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This study examines wave interactions with multiple semi-immersed Jarlan-type perforated breakwaters. A numerical model based on linear wave theory and an eigenfunction expansion method has been developed to study the hydrodynamic characteristics of breakwaters. The numerical results show a good agreement with previous analytical results and experimental data for limiting cases of double partially immersed impermeable walls and double and triple Jarlan-type breakwaters. The wave transmission coefficient CT; reflection coefficient CR, and energy dissipation coefficient CE coefficients and the horizontal wave force exerted on the front and rear walls are examined. The results show that CR reaches the maximum value when B/L = 0.46n while it is smallest when B/L=0.46n+0.24 (n=0, 1, 2,...). An economical triple semi-immersed Jarlan-type perforated breakwater can be designed with B/L = 0.25 and CR and CT ranging from 0.25 to 0.32 by choosing a relative draft d/h of 0.35 and a permeability parameter of the perforated front walls being 0.5 for an incident wave number kh nearly equal to 2.0. The triple semi-immersed Jarlan-type perforated breakwaters with significantly reduced CR, will enhance the structure’s wave absorption ability, and lead to smaller wave forces compared with the double one. The proposed model may be used to predict the response of a structure in the preliminary design stage for practical engineering.  相似文献   

刘建业  郭文军 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):6933-6939
研究了动量相关作用对于中子-质子比动能谱rb(Ek)的效应,发现rb(Ek)灵敏的依赖于动量相关作用而弱的依赖于介质中核子-核子碰撞截面和对称势.因此rb(Ek)是提取重离子碰撞中动量相关作用信息的可能探针.同时,对于丰中子弹核和相同质量稳定弹核在相同入射道条件下,丰中子碰撞系统明  相似文献   

为研究饱和海积黏土在均匀与不均匀波浪荷载作用下的循环特性,利用GDS空心圆柱扭剪仪进行了一系列不排水试验,在相同的初始固结状态下,对试样施加不同最大偏应力qmax、最小偏应力qmin的圆形及螺旋形应力路径的轴—扭联合循环载荷。分析了在考虑主应力轴旋转时,这两种不同应力路径的循环应力比RCS与动应力比δ=qmim/qmax对循环加载期间土体动力特性的影响。试验结果表明:RCSδ的增大均能提升黏土在波浪荷载下的孔压、轴向应变、双幅剪切应变及其速率,同时也能使土体轴向回弹模量与动剪切模量的衰减更严重,且δ的作用效果会随RCS的增大而增大。当RCS≤0.05时,土体在循环期间保持为“弹性安定或塑性安定”状态;而当RCS≥0.06时,土体会处于“疲劳破坏”或“塑性蠕变”状态,其具体形式由RCSδ共同决定。土体在循环过程中的轴向回弹模量与动剪切模量近似呈一定比例。  相似文献   

辐射传输模式HydroLight是研究水体辐射传输特性的有效工具,同时也是进行石油类水体辐射传输特性的有效模型。本文基于2018年8月在辽宁大连港海域实测的石油类污染水体的表观及固有光学量数据,通过设置不同浓度的配比模拟试验,利用HydroLight对油类物质和藻类物质的单一组分和两者混合水体的遥感反射比(remote sensing reflectance,Rrs)光谱进行了模拟。模拟结果表明:(1)在仅含油类物质单一组分的水体中,Rrs随着油浓度Coil的变化分为两个特征波段:400~480 nm和480~700 nm。在400~480 nm波段范围内RrsCoil的增加而减小,在480~700 nm随Coil的增大而增大;(2)在仅含藻类物质的单一成分水体中,叶绿素的光谱特性需要其浓度Cchl达到一定值才能表现出来,在低Cchl时的Rrs光谱特性反映为纯水的光谱特性;(3)在油藻混合水体中,随Coil的增加会增大叶绿素的Rrs,但不会明显改变叶绿素的Rrs随波长的变化趋势,这说明油藻混合水体的光谱形状主要受叶绿素的影响,油类物质的存在只改变光谱的量值。利用HydroLight对石油类污染水体的Rrs展开研究,有助于丰富水色遥感基础研究,对完善各类水体生物光学模型研究具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

在多通道量子亏损理论框架下,利用相对论多通道理论,分别在冻结实近似和考虑偶极极化下计算钪原子的Jπ=(3/2)-,(5/2)-的三个收敛于 3d4s(1D2)的自电离里德伯系列的能级.对3d4s(1D2)np2D3/2和3d4s(1  相似文献   

本文通过qPCR方法,研究了我国重要海水鱼类——牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)雌、雄成体组织以及性腺分化期的脑、性腺中gnrh1gnrh2gnrh3的表达水平。结果显示,gnrh1分布于所有检测的组织:在脑、垂体、肾脏和肝脏中高表达,在性腺中表达相对较低;gnrh2则在雌、雄性的肝脏以及雄性的肠、肾脏、眼睛和头肾中;而gnrh3只在雄性的肾脏、眼睛和肌肉中检测到微弱表达。人工诱导的牙鲆雌核发育鱼苗分别用17β-雌二醇(E2)和17α-甲基睾酮(MT)处理,使其分化为雌性或雄性个体表型。在性腺分化期的脑中,gnrh1的表达呈现上升趋势,在全长(total length,TL)4 cm鱼苗中,E2组的表达显著高于MT组(P<0.05);gnrh2在2 cm TL时E2组显著高于MT组(P<0.05),随后在E2和对照组的表达水平均出现下降趋势;gnrh3在2 cm TL时E2和对照组的表达均显著高于MT组(P<0.05),自6 cm TL时MT和E2组的表达开始下降。在性腺中,三种gnrh在性腺分化前2 cm TL表达量都相对较高,随后呈现下降趋势。综上,推测牙鲆gnrh1可能参与了性腺分化的启动、分化过程及性腺发育,gnrh2主要参与了性腺分化的启动,gnrh3主要参与了性腺分化的启动和分化过程。  相似文献   

水-气平衡法被广泛地应用于海水CO2分压(partial pressure,pCO2)的测定。该方法采用水-气平衡器,使海水与平衡器上部顶空中的空气进行CO2交换,达到平衡后测定该顶空空气中CO2的浓度,再换算成海水pCO2。水-气平衡器是海水pCO2测量仪器的关键部件,其性能在很大程度上决定所获得的pCO2数据的准确度和可靠性。本文介绍了水-气平衡器的平衡原理、平衡器时间常数的测量方法及影响因素,归纳了现有的4种用于海水pCO2测量的水-气平衡器即喷淋式、鼓泡式、层流式及混合式平衡器的结构与特点,着重介绍了两种新型的水 气平衡器即基于射流器的鼓泡式平衡器和基于球形降膜的层流式平衡器,比较了不同水-气平衡器的尺寸、运行参数及时间常数,分析了设计和应用水-气平衡器时需考虑的因素。本文可为使用水-气平衡器测定海水pCO2的技术人员提供技术参考。  相似文献   

由于存在极高的初级生产和高效的碳代谢速率, 珊瑚礁海域二氧化碳(CO2)的汇/源属性仍存有争议。为明晰中国典型珊瑚礁海域CO2的汇源属性及驱动因素, 作者基于2022年11月(秋季)和2023年2月(冬季)在深圳杨梅坑海域的调查结果并结合室内培养实验所获得的数据, 探究了枯水季节典型亚热带珊瑚礁海水二氧化碳分压(pCO2)的分布特征及主要控制机制。结果表明, 调查期间pCO2的变化较大, 其范围为233.3~465.3 μatm。秋季表现为大气CO2的汇, CO2吸收通量为1.66±0.41 mmol C/(m2/d);冬季表现为大气CO2的弱源, 其释放通量为0.36±0.17 mmol C/(m2/d)。调查期间(枯水季)杨梅坑海域受淡水输入的影响较小, 季节性温度影响下的生物过程是驱动pCO2变化的关键因素, 其贡献pCO2总变化量的73.6%(表层)和66.5%(底层)。其中, 浮游植物光合作用的季节差异是导致海水CO2汇源转变的主要成因, 而微生物呼吸作用的影响甚微。相比较, 物理过程(CO2海-气交换、温度和盐度变化)对pCO2的影响相对较小, 其作用结果远低于生物过程。此外, 珊瑚的代谢活动对杨梅坑局部海域pCO2分布产生一定影响, 造成礁区pCO2值高于非礁区。因此, 海气CO2通量估算中不能忽视局部海域珊瑚代谢作用的影响。  相似文献   

使用基于相对论多组态方法的FAC程序,研究了类钠Ni17+(3s)离子通过双激发态Ni16+(3pnl,3dnl)(Δn=0激发)的双电子复合过程,得到了态选择的双电子复合截面和速率系数,并与文献中的实验和理论数据进行了对比.结果发现,计算通过3p3/210l和3p1/211l共振态的双电子复合积分截面在实验误差范围内与实验测量  相似文献   

陈雅琦  梁健  郭永军  李永仁 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):122-128
为研究硬壳蛤形态性状对体质量(Y)、软体质量(Y1)及肥满度(K)的影响,测量硬壳蛤的壳长(X1)、壳宽(X2)、壳高(X3)、体质量(Y)和软体质量(Y1)等指标,并进行相关性分析、多元回归分析和通径分析。结果表明:体质量变异系数最高,壳宽与体质量相关系数最高(0.970)、壳长与软体质量相关系数最高(0.946)、壳长与肥满度相关系数最高(0.203)。壳宽对体质量直接作用最大(0.145)、壳长对软体质量直接作用最大(1.113)、壳长对肥满度直接作用最大(1.752)。形态性状与体质量、软体质量及肥满度的多元回归方程分别为Y=–46.359+0.288X1+1.723X2+0.640X3,R2=0.949;Y1=–6.607+0.301X1+0.157X2–0.161X3,R2=0.901;K=3.159+0.173X1+0.008X2–0.179X3,R2=0.072。壳宽是影响硬壳蛤体质量的主要因素,壳长是影响硬壳蛤软体质量的主要因素,各性状与肥满度回归关系不显著,个体间肥满度差异大。研究结果可为硬壳蛤选育及苗种繁育提供参考。  相似文献   

-Study on the effects of microorganism secretive membrane and covering layer of macrofouling organisms-Balanus reticulatus, Ostrea plicatula, Membranipora, Corophium and Algae on the corrosion of carbon steel and low-alloy steel by the determination of natural corrosive potentials, linear polarization and the polarization curver of dynamic potential scanning through an electrochemical equipment.The results show that the microorganism secretion membrane formed on sample surface has some protective role, during the initial period of exposure (about ten days). Then protective role decreases and corrosive rate increases with the lapse of immersion time. The protective role of some macrofouling organisms is shown in order as follows: Corophium> Balanus reticulatus>Algae>Membranipora>Ostrea plicatula.  相似文献   

Near-surface upward irradiances within each band of the MSS (multi spectral scanner) of LANDSAT, were computed from observed spectral upward irradiances measured just beneath the sea surface. Computation of these irradiances is a useful first step in the analysis of remotely-sensed radiance because the data are not affected by the effects of the atmosphere and sea surface. The computed irradianceE in LANDSAT bands 4, 5 and 6 was normalized by forming ratios,i.e., R 45=E4/E5, R46=E4/E6, andR 56=E5/E6, and then the relationship between these ratios and chlorophylla plus phaeopigment concentration (C) observed simultaneously at 59 stations was examined by linear regression analysis. The observedC ranged over nearly three orders of magnitude, and there is a close to linear relationship between log10-R 45 and log10 C. This suggests that it may be possible to evaluateC from LANDSAT data, if an appropriate atmospheric correction is made. The relationship between suspended solids determined at 35 stations and the same ratios of upward irradiance is also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

丁慧 《海洋科学》2013,37(6):73-76
研究了氧化还原电位(Oxidation Reduction Potential, ORP)对海水中碳钢腐蚀电化学特征的影响,应用动电位极化曲线法探讨了 ORP 与碳钢腐蚀行为之间的关系。结果表明,海水的 ORP 参数对碳钢腐蚀行为具有较大的影响,其中 O2/OH?电对的作用占主导,其他电对如 Fe3+/Fe2+也有一定的影响。随着海水 ORP 的增大,其氧化能力越强,碳钢腐蚀电流增大,腐蚀速度加快。水质相对稳定的开放性大洋海水中,可以考虑海水氧化还原电位在碳钢腐蚀速度预测评估中的应用。  相似文献   

制盐工业的发展趋向于大型化、自动化。新工艺、新技术、新设备的不断出现与利用,加上原卤多样化,设备材料所处的腐蚀介质更加苛刻,因此金属材料的腐蚀问题更加严重,迫切需要解决相应的耐蚀材料。E_2钢的研制已  相似文献   

Through the flexural behavior test of coral aggregate reinforced concrete beams (CARCB) and ordinary Portland reinforced concrete beams (OPRCB), and based on the parameters of concrete types, concrete strength grades and reinforcement ratios, the crack development, failure mode, midspan deflection and flexural capacity were studied, the relationships of bending moment-midspan deflection, load-longitudinal tensile reinforcement strain, load-maximum crack width were established, and a calculation model for the flexural capacity of CARCB was suggested. The results showed that with the increase in the reinforcement ratio and concrete strength grade, the crack bending moment (Mcr) and ultimate bending moment (Mu) of CARCB gradually increased. The characteristics of CARCB and OPRCB are basically the same. Furthermore, through increasing the concrete strength grade and reinforcement ratio, Mcr/Mu could be increased to delay the cracking of CARCB. As the load increased, crack width (w) would also increase. At the beginning of the loading, w increased slowly. And then it increased rapidly when the load reached to the ultimate load, which then led to beam failure. Meanwhile, with a comprehensive consideration of the effects of steel corrosion on the loss of steel section and the decrease of steel yield strength, a more reasonable calculation model for the flexural capacity of CARCB was proposed.  相似文献   

动电位极化法评价海底土腐蚀性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用新设计的模拟海底沉积物腐蚀环境的电解池,研究动电位极化法评价海底土(1988年7月采于辽东湾)腐蚀性的可行性。结果表明,该方法能显示出当材料表面状态不同时以及当海土温度和电阻率变化时电极过程的差异,可用于海底土腐蚀性的测试。  相似文献   

The effects of marine photosynthesis and calcification on the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in seawater (P CO 2) are examined in the light of recent studies and using original model calculations. The ratio of organic carbon to inorganic carbon production (R OI) determines whether an ecosystem is a net sink or source for atmospheric CO2. TheP CO 2 maintains its initial value when the photosynthetic rate is approximately 0.6 times the calcification rate under normal sea surface condition. In case of higherR OI, theP CO 2 decreases and seawater can absorb atmospheric CO2. The ratio of organic carbon to inorganic carbon production can be used as a potential indicator of sink-source behavior in aquatic photo-calcifying systems.  相似文献   

公茂秀 《海洋科学》1986,10(1):39-43
随着海洋开发和交通运输事业的迅速发展,海上钢铁构筑物和大型船只日益增多,这就需要提供大量的耐海水腐蚀低合金高强度钢板,而目前我国这类耐海水腐蚀的结构材料几乎全靠进口。近十多年来,我国也在发展耐海  相似文献   

In order to study the durability behavior of marine reinforced concrete structure suffering from chloride attack,the structural service life is assumed to be divided into three critical stages,which can be characterized by steel corrosion and cover cracking.For each stage,a calculated model used to predict the lifetime is developed.Based on the definition of durability limit state,a probabilistic lifetime model and its time-dependent reliability analytical method are proposed considering the random natures of influencing factors.Then,the probabilistic lifetime prediction models are applied to a bridge pier located in the Hangzhou Bay with Monte Carlo simulation.It is found that the time to corrosion initiation t0 follows a lognormal distribution,while that the time from corrosion initiation to cover cracking t1 and the time for crack to develop from hairline crack to a limit crack width t2 can be described by Weibull distributions.With the permitted failure probability of 5.0%,it is also observed that the structural durability lifetime mainly depends on the durability life t0 and that the percentage of participation of the life t0 to the total service life grows from 61.5% to 83.6% when the cover thickness increases from 40 mm to 80 mm.Therefore,for any part of the marine RC bridge,the lifetime predictions and maintenance efforts should also be directed toward controlling the stage of corrosion initiation induced by chloride ion.  相似文献   

Waterfront structures such as seawalls, dikes, and levees are frequently subjected to scouring at the toe of the slope, leading to deteriorated performance and increased failure potential. To this end, some model reinforced steep-faced slopes consisting of a two-dimensional backfill were brought to failure to explore the failure mechanisms of some geosynthetic-reinforced slopes subjected to simulated toe scouring. Results of model tests indicate that in the case of shallow scouring, a reinforcement length (L) increase from 0.4 to 1.0 Ht (Ht, total height of reinforced walls) significantly increases the tolerance against toe scouring-induced failures. In this case, a local bearing capacity failure of facing is the dominant failure mode. In the case of deep scouring, an increase in L beyond 0.7 Ht provides no additional tolerance against toe scouring because the ultimate state is always associated with a global circular sliding in the unreinforced zone. Experimental values of the lateral pressure coefficient (Kt) converted from the measured reinforcement forces indicate that reinforcement forces consistently increase in response to toe scouring up to the final collapsing state and that the reinforcement forces for L?=?1.0 Ht mobilize more effectively than those for L?=?0.7 Ht.  相似文献   

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