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1 INTRODUCTION China is a country with many nationalities. The western China includes Zhuang Autonomous Region of Guangxi, Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province, Chongqing City, Sichuan Province, Xizang(Tibet) Autonomous Region, Uygur Autonomous Region of Xijiang, Qinghai Province, Hui Autonomous Region of Ningxia, Gansu Province, Shaanxi Province and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, these places are densely populated with 46 minorities out of a total of 55 minorities of C…  相似文献   

伟大的生态文明工程——对中国大运河遗址的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图从生态文明建设、区域经济发展和宏观协调的角度,点评中国大运河工程。作者认为:她是中国东部大平原上开发湿地、利用湖泊的成功范例。是古代水网地区跨流域的内河航运的中央干线;为农耕文明时代国家级的标志性工程,是自隋唐以来保证中国南北统一的政治、经济、文化干线;是中国历史发展的大动脉;也是中国伟大的生态文明工程。中国大运河总长约3500km,顺应自然环境、水系格局和平原微地貌条件。她是2500年间代代中华儿女因势利导、因地制宜、河工逾千万、分段接力完成的伟大漕运系统。至今仍有近900km正常通航,每年货运量约3亿t,依然是北煤南运、南水北调、沿线资源流通的物流干道。中国大运河是活着的大遗址,是仍然发挥调控南北的作用的大遗址。中国大运河曾经串联了我国中东部六省两直辖市,穿越的33个地区级城市中有18个是历史文化名城。这些城市都不同程度地因大运河而兴衰,而且水文化和水景观仍然是这些运河沿线城市的特点和亮点,是其成为宜居城市、生态旅游城市的基本条件。  相似文献   

The seven economic zones are multiple economic zones, with the characteristic of both long-range economic zone and categorical economic zone. They are the transitional regions between the categorical economic zone and the comprehensive economic zone. The phenomena of overlapping are only allowed to appear in categorical economic zones. The influence of Hongkong return back to China should be considered when doing research on economic zones. Hongkong is the center of the southeastern coasts and will become an offshore banking center of the mainland. According to the theory of economic zoning, the division of the whole country into seven economic zones demonstrates the transitional nature clearly. With the further development of the economy, the deeper maturity of the central cities and the stronger connection of the regional economy, the composite economic zones will gradually turn into more integrated comprehensive economic zones.  相似文献   

I.THENATUREOFSEVENECONOMICZONESOnmarch17th,1996,thefourthmeetingoftheEighthNationalPeople’sCongresputforwardaproposalofconstr...  相似文献   

China is a country with many nationalities. Each of them has formed its own special culture, which is different from the mainstream of majority Han nationality, by adapting to geo-environment during history. Due to different backgrounds, the regional developmental model of minorities in the western China is different from the Han nationality and western countries. Combining a knowledge-based civilization and sustainable development, the minority areas can seek the systematic integration of culture-economy-ecology. Based on this, the paper suggests that the minority areas in western China should take the way of emphasizing developmental quality rather than developmental quantity for a harmonious system of culture-economy-ecology. Some approaches for developing minority areas in western China have been put foreword. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49261001). Biography: LU La-chang (1963 —), male, a native of Shaanxi Province, Ph. D., professor. His research interests include urban and regional studies. E-mail: lachanglu@163.net  相似文献   

China is a mountainous country with a great diversity of landform and geomorphology. This diversity underlines the need for regionalization and classification. This study defines the mountain terrains and regions with three criteria - elevation, relative height, and slope, and examines the extent of mountainous regions by using county as the basic administrative unit. According to the three parameters of economic base, resident income and development potential, we classified the economic development level in mountainous regions of China. The findings reveal that the extent of the mountainous region accounts for 74.9% of the Mainland China’s total area. The economic development of mountainous regions in China is classified into 4 main types and 23 subtypes.  相似文献   

~~STUDY OF RURAL TOURISM IN TURPAN ,CHINA@KEYIM Parhad$Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, P. R. China; The Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. ChinaBRAMWELL B, LANE B,…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONManywesternscholarssuchasChangSendou(1963),ChengTiejunetal.(1994),andSkinnerG.W.etal(1977)puttheirresearchintere...  相似文献   

In China,the economic systems of many small-scale resource-based regions are confronted with realizing sustainable development through economic transformation. This paper,taking 37 coal-resource-based counties in China as objects,evaluates the economic transformation capacities of the counties by principal component analysis (PCA). Based on the comprehensive principal component values of 1,0–1 and 0,the economic transformation capacities of the counties are classified into strong,common and weak grades. Then,the paper proposes the developmental countermeasures according to different transformation capacities. For the counties with strong transformation capacities,it is crucial to make scientific positioning and rationally exploite resources in view of the developing characteristics and modes of those counties; as for the counties with common transformation capacities,the preparation and perfection of basic transformation conditions are still important aspects; as for the counties with weak transformation capacities,shifting from ″passive transfromation″ to ″active transformation″ in light of resources conditions is necessary.  相似文献   


I.DEVELOPMENTDIFFERENCESAMONGTHEEASTERN,CENTRAL~~AN~orchIc~ntdifferencesamongtheeastern,centralandwesternPatsofChinahavealready~aquestionattractingworld-wideattention.FormTable1,itcanbeseenthatInanyaspeCtS,suchasgrOSSeconondcoutput,grOSSdomeSticproducts(GDP)Percapita,totalforeigninvestment,totalinvestmentscale,etc.presentagradualdescendingtrendfromtheeaSternparttothewesternpin.Thefurtheranalysesshowthatthereisasbocontrastasfollows:intheeasternpart,theproPOrtionofsecon…  相似文献   


都市圈的形成是自然和社会因素长期共同作用的成果,是人类文明的进步。都市圈战略是中国未来区域发展的重要战略。随着全球经济竞争日益激烈,通过调整空间结构来扩展经济效益空间是大势所趋。目前,国内掀起了规划建设都市圈的热潮。然而,从世界都市圈发展的经验和教训来看,人口、经济发展集中于沿海超大城市的现象越来越突出,反映出地区经济发展的不平衡和对海岸带的依赖。都市圈的战略规划应当遵循社会经济发展的自然规律。都市圈的形成是较长时期的历史积淀结果。它们早在农业经济时代就是人口密集、水网发达地区的河港,近代工业经济发展时期,又成为面向大洋的海港,在信息时代,必须再向现代化的航空港和信息港的方向发展。多港融合,才能具备世界级自由港的功能。这是区域经济发展的终极目标。从地缘经济来看,大都市圈一般具备明显的地域经济优势,具有明显的金融中心龙头效应,占有GDP的绝对比重。随着城市通勤圈的不断扩张和大陆腹地的袭夺,大都市圈通过不断的城市扩张,打破了行政区划的时空分布模式,推动了区域经济重组,并促使其向跨国经济发展。都市圈的发展极不平衡,各具特点,总体上表现出发展的阶段性和空间分异的规律性。就目前比较成熟的三大都市圈,从地缘关系上看,京津冀都市圈具有人文优势,珠三角背靠国际大都市香港,具有亚洲优势,而长三角更具“蝴蝶效应”潜质,展现出吸引全球的世界魅力。都市圈内部各城市之间也存在着激烈的中心城市竞争。因城市化的天时(经济发展水平、发展机遇)、地利(区位优势)与人和(人为因素影响程度)的基础不同,都市圈凝聚力和竞争力的提高,需要在科学发展观指引下,因势利导,统筹规划,因地制宜,优势互补,去跨越各自发展中的门槛。都市圈普遍存在大都市的通病,而且应急反应能力十分脆弱。在都市圈规划和发展过程中,必须针对目前存在的各种生态环境问题,从都市圈整体可持续发展的角度,统筹规划,有针对性地研究制定解决方案和应急预案,防患未然。  相似文献   

介绍了三北地区荒漠化的基本状况与特点.探讨和分析了荒漠化的发生、发展对可持续发展的主要危害以及荒漠化与可持续发展的关系等,认为三北地区对中国的社会经济发展和生态保护有着重要的作用,荒漠化的发展将限制可持续发展战略的实施.必须积极开展三北地区荒漠化防治工作。  相似文献   


Taking the development of export-oriented economy (the strength and temporal sequence) as a main line, this paper discusses and analyses the position and role of Wuhan, which is the biggest metropolis in the central China and the middle section of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River basin, in the regional economic macro-strategy of China from a new visual sight. On the basis of the background of a large economic triangle constructed by Hongkong, Wuhan and Shanghai, the paper discusses the relations between Wuhan and Hongkong, Wuhan and Shanghai. The aim of the paper is to provide some new evidences for the development of great regional economy of China under the copropelling of the three great economic pivots. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Mountain regions play an increasingly essential role in global sustainable development, and the related sustainable development issues have attracted increasing attention. There are obvious vertical spatial differentiation phenomena in both natural and socio-economic fields with altitude being a key factor affecting the economic development of mountain regions. However, the exact influence of altitude is still unknown. Based on the county scale, this paper used the gravitational potential energy model to evaluate the effects of altitude on economic development in China. The results indicate that the high-altitude areas were the depression areas of county economic development, and county economic density showed a decreasing trend with the increase of altitude. County economic density respectively decreased by 0.10%, 0.04% and 0.02% with every 1% increase in altitude in 2000, 2005 and 2010. Here we demonstrate that high altitude has negative effect on county economy, although the negative effect presented a downward trend. The results also showed that increasing capital and labor investments could reduce the negative effect of high altitude on county economy. In 2010, with every 1% increase in capital and labor density, county economic density increased by 0.62% and 0.83%, respectively. The effects of altitude were the results of multidimensional factors. The fundamental approach to reduce the negative effects of high altitude is to combine the ecological environment and resources to develop characteristic industries. The construction of infrastructure should be strengthened, which can promote the occurrence of the contra-flow of people, logistics and capital, and promote the balanced development of county economy.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a comprehensive concept, a trinity process that population urbanization, economic urbanization and space urbanization, is based on the interactions and mutual influences among the in which, people are the central and leading players in this process, while economic activities serve as the driving force and space is the carrier-the physical or material setting as well as the product. So the coordination among these processes is crucial for a country or region's sustainable development. China is experiencing rapid growth of cities and a surge in urban population, with the basic national condition of many people and little land, which calls for a systematic study of the issue of coordinated urbanization from theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives. Based on the concept of urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, this article built a quantitative method to identify and evaluate the urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, and made an empirical analysis in China between 2000 and 2008. The results show that the non-coordination overall level of China's urbanization declined during the study period, because population urbanization, economic urbanization, and space urbanization exhibited different trajectories of change. This study also reveals that performance assessment system, household registration system, and urban land expropriation system, etc., are the main affecting factors. At the end, we put forward some suggestions to achieve sustainable development of China's urbanization from the aspects of improving the local government's obiective function, imolementing the urban plalming svstem, enforcing public particination asnects and so on.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed an evaluation index system for green total-factor water-use efficiency(GTFWUE) which reflected both economic and green efficiencies of water resource utilization. Then we measured the GTFWUE of 30 provinces/municipalities/autonomous regions(hereafter provinces) in China(not including Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan as no data) from 2000 to 2018 using a minimum distance to the strong frontier model that contained an undesirable output. We further analyzed the regional differences and spatial correlations of GTFWUE using these values based on Global and Local Moran's I statistics, and empirically determined the factors affecting GTFWUE using a spatial econometric model. The evaluation results revealed that the GTFWUE differed substantially between the regions. The provinces with high and low GTFWUE values were located in the coastal and inland areas of China, respectively. The eastern region had a significantly higher GTFWUE than the central and western regions. The GTFWUEs for all three regions(eastern, central, and western regions) decreased slowly from 2000 to 2011(except 2005), remained stable from 2012 to 2016, and rapidly increased in 2017 before decreasing again in 2018. We found significant spatial correlations between the provincial GTFWUEs. The GTFWUE for most provinces belonged to the high-high or low-low cluster region, revealing a significant spatial clustering effect of provincial GTFWUEs. We also found that China's GTFWUE was highly promoted by economic growth,population size, opening-up level, and urbanization level, and was evidently hindered by water endowment, technological progress, and government influence. However, the water-use structure had little impact on GTFWUE. This study fully demonstrated that the water use mode would be improved, and water resources needed to be used more efficiently and green in China. Moreover, based on the findings of this study, several policy recommendations were proposed from the aspects of cross-regional cooperation, economy, society, and institution.  相似文献   

The change in land development intensity is an important perspective to reflect the variation in regional social and economic development and spatial differentiation. In this paper, spatial statistical analysis, Ordinary Least Squares(OLS), and Geographically weighted regression(GWR) methods are used to systematically analyse the spatial-temporal characteristics and driving forces of land development intensity for 131 spatial units in the western China from 2000 to 2015. The findings of the study are as follows: 1) The land development intensity in the western China has been increasing rapidly. From 2000 to 2015, land development intensity increased by 3.4 times on average. 2) The hotspot areas have shifted from central Inner Mongolia, northern Shaanxi and the Beibu Gulf of Guangxi to the Guanzhong Plain and the Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration. The areas of cold spots were mainly concentrated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Yunnan, and Xinjiang. 3) Investment intensity and the natural environment have always been the main drivers of land development intensity in the western China. Investment played a powerful role in promoting land development intensity, while the natural and ecological environment distinctly constrained such development. The effect of the economic factors on land development intensity in the western China has changed, which is reflected in the driving factor of construction land development shifting from economic growth in 2000 to economic structure, especially industrial structure, in 2015.  相似文献   

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