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石油安全对一个国家的经济发展具有重大意义。随着中国经济的持续快速增长,以及受国内石油资源短缺、石油地缘政治等因素的影响,国内石油供需矛盾进一步加剧,石油安全问题日益显现。为科学地评价中国石油安全的程度,先从国内资源禀赋、国内生产能力、国际市场可得性和国家应急保障能力4个方面设计了石油安全评价指标体系;然后,再采用德尔菲法、主成分分析法,选取国内原油储采比、国内原油储量替代率、国内石油消费对外依存度、国内石油进口集中度、国际原油价格和国内石油储备水平6个要素指标,构成一个新的综合指标,即石油安全度;最后,以石油安全度为工具,对中国近年来石油安全的形势进行了定量评价。  相似文献   

石油安全对一个国家的经济发展具有重大意义.随着中国经济的持续快速增长,以及受国内石油资源短缺、石油地缘政治等因素的影响,国内石油供需矛盾进一步加剧,石油安全问题日益显现.为科学地评价中国石油安全的程度,先从国内资源禀赋、国内生产能力、国际市场可得性和国家应急保障能力4个方面设计了石油安全评价指标体系;然后,再采用德尔菲法、主成分分析法,选取国内原油储采比、国内原油储量替代率、国内石油消费对外依存度、国内石油进口集中度、国际原油价格和国内石油储备水平6个要素指标,构成一个新的综合指标,即石油安全度;最后,以石油安全度为工具,对中国近年来石油安全的形势进行了定量评价.  相似文献   

中国石油资源安全评价   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
通过分析石油安全的影响因素, 分短期和长期分别建立了石油安全评价指标体系。运用层次分析法评估了中国不同阶段的石油安全, 其结果表明: 石油市场(短期)安全随着价格变化而不断波动; 石油战略(长期)安全随着我国石油消费量的不断上升, 石油安全状况呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

石油安全对一个国家的经济发展具有重大意义.随着中国经济的持续快速增长,以及受国内石油资源短缺、石油地缘政治等因素的影响,国内石油供需矛盾进一步加剧,石油安全问题日益显现.为科学地评价中国石油安全的程度,先从国内资源禀赋、国内生产能力、国际市场可得性和国家应急保障能力4个方面设计了石油安全评价指标体系;然后,再采用德尔菲法、主成分分析法,选取国内原油储采比、国内原油储量替代率、国内石油消费对外依存度、国内石油进口集中度、国际原油价格和国内石油储备水平6个要素指标,构成一个新的综合指标,即石油安全度;最后,以石油安全度为工具,对中国近年来石油安全的形势进行了定量评价.  相似文献   

陈其慎 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1091-1098
从进口集中度、进口来源国稳定性、运输通道风险和进口量占世界比例四个指标入手,构建了海外石油供应风险评价方法,定量评价了2000年至2017年中国海外石油供应风险变化趋势,结果显示,过去17年,中国海外石油供应风险整体呈不断增长趋势。通过分析中国海外石油供应风险不断提高的原因,研判未来中国海外石油供应风险趋势,提出了提高中国石油供应安全的对策建议:一是努力提高核能、太阳能、水电、风能等新能源供应比例,力争到2030年将石油消费量控制在总能源消费的13%以内;二是全力保障中东石油供应安全,持续推进中俄石油资源合作,巩固、提升中亚石油资源供应能力,加强与非洲、东南亚、南美等地的石油合作;三是平衡多渠道来源,到2025年,力争进口来源实现中东1/4,俄罗斯及中亚1/4,美洲1/4,非洲及东南亚等地1/4,真正实现中国石油资源供应安全。  相似文献   

张斌 《安徽地质》2006,16(1):9-15
自上个世纪90年代以来,我国经济的高速发展引发了石油消费的快速增长,石油对外依存度逐年提高。为确保国家石油安全,中国三大石油公司作为国家“走出去”战略的实践者,大力开拓海外石油市场,取得了初步的成效。本文从中东地区某资源国一个石油风险勘探项目入手,通过分析中国石油公司在该资源国实施石油风险勘探项目过程中遇到的问题和困难,然后以点带面,重点从国家层面上有针对性地提出了解决问题的建议,以推动和保证海外风险勘探事业的持续和良性发展。  相似文献   

姜志豪  钟维琼  韩梅 《地球学报》2023,44(2):387-394
为应对后疫情时代及地缘政治影响下石油贸易新格局, 保障新时代、新格局下中国石油安全, 本文以全球石油贸易新格局为背景, 对中国、俄罗斯、印度、沙特阿拉伯四国石油贸易进行建模。由于沙特阿拉伯与中国、印度石油贸易长期处于安全、稳定状态, 本次实验运用演化博弈理论对中国与印度的能源竞争以及中国与俄罗斯的能源合作进行定量分析。研究结果表明: 1)印度持续增加俄罗斯石油进口将对我国石油安全造成威胁, 在印度对俄罗斯的石油进口占比达到16.5%时, 将改变四国石油贸易结构, 成为我国的重要威胁。2)俄罗斯出口意愿对结果产生直接影响, 在俄罗斯出口意愿持续降低时, 仿真结果产生变化, 对我国石油安全造成威胁。在世界石油贸易格局变化后的新时代, 本研究对保障中国石油安全有重要意义。  相似文献   

张鹏  李春城  李国玉  王学力  王飞 《冰川冻土》2016,38(5):1325-1331
多年冻土区石油污染物迁移过程和特点、污染定量评价、防治和治理措施研发,都是目前寒区经济发展和能源开发迫切需要解决的重要课题.通过室内试验对土体温度场分布、水分分布和石油总量分布的监测分析,研究了冻融循环作用对迁移过程的影响机制.试验结果表明,冻融循环作用通过影响石油污染物本身的物理性质、土颗粒对石油污染物的吸附作用和土体内水相的分布和相状态,影响了石油污染物的迁移过程.原油黏度随温度的降低逐渐增加,使得原油在土体中的迁移能力降低.冻融循环是油水迁移的主要驱动力之一,随着冻融循环的增加,石油污染物和水分向上迁移并聚集,石油随土样高度增加逐渐减小,而水分随高度增加而增加且在一定的位置聚集.研究成果可为多年冻土区石油污染迁移过程和定量评价及防治治理提供重要基础和参考.  相似文献   

2017年以来,全球石油消费持续疲软,消费增速呈逐渐下降的趋势,新冠肺炎疫情对石油需求的打击更是"雪上加霜".本文回顾了疫情发生以来国际原油价格及大型油气公司股票价格的走势,探讨了疫情对全球石油需求和供应市场的影响,研判了短期及中长期全球石油供需格局,得出了三点结论:(1)疫情对全球石油需求产生重大冲击,预计2020年...  相似文献   

典型国家部门石油消费轨迹及对中国的启示   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
邹愉  王高尚  于汶加  林建 《地球学报》2010,31(5):666-672
本文通过分析发达国家部门石油消费历史, 系统揭示了各部门消费具有如下轨迹: 工业、商业和民用部门呈倒“U”形变化, 工业部门在人均GDP10000~13000美元到达消费顶点, 民用部门顶点出现在人均GDP 11000~15000美元, 商业则在人均15000~20000美元时到达消费峰值区。交通部门呈“S”形轨迹变化, 消费量已占石油总消费的60%, 消费顶点对应的人均GDP在 20000~22000美元之间; 工业-民用-商业-交通各部门消费顶点呈波次性出现。以发达国家石油部门消费轨迹为基础, 结合中国消费现状, 指出中国各部门石油消费仍沿着发达国家的消费轨迹呈上升趋势; 对交通部门的分析表明, 发达国家的石油消费模式对中国而言不可持续, 必须通过节能降耗、科技创新等有效手段, 从根本上转变消费模式, 积极走新型发展之路。  相似文献   

Mazen Labban 《Geoforum》2010,41(4):541-552
Relations between oil scarcity, production, investment, and price have become increasingly mediated and shaped by financial markets. Yet, the mediation of finance is absent in peak oil narratives, which posit a direct relation between the availability of oil in the ground and its price on the market. The orthodox critique of peak oil deconstructs its basis in geological limits only to reproduce the argument from scarcity and reverse the relationship between the price of oil and its availability on the market. Both narratives are formulated in physical space and do not account for the degree to which the oil market has become infused by the logic of finance. Critical political economy, on the other hand, demonstrates the extent to which finance has transformed capital accumulation, only to render material production somewhat irrelevant to the accumulation of capital. This is equally problematic, given oil companies’ continuing investment in production and reserve expansion. The relation between accumulation, investment, and production under finance needs to be examined rather than discarded. I argue that finance has emancipated the circulation of oil in the world market from its circulation in physical space, fragmenting the oil market into a physical and a financial component, but reintegrating both under the dominance of financial logic without transcending their duality and their differences. I explicate this relation by examining the circulation of oil in trade and investment under the dictates of finance to open questions on current theorizations of oil scarcity in relation to prices, markets, and investment.  相似文献   

后危机时代矿产品价格趋势分析   总被引:17,自引:13,他引:4  
王高尚 《地球学报》2010,31(5):629-634
通过对近50年来石油、铜、铝、镍价格变化趋势分析, 总结了矿产品价格长周期变化规律: 不变价格呈周期性下降趋势, 现价价格呈台阶状上升趋势。铜、铝、镍不变价格的绝对下降反映了人类技术进步带来生产效率的不断提高, 而石油不变价格的上升反映了资源稀缺程度对石油价格的重要影响; 由资源稀缺性决定的资源性商品的生产效率难以与其他商品生产效率同步提高, 必然以现价价格阶段性上涨实现价格平衡。结合矿产品成本、供需趋势和市场体系分析, 判断后金融危机时代矿产品价格平台为: 石油60~80美元/桶、铜3500美元/吨、铝2100美元/吨、镍14000美元/吨。  相似文献   

The paper uses a capital asset pricing model to analyze the market risk in the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and clean development mechanisms (CDM) and Zipf analysis technology to analyze the carbon price volatility in different expectations of returns in the two markets. The results show that the systematic risk of the EU ETS market is around 0.07 %, but the CDM market is clearly divided into two stages; the systematic risk of the futures contracts in the first stage (DEC09–DEC12) is less than the EU ETS market, but the systematic risk of the futures contracts that enter the market is greater than the EU ETS market and has a higher market sensitivity, although on the unsystematic risk. The CDM market is always greater than the EU ETS market. Abnormal returns in the two carbon markets are both lower than 0.02 %, but CDM is higher. The probability of price down is greater than that of price up. The carbon price is affected by market mechanisms and external factors (economic crisis and environmental policies) in the low expectations of returns. However, in the high expectations of returns, compared with the CDM market, the carbon price change in the EU ETS market is less stable and has higher risks.  相似文献   

Tang  Bao-jun  Shen  Cheng  Zhao  Yi-fan 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):333-346

The paper uses a capital asset pricing model to analyze the market risk in the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and clean development mechanisms (CDM) and Zipf analysis technology to analyze the carbon price volatility in different expectations of returns in the two markets. The results show that the systematic risk of the EU ETS market is around 0.07 %, but the CDM market is clearly divided into two stages; the systematic risk of the futures contracts in the first stage (DEC09–DEC12) is less than the EU ETS market, but the systematic risk of the futures contracts that enter the market is greater than the EU ETS market and has a higher market sensitivity, although on the unsystematic risk. The CDM market is always greater than the EU ETS market. Abnormal returns in the two carbon markets are both lower than 0.02 %, but CDM is higher. The probability of price down is greater than that of price up. The carbon price is affected by market mechanisms and external factors (economic crisis and environmental policies) in the low expectations of returns. However, in the high expectations of returns, compared with the CDM market, the carbon price change in the EU ETS market is less stable and has higher risks.


Carbon emissions trading is being used by more and more countries or regions to solve the global warming problem. The establishment of China’s carbon market mechanism is still under exploration and improvement. This paper focuses on the price determination mechanism in the carbon market. Based on the price theories, we analyze the theoretical basis of the carbon price formation and the carbon price transmission mechanism from the perspective of the agents that affect carbon price. From these angles including residents’ demands, enterprises’ actual emissions and indirect effects on residents’ demands, the government’s setting for carbon market institutions and indirect effects on residents and enterprises, as well as energy markets and financial markets, we analyze how these factors influence the carbon price. In turn, we discuss how carbon price affects the enterprise costs, energy-saving technologies and residents’ welfare. Besides, we summarize the current price mechanism of domestic and overseas major carbon markets. Finally, based on the current research on carbon price theory and its influencing factors, we also present some further directions on carbon price mechanism and influencing factors including China’s carbon market price mechanism design, the quantitative analysis of carbon price factors and improvement of carbon price theory.  相似文献   

铜资源现状与发展态势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进入21世纪以来,全球矿业走出低谷,步入了新一轮矿业繁荣周期.铜作为一种重要矿种,在过去的十多年里,经历了空前的繁荣,铜矿勘查开发投入屡创新高,国际铜价在中国、印度等新兴经济体强劲需求的带动下,走向高位,甚至出现了过度金融化倾向,价格泡沫化严重.中国国内铜储量严重不足,对外依存度高达70%,外加国际铜价虚高,对中国贯彻落实“立足国内,充分利用国内国外两种资源市场”的战略方针提出了严峻挑战.文章较为系统地总结了全球铜资源的总体发展态势以及中国铜资源的基本现状和特点,并对未来十年中国铜资源的供需形势进行了预测,提出应立足国内,以地质找矿新机制为核心,加大后续勘探开发投入力度,将近十年来地质大调查查明的铜资源储量转换为铜储量,提升资源保证程度.同时,针对国际铜价出现的重大转变,应充分利用市场机制实现国家和铜产业利益的最大化.  相似文献   

Gavin Bridge  Andrew Wood 《Geoforum》2010,41(4):565-576
Our objective in this paper is to understand the significance of the peak oil claim for the large, publicly-traded oil companies to whom the tasks of finding oil, extracting it and delivering it to market have been allocated. On the face of it, peak oil would appear to offer the ultimate solution to a problem that has plagued the international oil industry for the last one hundred years: how to organise scarcity in the face of prodigious abundance. We examine how publicly-traded oil firms (‘Big Oil’) are engaging with the discourse and science of peak oil, and find that peak oil positions firms like Exxon, BP and Shell in a number of different and quite complex ways: as a beneficiary (of a higher price regime), but also as a victim (of shrinking reserves) and a suspect (for under-investing in exploration or exploiting reserves too rapidly). We find a surprising lack of consensus among Big Oil about the significance of peak oil’s core claim for an imminent, permanent decline in the production of conventional grades of crude, and we conclude that peak oil is not regarded as strategic priority for oil producers (the contrast here with climate change is instructive). To understand why this is the case we turn from the physical science-based account of peak oil to political economy, and examine the contradictory character of Big Oil’s current position. We show how the strong financial returns to Big Oil in the last few years mask a precarious structural position when it comes to reserves access and reserves replacement. Critically the origins of this squeeze originate primarily above-ground: in the ownership of reserves, the politics of resource access and the changing structure of the international oil industry, and not below-ground in geological limits. Accordingly, we reject the simple assumption that increasing geological scarcity explains/justifies high returns, and argue that the relative marginalisation of peak oil within Big Oil’s strategic concerns reflects the way it misdiagnoses the cause of oil companies’ woes when it comes to finding and replacing reserves. We conclude that peak oil’s claim of physically-induced scarcity obfuscates rather than illuminates when it comes to understanding the opportunities for - and constraints on - accumulation in the upstream oil sector.  相似文献   

This paper uses the example of catastrophe bonds to investigate how exposures to geophysical, biological, and meteorological catastrophic events are constituted as securitizable and exchangeable financial risks in the insurance-linked securities (ILS) market. It discusses the techniques of catastrophe modeling as a pivotal mobile methodology for the calculation and creation of contingent assets out of the fabric of insured environmental and financial vulnerabilities. Catastrophe models are shown to enable economic exchange of contingent futures belonging to ontologically and geographically disparate orders. Pension funds are then introduced to illustrate how biological lives and retirement savings have become deeply entangled in the creation and extension of the ILS market. Pension funds are both major institutional investors in catastrophe bonds and also the principal sellers of “longevity risk” posed by pensioners. The extent to which labor both profits from and embodies securitized insurance risks illustrates the growing importance and ambivalence of contingency as a modality of accumulation and rule.  相似文献   

Taming global flood disasters. Lessons learned from Dutch experience   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
There is a growing international recognition that flood risk management in optima forma should be a programmed and flexible process of continuously improving management practices by active learning about the outcome of earlier and ongoing interventions and drivers of change. In the Netherlands, such a long-term, adaptive flood risk management strategy is now being implemented. This so-called second Delta Programme aims to identify and exploit opportunities and capitalize on short-term benefits and opportunistic synergies that arise from change and will require adaptive policymaking. It also requires the financial and institutional means to operate in a long-lasting way, which at the very least, means engaging stakeholders, gathering and disseminating results and adaptation of future plans. Transferring the Dutch approach to other countries is a major challenge that calls for fundamental changes in institutional arrangements at various levels and thus requires customized programmes for strategic institutional change. Recent examples of transfer will provide important lessons of how institutional change can successfully occur and will contribute insights for other countries that attempting to reform their flood risk management strategies. Continuous monitoring and evaluation and sharing international experiences will become crucial for the effective delivery and wider uptake of these new strategies around the globe.  相似文献   

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