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袁立明 《地球》2011,(11):79-80
百年地质人才的涌出,为中国今天从地质大国向地质强国的迈进,打下了坚实的基础,而教育又是人才培养的基础平台。章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、王烈、何杰、乐森、王嘉荫、谢家荣、杨钟健、孙云铸、张文佑、王仁、何作霖、马杏垣、高之狄、潘钟祥、侯仁之、郭文魁、涂光炽、刘东升、王鸿祯、董申保……  相似文献   

古生物的分类阶元与生物学相同.即界、门,纲、目、科、属、种,其间还有一些辅助单位如超科、超目、超纲、超门(生物学称总科、总目),亚种、亚属、亚科、亚目.亚纲、亚门等。  相似文献   

贾飞龙 《地球》2013,(11):27-28
11月2日至5日,2013中国国际矿业大会在天津市举行。大会经国务院批准,由国土资源部和天津市人民政府共同主办,发展改革委、科技部、工业和信息化部、财政部、环境保护部、商务部、国家开发银行、中国进出口银行、中国银行以及世界银行、澳大利亚驻华大使馆、加拿大驻华大使馆、南非驻华大使馆、智利驻华大使馆等单位协办。  相似文献   

<正>1《山西地震》是地震科技季刊,以刊登地震监测、预报、科研、工程地震、地震社会学等方面的成果以及防震减灾知识为主,亦刊登国内外地震科技情报资料等。辟有地震预报、观测分析、工程抗震、异常识别、地震社会学、技术革新、技术交流、综合评述、科研简讯、学术动态、问题讨论、外文译摘、外语阅读之窗、专题汇编、新技术讲座、科普园地、资料等栏目。2稿件文字力求言简意赅,引用数据、公式应准确,文稿  相似文献   

王福泉 《地球》2012,(6):104-105
1985年金秋时节,中国地质博物馆迎来了新中国第一个宝石(学)陈列室的诞生。新宝石馆就坐落在北京西四中国地质博物馆三楼北大厅。新馆建成至今已有27年。回首往事,思绪万千,特记一二,以资纪念。新馆陈列面积220余平方米。展出中外百余种高中档珠宝玉石标本,有钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石、祖母绿、猫眼、珍珠、翡翠、欧泊、碧玺、橄榄石、方柱石、石榴石、绿松石、青  相似文献   

《湖泊科学》是中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所和中国海洋湖沼学会主办的综合性学术期刊,主要报道反映湖泊(含水库)及其流域在人与自然相互作用下资源、生态、环境变化的最新研究成果,刊载与湖泊科学有关的各学科(如物理学、化学、生物学、生态学、地质学、地理学等)以及湖泊工程、流域综合管理的理论性或应用性研究论文、简报和综述,《湖泊科学》目前为双月刊,每1、3、5、7、9、11月6日由科学出版社出版.  相似文献   

<正>《华南地震》是中国科技核心期刊,国内外公开发行。主要刊登地震学、地震预报、地震观测技术、地震地质、地震工程、诱发地震、防震减灾对策等方面的论文、综述、评论、科研简报和问题讨论等,为地震科研、观测、管理人员和高等院校有关专业师生,以及建工、水工、国土规划、环保等部门和政府部门有关人员提供学术交流园地,欢迎各界人士踊跃投稿。来稿要求和注意事项:(1)来稿应包括标题、作者、作者单位、地址、邮编、摘要、关键词(3~8个)、引言(前言)、正文、结语和参考文献;英  相似文献   

王铸金 《地球》2013,(5):50-53
正仿佛真应了好莱坞灾难大片《2012》的预言,2012年,长沙、北京、上海、西安、杭州、合肥、鞍山、广州、沈阳、哈尔滨、南京等地频繁发生地陷现象,让人们有一种世界末日的恐慌。如今2012已经过去,虽然世界并没有末日,但是地陷危机依然令人"步  相似文献   

《临床放射学杂志》是一份面向国内外公开发行的医学影像学学术性刊物。以"保证质量、具有特色、重视临床、普及提高"为办刊宗旨。辟有:读片窗、中枢神经放射学、头颈部放射学、胸部放射学、腹部放射学、骨骼肌肉放射学、介入放射学、小儿放射学、实验研究、医学  相似文献   

2012年6月26日,在中国地震学会第14次学术大会上,第8届李善邦青年优秀地震科技论文奖候选人做了大会报告.根据《李善邦青年优秀地震科技论文奖简章》的有关条例,经过评审委员会成员:陈运泰、陈颙、张国民、张培震、陈晓非、郝记川、王兰民、吴忠良、张晓东、李小军、马胜利、金星、刘玉辰、石耀霖、孙柏涛等专家的评审,中国地震学会决定授予:  相似文献   

吴忠良 《中国地震》1994,10(2):175-181
本文通过扩散置限凝聚模型的物理学背景和地震学背景以及DLA模型对一些地震现象的定性解释等几个方面,讨论了DLA模型的地震学意义,并试图以此为基础,探讨这类普适的动力学生长模型应用于地震预测研究的潜力和困难。  相似文献   

地震台站的数据共享和安全访问是基于IPv4的地震观测网络系统急需解决的关键技术问题,由于IPv4的地址局限,缺乏安全认证和数据加密措施,现有的地震观测网络系统建立在私有IP地址的行业局域网,只能实现基于台网级的数据共享访问。下一代互联网IPv6协议取代IPv4是必然趋势,本研究以实现台站级数据访问为目标,构建在IPv6网络环境下地震观测网络系统的安全组网模型,同时针对现有观测系统的特点,探讨IPv4地震观测系统过渡到IPv6的系统模型,为下一步IPv6技术在地震行业的推广应用打下基础。  相似文献   

GIS as a Tool for Seismological Data Processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
—?A computerized application of an integrated seismological GIS model is presented. An object oriented approach of the GIS topology is introduced and the special functions and features of this system are described. A network topology was selected to simulate the network characteristics of seismological data management and analysis. Each seismological entity is considered as a graphical data object, which is associated to other objects by predefined relationships. The graphical user interface introduced by GIS enables to handle seismological software routines and data in a more intuitive way. Examples of interactive processing of seismic waveforms for detecting, locating and characterizing seismic events using GIS visualization capabilities are presented. The benefits of this system during a passive seismic survey in the framework of the CTBT are highlighted.  相似文献   

逾渗模型的地震学含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据地震统计力学的结果从理论上讨论了逾渗模型的地震学含义,指出用这类几何相变模型研究地震破裂问题的处理方法不仅仅是一种唯象的类比,从其物理意义出发能够得到一些富有启发性的结果,并可在一定程度上明确逾渗模型应用于地震破裂和地震活动性研究的能力和限度。  相似文献   

The seismological model was developed initially from the fundamental relationship between earthquake ground motion properties and the seismic moment generated at the source of the earthquake. Following two decades of continuous seismological research in the United States, seismological models which realistically account for both the source and path effects on the seismic shear waves have been developed and their accuracy rigorously verified (particularly in the long and medium period ranges). An important finding from the seismological research by Atkinson and Boore and their co‐investigators is the similarity of the average frequency characteristics of seismic waves generated at the source between the seemingly very different seismic environments of Eastern and Western North America (ENA and WNA, respectively). A generic definition of the average source properties of earthquakes has therefore been postulated, referred to herein as the generic source model. Further, the generic ‘hard rock’ crustal model which is characteristic of ENA and the generic ‘rock’ crustal model characteristic of WNA have been developed to combine with the generic source model, hence enabling simulations to be made of the important path‐related modifications to ground motions arising from different types of crustal rock materials. It has been found that the anelastic contribution to whole path attenuation is consistent between the ENA and WNA models, for earthquake ground motions (response spectral velocities and displacements) in the near and medium fields, indicating that differences in the ENA and WNA motions arise principally from the other forms of path‐related modifications, namely the mid‐crust amplification and the combined effect of the upper‐crust amplification and attenuation, both of which are significant only for the generic WNA ‘rock’ earthquake ground motions. This paper aims to demonstrate the effective utilization of the latest seismological model, comprising the generic source and crustal models, to develop a response spectral attenuation model for direct engineering applications. The developed attenuation model also comprises a source factor and several crustal (wave‐path modification) component factors, and thus has also been termed herein the component attenuation model (CAM). Generic attenuation relationships in CAM, which embrace both ENA and WNA conditions, have been developed using stochastic simulations. The crustal classification of a region outside North America can be based upon regional seismological and geological information. CAM is particularly useful for areas where local strong motion data are lacking for satisfactory empirical modelling. In the companion paper entitled ‘response spectrum modelling for rock sites in low and moderate seismicity regions combining velocity, displacement and acceleration predictions’, the CAM procedure has been incorporated into a response spectrum model which can be used to effectively define the seismic hazard of bedrock sites in low and moderate seismicity regions. This paper and the companion paper constitute the basis of a long‐term objective of the authors, to develop and effectively utilize the seismological model for engineering applications worldwide.  相似文献   

本文简述了我国地震标准化发展从无到有、从小到大经历的4个主要阶段,基于地震标准发布实施时间及业务领域分布统计对地震标准现状进行详细分析,阐述我国现行地震标准特点和存在的问题。在进一步研究地震标准体系的基础上,提出了完善建议,并初步构建了新的地震标准体系框架。通过对现行地震标准和标准体系的分析,提出地震标准化思考与建议,以期为进一步推进地震标准化工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The 1771 Yaeyama tsunami is successfully reproduced using a simple faulting model without submarine landslide. The Yaeyama tsunami (M 7.4), which struck the southern Ryukyu Islands of Japan, produced unusually high tsunami amplitudes on the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island and caused significant damage, including 12,000 casualties. Previous tsunami source models for this event have included both seismological faults and submarine landslides. However, no evidence of landslides in the source has been obtained, despite marine surveying of the area. The seismological fault model proposed in this study, describing a fault to the east of Ishigaki Island, successfully reproduces the distribution of tsunami runup on the southern coast of the Ryukyu Islands. The unusual runup heights are found through the numerical simulation attributable to a concentration of tsunami energy toward the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island by the effect of the shelf to the east. Thus, the unusual runup heights observed on the southeastern coast of Ishigaki Island can be adequately explained by a seismological fault model with wave-ray bending on the adjacent shelf.  相似文献   

地震档案信息资源是宝贵的财富,地震档案工作者应不断提高自身素质,充分开发地震档案资源,利用现代化手段进行信息发布,使其能最大限度地为地震科研服务。  相似文献   

Through applying the energy-flux model to teleseismic P-wave data, seismological scattering Q and intrinsic Q for the western margin of the Sichuan basin in southwestern China are estimated separately. The results exemplify the frequency-dependent Q values in the seismic frequency band. The scattering Q is heavily frequency-dependent and reaches a minimum at ~1.5 Hz. The intrinsic Q is nearly invariant for frequencies above 2 Hz and rapidly increases at lower frequencies. A major advantage of the energy-flux model is that it is a phenomenological model based on the conservation of energy and requires no geometrical spreading correction. The results are good counterexamples against the claim of a frequency-independent seismological Q.  相似文献   

地震科技信息的积累和应用是我国地震科学事业发展的基础,我国的地震信息工作在地震预报的探索和研究中以及地震工程应用中,均发挥了重要的作用,为进一步认识地震科技信息的重要性,发展这一事业,本文就地震科学研究与地震科技信息的内在联系,地震科技信息的运行机制及地震科技信息工作的发展提出了一些新的观点。  相似文献   

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