of the waves can be explained in terms of the prevailing wind at mesopause altitudes and the seasonal variation of distant sources.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - This study addresses the air–sea interaction processes and mixed layer variability, which cause the intraseasonal oscillations in the sea surface temperature (SST) during...  相似文献   

The capabilities of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and the multiresolution analysis (MRA) are presented in this work to measure vertical gravity wave characteristics. Wave properties are extracted from the first data set of Rayleigh lidar obtained between heights of 30 km and 60 km over La Reunion Island (21°S, 55°E) during the Austral winter in 1994 under subtropical conditions. The altitude-wavelength representations deduced from these methods provide information on the time and spatial evolution of the wave parameters of the observed dominant modes in vertical profiles such as the vertical wavelengths, the vertical phase speeds, the amplitudes of temperature perturbations and the distribution of wave energy. The spectra derived from measurements show the presence of localized quasi-monochromatic structures with vertical wavelengths <10 km. Three methods based on the wavelet techniques show evidence of a downward phase progression. A first climatology of the dominant modes observed during the Austral winter period reveals a dominant night activity of 2 or 3 quasi-monochromatic structures with vertical wavelengths between 1/2 km from the stratopause, 3/4 km and 6/10 km observed between heights of 30 km and 60 km. In addition, it reveals a dominant activity of modes with a vertical phase speed of –0.3 m/s and observed periods peaking at 3/4 h and 9 h. The characteristics of averaged vertical wavelengths appear to be similar to those observed during winter in the southern equatorial region and in the Northern Hemisphere at mid-latitudes.  相似文献   

The Tibetan plateau, which results from continu- ous collision between India continent and southern Eurasia continent, is cross-cut by no less than three major east-west sutures[1—6]. Yarlung Zangbo suture, marked by one 1500km long ophiolite belt appearing at the southernmost Tibet, separates the Tethyan Hi- malaya to the south from the Lhasa block to the north. In order to understand the deep structure of Tibetan crust and the uplifting process of Tibetan Plateau, one wide-angle seismic…  相似文献   

The statistics of pre-midnight 5-m irregularities in the equatorial F region over São Luís is presented. The data set ranges from October 2001 to December 2008 and covers maximum solar-flux-to-minimum solar flux epoch. The variabilities in irregularity parameters, namely, height and time of their appearance in the radar echoes, with solar-flux variation are presented. The seasonal variations (combined over all years, irrespective of solar-flux) of occurrence of irregularities, occurrence of bottom-type layer (or bottom-side irregularities without plume) and bottom-side/topside plume (or bottom-side irregularities with plume) are presented. The largest occurrences of bottom-side irregularities without plume and with plume are found on April (equinox) and December (summer) months respectively. The ambient ionospheric conditions namely prereversal evening vertical drift, bottom-side density gradient and off-equatorial E region conductivity are inferred using digisonde measurements during April 2002 and December 2002. Based on these conditions and recent studies on gravity wave climatology over Brazil, it is suggested that shear in zonal plasma drift and low gravity wave activity may account for less occurrence of plume during April as compared to December months. This suggestion is quantified using numerical simulation model of collisional-interchange instability (CII) and plasma bubble.  相似文献   

We present an approach based on controlled source seismology (CSS) methods, especially developed for processing and modeling of the local earthquake seismograms. Record sections of the local earthquake seismograms generated for multiple source depths illuminate the upper crustal velocity structure in the region. Extensive travel times and synthetic seismograms modeling of the observed record sections reveal the P and S velocity structure in the region. The strength of this approach essentially lies with the possibility of validating the upper crustal velocity models inferred in various subregions of the seismogenic region. A redundant and significantly large number of virtual source local earthquake seismogram sections, gathered for multiple source depths and varying source mechanisms in each of the subregions, validate the same set of P and S velocity models in that region. Further, those models are found to generate the synthetic seismograms consistent with the observed sections. The proposed approach effectively utilizes a reliable dataset from a great volume of well-located local earthquake recordings of a state-of-the-art digital seismograph network. Such a dataset of local earthquake seismograms in the Koyna-Warna active earthquake zone is used here to demonstrate this approach and obtained subregion-specific models of upper crustal P and S velocity structure in the epicentral region. The results indicate that the technique presented here is efficient for processing and modeling the local earthquake seismograms and deriving upper crustal velocity models in the seismogenic regions.  相似文献   

[BriefNews]:AnMs=7.3earthquakeoccurredinthesouthernAnMs=7.3earthquakeoccurredinthesouthernpartoftheTaiwanStrait(22.6°N,118.7°...  相似文献   

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