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Here we present a new mathematical tool, the localized Hartley (HL) transform (Hartley, 1942; Bracewell, 1990), that allows for the filtering of 1-D time series through the identification of the power at various spatial and temporal wavelengths. Its application to and the associated results are presented from its application to continuous Global Positioning System (GPS) data from southern California for the time period 1994 through 2006. The HL transform filter removes the high-frequency components of the data and effectively isolates the longer period signal. This long-period signal is modeled as time-dependent postseismic deformation using the viscoelastic-gravitational model of Fernández and Rundle (2004) for six stations selected for their proximity to the Northridge earthquake. The x-, y-, and z-components of the postseismic deformation are compared to the filtered data. Results suggest that this long-period deformation is a result of postseismic relaxation and that the HL transform filter provides an important new technique for the filtering of geophysical data consisting of the superposition of the effects of numerous complex sources at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

采用欧洲空间局ERS-2的星载干涉雷达数据,选取1997年11月8日MW7.6级玛尼地震作为研究对象,采用了差分干涉方法,在通过对覆盖同一地区的SAR数据进行差分干涉处理,得到了玛尼地震的视线向同震形变场。经研究发现:该地震形变场呈长轴近北东东向不规则椭圆形分布,地表破裂带长度约为130km,发震断层走向约为78°,断裂为左行走滑特征。断层以南为隆起区,在发震断层附近最大视线向隆起位移量为113.6cm,断层以北为沉降区,最大视线向沉降位移量为170.4cm。基于Okada模型实现了具有复杂结构的4段断层段参数的InSAR形变场数据模拟,获得断层的最大走滑为6m,估计出玛尼地震的标量地震矩M0为2.69×10^20Nm,计算得到的矩震级MW为7.6。证明了研究方法的正确性和研究结论的可靠性。  相似文献   

Due to its location on a transtensional section of the Pacific-North American plate boundary, the Salton Trough is a region featuring large strike-slip earthquakes within a regime of shallow asthenosphere, high heat flow, and complex faulting, and so postseismic deformation there may feature enhanced viscoelastic relaxation and afterslip that is particularly detectable at the surface. The 2010 \(M = 7.2\) El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake was the largest shock in the Salton Trough since 1892 and occurred close to the US-Mexico border, and so the postseismic deformation recorded by the continuous GPS network of southern California provides an opportunity to study the rheology of this region. Three-year postseismic transients extracted from GPS displacement time-series show four key features: (1) 1–2 cm of cumulative uplift in the Imperial Valley and \(\sim\)1 cm of subsidence in the Peninsular Ranges, (2) relatively large cumulative horizontal displacements \(>\)150 km from the rupture in the Peninsular Ranges, (3) rapidly decaying horizontal displacement rates in the first few months after the earthquake in the Imperial Valley, and (4) sustained horizontal velocities, following the rapid early motions, that were still visibly ongoing 3 years after the earthquake. Kinematic inversions show that the cumulative 3-year postseismic displacement field can be well fit by afterslip on and below the coseismic rupture, though these solutions require afterslip with a total moment equivalent to at least a \(M = 7.2\) earthquake and higher slip magnitudes than those predicted by coseismic stress changes. Forward modeling shows that stress-driven afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation in various configurations within the lithosphere can reproduce the early and later horizontal velocities in the Imperial Valley, while Newtonian viscoelastic relaxation in the asthenosphere can reproduce the uplift in the Imperial Valley and the subsidence and large westward displacements in the Peninsular Ranges. We present two forward models of dynamically coupled deformation mechanisms that fit the postseismic transient well: a model combining afterslip in the lower crust, Newtonian viscoelastic relaxation in a localized zone in the lower crust beneath areas of high heat flow and geothermal activity, and Newtonian viscoelastic relaxation in the asthenosphere; and a second model that replaces the afterslip in the first model with viscoelastic relaxation with a stress-dependent viscosity in the mantle. The rheology of this high-heat-flow, high-strain-rate region may incorporate elements of both these models and may well be more complex than either of them.  相似文献   

Using global positioning system (GPS) technology, significant postseismic surface displacements were observed within the first 4 months after the 2001 Mw 7.8 Kunlun earthquake which occurred in China. In this study, we investigated the mechanisms that may have possibly contributed to the postseismic deformations that have been observed. Based on the modeling results, we find that an afterslip model can interpret postseismic displacements in the near field even when the fault plane is extended to the bottom of the crust (~70 km). Models based on the viscoelastic relaxation theory showed a large discrepancy in the spatial pattern of the deformation compared with what has been observed. Thus, we infer that both mechanisms cannot interpret the observed postseismic deformation independently. A combination of afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation can further improve the data fit, especially at sites far from the fault. With maximum afterslip of ~0.4 m occurring at a depth of 10 km in the central section, the combined model shows that the estimated afterslip occurred mostly on and below the coseismic rupture plane, as well as on its eastern extension. The estimated moment released by the afterslip in the first 4 months is almost 40% of that released by the coseismic slip. The best-fitting viscoelastic relaxation model shows a “weak” upper mantle with a viscosity of ~1.0 × 1018 Pa s. The combined model also suggests the existence of a lower crust with viscosity larger than 1.0 × 1018 Pa s, although it cannot be constrained accurately.  相似文献   

利用现代空间大地测量技术,尤其是卫星合成孔径雷达干涉测量,能够获取高精度、高空间分辨率的同震和孕震形变,为地震断层形变和破裂机制研究提供了前所未有的机遇。本文介绍了利用大地测量观测数据反演地震断层位错模型参数的贝叶斯反演方法。联合运用2008汶川大地震前后GNSS和InSAR技术观测获得的同震位移,反演了地震断层的几何参数和滑动位错分布。研究结果表明,汶川地震的断层滑动主要集中在倾角较陡的浅部,同时包含逆冲和右旋走滑,其中最大逆冲6.1m,最大右旋6.5m。根据断层滑动分布正演计算得到的上盘同震位移明显小于下盘,预示该断层两侧孕震形变可能存在较大的不对称性。  相似文献   

InSAR技术对同震形变的量测达到了厘米级的精度,但在数据后处理和结果分析方面仍然存在明显的不足。采用可对空间信息进行存储、管理及分析等功能的GIS,对InSAR数据获取的2008年10月6日16时30分西藏自治区当雄县MW6.3地震的同震形变场进行分析。结果表明:(1)GIS可对多源数据进行有效管理;(2)可以确定当雄地震的震中位置;(3)可获取沉降区的最大形变量;(4)可确定主要的形变区间;(5)可将形变结果进行三维展示。GIS可有效地弥补InSAR数据后处理、数据分析及成果展示方面的不足。  相似文献   

赵强  王双绪  蒋锋云  李宁 《地震》2017,37(2):95-105
2016年1月21日, 青海省门源县冷龙岭断裂带附近发生了MW5.9地震。 基于Sentinel-1A影像, 采用差分干涉雷达测量技术研究了此次地震产生的同震形变场, 结果表明, 门源地震的形变影响范围约20~30 km, 形变态势在升降轨道形变场均显示为隆升, 基本沿冷龙岭断裂呈近似同心圆展布, 推测可能是冷龙岭断裂与民乐—大马营断裂之间的一条逆断层, 沿雷达视线方向最大形变量级约为6 cm。 均匀滑动反演显示门源发震断层长7.3 km, 宽6.2 km, 走向298.6°, 倾角34.5°, 倾向宽度9.5 km, 沿走向滑动量为170 mm, 沿倾向滑动量为460 mm, 矩震级为MW5.97; 分布式滑动反演显示门源地震以逆冲为主, 兼具少量右旋走滑分量, 滑动量主要集中在沿断层倾向方向, 距离地表5~15 km处, 最大滑动量约0.3 m, 位于断层倾向深度10 km处, 矩震级为MW5.93。  相似文献   

2016年11月25日新疆克孜勒苏州阿克陶县发生MW6.6地震。 本文利用合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术, 对Sentinel-1卫星获取的升、 降轨雷达数据进行了处理, 提取了该次地震的同震形变场, 并结合形变场特征与震源机制解, 采用梯度下降法反演发震断层的滑动分布。 结果表明, 升、 降轨LOS向同震形变场在发震断层两侧具有明显不同的形变特征, 主要形变区域分布在断层两侧, 升轨LOS向形变量可达-8.2 cm与11.2 cm, 降轨LOS向形变量可达-21.4 cm与13.1 cm; 反演的升、 降轨干涉形变场与InSAR测量值之间的残差得到有效控制, 大部分的残差介于±5 cm之间; 断层滑动分布主要集中于沿断层面深约2~18 km处, 最大滑动量位于沿断层面深约7 km处可达0.96 m; 平均滑动角约182.29°, 最大滑动处的滑动角约197.13°, 两个滑动分布中心的滑动角均接近180°, 表明阿克陶地震为一典型的右旋走滑破裂性事件; 当剪切模量取32 Gpa时, 反演的发震断层地震矩M0可达9.75×1018, 相当于矩震级MW6.60, 与地震波形反演结果一致。  相似文献   

日本东北9.0级地震的同震与震后滑动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大部分强震都发生在海沟,那里是海洋板块向大陆板块俯冲的地方.大量矩震级MW9.0以上的地震发生在若干区域,包括智利,阿拉斯加,堪察加半岛和苏门答腊岛等.位于太平洋板块俯冲鄂霍茨克板块的日本海沟,历史记载上没有发生过MW9.0地震,除了至今震级还有争议的公元869年Jogan大地震[1](可能超过MW9.0).然而,根据...  相似文献   

基于单一断层模型,运用敏感性迭代拟合算法反演了汶川地震InSAR同震形变场,获得了断层滑动分布及部分震源参数.结果表明,倾角线性变换的单断层模型模拟的同震形变场与InSAR形变场吻合较好,且残差较小,平均残差为0.11 m;反演的滑动分布主要集中于地下0~20km,其中,汶川地区在震源深度附近有较大的滑动量,10~15 km深度最高可达7 m,地表滑动量却相对较小,平均值仅为2.5 m,平均滑动角均值约为121°;北川地区最大滑动量可达到10 m,平均滑动角均值约为109°;而青川地区10~15 km深度滑动量最高也达8 m,平均滑动角均值约为135°;滑动矢量图显示,沿SW-NE走向断层面的滑动方向以强烈的逆冲为主,兼有一定右旋走滑分量.反演矩张量为1.0×1021 N·m,矩震级达Mw8.0.  相似文献   

The Akto M_S6. 7 earthquake occurred near the western end of the Muji fault basin in the top of the Pamir syntaxis. The main shock of this earthquake is complicated and the focal mechanism solutions based on the seismic wave inversions are different. Based on the Sentinel-1 SAR data,the coseismal deformation field of the earthquake is obtained by In SAR technique. Based on the elastic half-space dislocation model,the geometrical parameters and the slip distribution model are determined by nonlinear and linear inversion algorithms. The results show that the distributed slip model can well explain the coseismic deformation field. The earthquake includes at least two rupture events,which are located at 7 km(74. 11°E,39. 25°N)and 33 km(74. 49°E,39. 16°N)east from the epicenter according to the CENC. The deformation field caused by the earthquake shows a symmetry distribution,with the maximum LOS deformation of 20 cm. The main seismic slip is concentrated in the 0-20 km depth,and the maximum slip is 0. 84 m. The seismic fault is the Muji fault,and this earthquake indicates that the northeastward push of the Indian plate is enhanced.  相似文献   

Traditionally, when creating 4-D models of elastic offsets in the Earth's crust, the data from geodesic and GPS monitoring of offsets on the ground surface, earthquake catalogs, monitoring of the water level and radon content in wells, sea level fluctuations, as well as gravitational and magnetic fields, etc., can be taken as bases for information. In essence, the reason for creating a 4-D model of slow elastic deformations is to approximate the process by a set of plane deformation solitons (solitary waves). The parameters of a set of deformation solitons are obtained by a two-stage inversion. First, the parameters of the model are determined in a kinematic way by the use of a modified simplification of the method. Then, a calibration of the amplitude characteristics of the model is carried out in terms of elastic dynamic offsets. Taking Ural, Northern Tianshan, Greece, and China as examples, models for these regions are created on the basis of seismological, geodesic, deformation, hydrogeological, and  相似文献   

InSAR约束下的2008年汶川地震同震和震后形变分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日,青藏高原东缘的龙门山断裂带上发生了Mw7.9级汶川地震.本文通过分析覆盖汶川地震震中区域的ALOS/PALSAR像对的方位向偏移量来选择无明显电离层扰动影响的像对进行干涉处理,获取了高精度、连续的InSAR地表形变场.在此基础上,结合高精度GPS同震形变数据,采用同震、黏弹性松弛震后形变联合反演模型同时确定了汶川地震的同震滑动分布和龙门山地区的流变结构参数.研究结果表明,汶川地震是一个断层破裂非常复杂的地震事件,其中,北川段、岳家山段、虹口段和汉旺段的滑动以逆冲为主,而青川段以右旋走滑为主.滑动主要发生在10 km深度以上的区域,最大滑动量位于虹口段的东北端,达10.7 m.地震释放的总能量为9.28×1020 N·m(Mw7.91),与地震学的结果一致.联合反演模型确定的龙门山地区中下地壳的黏性系数为2×1018 Pa·s,为青藏高原东部地区的黏性系数提供了一个可靠的下限值.如果有更长时间的震后形变观测时间序列,将为该区域提供更为可靠的流变结构.  相似文献   

Based on continuous GPS data, we analyze coseismic deformation due to the 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake. We use the available coseismic slip models of the 2012 earthquake, derived from geodetic and/or seismic waveform inversion, to calculate the coseismic displacements in the Andaman-Nicobar, Sumatra and Java. In our analysis, we employ a spherical, layered model of the Earth and we find that Java Island experienced coseismic displacements up to 8 mm, as also observed by our GPS network. Compared to coseismic offsets measured from GPS data, a coseismic slip model derived from multiple observations produced better results than a model based on a single type of observation.  相似文献   

本文基于InSAR技术,利用欧空局Sentinel-1A/B升降轨SAR数据,提取了2020年6月26日新疆于田Mw6.3地震的同震形变场.利用升、降轨同震形变场约束,分别采用MPSO算法和Bayesian方法反演此次地震发震断层均匀滑动的几何参数,并进行对比.然后采用SDM方法获得发震断层非均匀滑动分布,并分析了同震...  相似文献   

对比分析利用涡度距平法提出的2022年1月8日青海门源 MS6.9 地震震前射出长波辐射(OLR)短期异常分布和震后InSAR技术提取的门源地震同震形变空间分布,结果显示,震前红外辐射增强区与InSAR同震破裂形变区的空间位置基本吻合,扩展形式基本相似(同震破裂形变区分布在红外辐射异常区内部)。在震前的全国范围OLR空间分布上,仅青海德令哈—西宁—甘肃武威一带出现了呈“哑铃”状近WE向展布的OLR热辐射增强区,空间可辨识度高,OLR异常时空演化过程遵循了岩石应力加载破裂过程中的热异常规律,显示热异常变化与应力变化存在关联; InSAR技术提取的同震形变同样位于肃南—祁连断裂(俄堡段)、托莱山断裂和冷龙岭断裂的交汇区。InSAR同震形变结果揭示了地表形变以水平方向为主,断层运动具有典型的走滑变形特征。InSAR同震形变结果为红外遥感反映地震形变提供可检验的地质实体监测证据,验证了门源地震前辐射增强异常是地震构造地应力强度变化的遥感物理参量反映。  相似文献   

高精度GPS测网监测资料表明,川滇菱形断块近期已趋活跃,块体向东南到南方向运动,且应变速率大,形成四个应力聚积区.龙门山地区地壳活动相对平稳。继丽江地震之后,西昌、详云—楚雄地区可能孕育地震,应特别关注。  相似文献   

介绍了将合成孔径雷达干涉测量(InSAR)用于检测地表形变(地壳形变和火山形变)和应用于地震研究所取得的进展与结果,提出了相关的问题,指出了InSAR在地震研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

2008年于田7.3级地震前西昆仑地形变的GPS初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用GPS观测资料计算并获取了2008年新疆西昆仑地区于田7.3级地震发生前的现今地壳运动速度场,通过速度场分布研究了区域内主要断层的活动速率.结果表明:震中以南的龙木错断裂呈左旋走滑性质的运动特征,走滑速率为1.2~2.5 mm/a;震中以北的阿尔金左旋走滑断裂滑动速率为5 mm/a;震中北西面的康西瓦断裂的左旋走滑平均速率约为3~7 mm/a.区域应变场分布一定程度上受断裂带分布的影响.7.3级地震就位于断裂活动交汇的部位和最大剪应变率高值区的边缘.  相似文献   

龚俊  汪贞杰  曾利萍 《中国地震》2020,36(4):945-952
高频GPS动态监测可快速准实时解算地表位移,其在地震参数快速确定、地壳形变短期变化过程、震源破裂过程和震级标度研究等方面成为传统地震学的补充。针对浙江省内的1Hz的GPS数据,本文采用GAMIT的TRACK模块,获得了日本2011年3月11日MW9.0地震的位移时间序列,并将其与浙江省地震台网并址观测的地震计获得的位移信号进行对比。结果显示,高频GPS与地震计获得的峰值地动位移之间差异在GPS的观测误差范围内。相对于原始波形,两者在0.005~0.1Hz频段上的水平方向相关系数提高了50%以上,高程方向相关系数提高了2倍以上。研究表明,高频GPS与宽频带地震计的观测结果在时序和频谱上有相互重合的区域,GPS和地震仪可以共同覆盖地震地表位移的全部可能范围。  相似文献   

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