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张延 《探矿工程》2001,(4):65-67
讨论了铁路隧道施工中的瓦斯隧道合理的界定标准、监测方法、正常防范的施工技术和紧急防范对策,并通过黄莲坡瓦斯隧道工程实例,强调瓦斯隧道施工安全技术的重要性。  相似文献   

详细介绍了地震CT技术的原理及其特点,并结合工程实例,分析了它在隧道工程中对隧道前方地质情况进行超前预报的实用性,以及对工程施工的指导作用,指出了该技术在隧道工程领域的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

介绍了忠武管道山岭隧道工程的特点、隧道内管道敷设的形式。并指出:管道设计人自应该了解或掌握隧道设计技术,只有这样.在线路技术方案比选时,才能将隧道和管道线路结合考虑,使其达到最优化的组合;管道用隧道的选用应根据管道工程的功能要求,结合现场地形地质条件和各线路比连方案,经经济技术综合比选确定;管道用隧道轴线的布置既要考虑管道敷设的要求,也要考虑隧道施工的可行性和安全性要求。  相似文献   

代树林  佴磊门妮 《探矿工程》2007,34(4):60-61,63
小净距隧道是有别于连拱隧道和分离式隧道的一种特殊的隧道结构形式,其施工方法和中岩柱加固技术还处于研究发展阶段。论述了小净距隧道开挖方法和中岩柱加固技术。  相似文献   

贺梁 《探矿工程》2005,32(1):61-64
结合渝怀铁路武隆隧道进口瓦斯地段安全施工实例,介绍了隧道瓦斯地段的各种施工技术措施,保证了瓦斯隧道的施工和运营安全。  相似文献   

探地雷达技术在隧道工程质量验收中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了探地雷达检测技术的基本原理和工作方法,并以湘西某公路隧道为实例,指出了应用探地雷达技术进行隧道工程质量检测的主要内容和检测方式,说明了探地雷达技术在隧道工程质量验收应用中的可行性和技术优势;同时,探讨了一些检测过程中的关键技术和注意事项。经数据处理和图像解释,发现检测结果与实际情况基本一致。  相似文献   

岩溶地区长大隧道涌水灾害预测预报技术   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
对隧道岩溶灾害研究,前人曾做过大量细致的工作,但由于问题的复杂性,论述多停留在灾害的一般定性描述,距解决实际问题尚有较大差距,本文将重点研究长大隧道岩溶涌水等灾害的预测预报技术,文中简要介绍了岩溶地区长大隧道岩溶水的特殊性,分析了隧道涌水涌 泥及地表塌陷等灾害发生的规律。在此基础上提出以环境同位素技术,浅层反射波法,层析成像技术为主的结合化学动力学水文地质学理论的综合预测预报技术。  相似文献   

隔热保温技术在多年冻土隧道中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏新民 《冰川冻土》2003,25(8):104-107
结合青藏铁路多年冻土隧道的设计,通过对多年冻土特殊性、寒区隧道病害及冻胀机理的分析,提出了多年冻土隧道设计中应用隔热保温技术的思路。  相似文献   

隧道施工技术与市场展望地矿部勘查技术司安耀五一年多来,在为坑探市场服务中,接触了大量的隧道市场信息和招标工程。现做些介绍。1隧道工程市场概况隧道工程市场前景广阔,国家基础行业水利、交通、能源中有大量的隧道工程。三峡工程、南水北调、京九铁路、两纵两横4...  相似文献   

前地质探测是隧道安全施工的重要保障,水平钻探技术具有直接和准确的特点,因此快速水平钻探技术成为超前地质探测的主要手段之一。以宜万铁路齐岳山隧道为背景,研究了隧道施工过程中快速水平钻探的点位选择、钻进工艺、数据处理等技术,探讨了快速水平钻探与其他探测手段的配合方法。  相似文献   

西斜坡区萨二、三油层砂体输导层输导天然气效率评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了研究砂体输导层输导天然气效率,在砂体输导层输导天然气能力影响因素分析的基础上,建立了一个砂体输导层输导天然气能力评价参数,利用此评价参数对我国11个以砂体为主要输导通道的大中型气田砂体输导层输导天然气能力进行了研究。通过我国11个以砂体为主要输导通道的大中型气田天然气聚集效率与砂体输导层输导天然气能力评价参数之间的关系研究得到,高效、中效和低效砂体输导层输导天然气能力评价参数分别为大于0.25,0.250.03和小于0.03。根据西斜坡区萨二、三油层砂体输导层输导特征,对其砂体输导层输导天然气效率进行了研究,得到西斜坡区萨二、三油层砂体输导层输导天然气效率相对较高,仅在富拉尔基以西有限地区为中、低效砂体输导层输导天然气能力区,其余广大地区皆为高效砂体输导层输导天然气能力区。目前西斜坡区萨二、三油层已发现的天然气藏皆分布在高效砂体输导层输导天然气能力区内,表明齐家—古龙凹陷生成排出的天然气向西斜坡区运移具良好的输导条件。   相似文献   

天然气盖层实验研究及评价   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
盖层是烃类聚集的必要条件.排替压力则是评价盖层的关键参数.本文主要通过泥质岩的实验研究,着重分析了突破压力与突破时间的关系。根据它们之间一定的函数关系.提出了求取岩石排替压力的方法,并且通过实验和实际资料的研究提出了盖层分级评价的标准。  相似文献   

The flow pattern of reactive metamorphic fluid through six outcrops of micaceous, carbonate-bearing sandstones from the Vassalboro Formation was determined by calculating and mapping fluid-rock ratios for numerous samples within each outcrop. The ratio of maximum to minimum measured fluid/rock varied by factors of only 1.3-22.9 in each outcrop. Fluid flow was pervasive at metamorphic grades ranging from the biotite through the sillimanite zones. Average fluid-rock ratio for the outcrops increases with increasing grade of metamorphism from 0.4 in the biotite zone to 1.4 in the sillimanite zone.The flow pattern of reactive fluid through impure sandstones of the Vassalboro Formation was different at low and medium grades from fluid flow through the limestone member of the adjacent Waterville Formation. In the biotite and garnet zones, fluid flow through the Waterville Formation was channelized with channelways corresponding to individual lithologic layers that acted as metamorphic aquifers. Fluid-rock ratios recorded by the aquifers are greater than those recorded by the intervening beds by factors of up to 50–60. At the highest grades of metamorphism (sillimanite zone), however, flow through the Waterville Formation was as pervasive as through the Vassalboro Formation.The Waterville and Vassalboro Formations experienced the same metamorphic event. The difference in pattern of fluid flow through the two formations therefore reflects the important control that lithology exerts on the permeability of rocks during metamorphism. Micaceous, carbonate-bearing sandstones evidently were more permeable than argillaceous carbonate rocks. The greater permeability of the sandstones may result from a greater concentration of grain boundaries between unlike minerals in the rocks.  相似文献   

目前,在工程实践中对原状土样的采取多通过开挖竖井及平洞的方法进行,但在埋深较大的情况下,由于开挖坚井及平洞较为困难,多采取钻探取样的方法。但对钻孔样与原状样试验结果的差异性研究目前还比较少,本文通过对引黄部干线7^#沿出口段土洞段钻探取样与平洞取样(原状样)土工试验成果资料的对比,并对各种物理力学指标存在的差异进行分析,从而提出钻探取样方法对土样的压密性与土体的密实性的关系,进一步提出钻探取样方法在工程实践中特定条件下的实用性。  相似文献   

泥石流是北京山区主要的地质灾害,北京市于2003年启动了地质灾害气象预警预报工作,但近几年的预报效果并不理想。为进一步提高泥石流灾害预警预报的准确性,选取地形、地层岩性、地质构造和植被作为基础因子,以北京市地质灾害易发分区为响应因子,以降雨作为诱发因子,根据各因子与泥石流灾害的相关性分析,采用层次分析法(AHP)计算各因子的权重系数,提出了基于可拓理论的泥石流预警预报模型,并通过G IS系统和IDL开发平台实现准确预报。利用20组历史上北京地区发生的泥石流雨量资料对建立的预警预报模型进行验证,结果表明模型预报结果与实际情况基本吻合。研究成果对于提高北京市泥石流灾害预警预报水平,减少人民生命和财产损失具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Previous studies have computed and modeled fluid flow through fractured rock with the parallel plate approach where the volumetric flow per unit width normal to the direction of flow is proportional to the cubed aperture between the plates, referred to as the traditional cubic law. When combined with the square root relationship of displacement to length scaling of opening-mode fractures, total flow rates through natural opening-mode fractures are found to be proportional to apertures to the fifth power. This new relationship was explored by examining a suite of flow simulations through fracture networks using the discrete fracture network model (DFN). Flow was modeled through fracture networks with the same spatial distribution of fractures for both correlated and uncorrelated fracture length-to-aperture relationships. Results indicate that flow rates are significantly higher for correlated DFNs. Furthermore, the length-to-aperture relations lead to power-law distributions of network hydraulic conductivity which greatly influence equivalent permeability tensor values. These results confirm the importance of the correlated square root relationship of displacement to length scaling for total flow through natural opening-mode fractures and, hence, emphasize the role of these correlations for flow modeling.  相似文献   

徐江伟  余闯  蔡晓庆  杨萌 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):109-114
土工膜和下伏压实黏土组成的复合衬层已被广泛用作填埋场的防渗屏障系统。有机污染物在复合衬层中迁移时,其主要运移机制是扩散作用。假设有机污染物在土工膜中稳态扩散,并假设在下伏衬层中扩散系数为迁移距离的线性函数,且考虑降解作用的影响,建立了有机污染物在复合衬层中的一维扩散模型,针对零浓度下边界条件,获得了模型解析解。基于该解析解,分析讨论了相关参数的敏感性。结果表明,相关参数对计算结果影响很大,降解半衰期对污染物运移同样存在较大影响。该解析模型仅适用于有机污染物在两层复合衬垫中的迁移问题,可为填埋场的初步设计提供参考  相似文献   

Potassium chloride (KCl) and potassium bromide (KBr) tracers were used to explore the role of geologic structure on groundwater recharge and flow at the Fractured Rock Research Site in Floyd County, Virginia, USA. Tracer migration was monitored through soil, saprolite, and fractured crystalline bedrock for a period of 3 months with chemical, physical, and geophysical techniques. The tracers were applied at specific locations on the ground surface to directly test flow pathways in a shallow saprolite and deep fractured-rock aquifer. Tracer monitoring was accomplished with differential electrical resistivity, chemical sampling, and physical monitoring of water levels and spring discharge. KCl, applied at a concentration of 10,000 mg/L, traveled 160 m downgradient through the thrust fault aquifer to a spring outlet in 24 days. KBr, applied at a concentration of 5,000 mg/L, traveled 90 m downgradient through the saprolite aquifer in 19 days. Tracer breakthrough curves indicate diffuse flow through the saprolite aquifer and fracture flow through the crystalline thrust fault aquifer. Monitoring saline tracer migration through soil, saprolite, and fractured rock provided data on groundwater recharge that would not have been available using other traditional hydrologic methods. Travel times and flowpaths observed during this study support preferential groundwater recharge controlled by geologic structure.  相似文献   

通过地质调绘、钻探等地质勘查手段,查明了织纳高速公路龙井河特大桥桥位区堆积体滑坡的工程地质、水文地质条件,对滑坡进行了稳定性计算分析。通过静力平衡原理对埋置式抗滑桩进行了受力分析简化计算,确定了埋置式抗滑桩的埋置深度和悬臂段长度,为埋置式抗滑桩在实际工程中的运用提供了实用的设计方法,滑坡治理达到预期效果。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(5):907-917
Solutions draining the Alta Mine, Jefferson County, MT, were contaminated by acid sulfate waters (ASW) generated from anthropogenic exposure of meteoric waters to sulfidic underground mine workings and a waste-rock pile. In 1999, a remediation effort was initiated in an attempt to improve the quality of water draining the site through removal of the waste-rock pile with which these solutions come in contact. ASW were sampled in the mineshaft prior to entering the waste-rock pile and upon discharge from the waste-rock pile aquifer near the pile toe. ASW composition changed as solutions flowed through the waste-rock pile due to sulfide and silicate weathering and schwertmannite precipitation.Schwertmannite and goethite were both sampled in the waste-rock pile where a distinct field relation was observed between the two minerals. Schwertmannite was always in contact with actively flowing ASW, while goethite was never in direct contact with ASW and was generally above the waste-rock water table. Goethite is hypothesized to be re-dissolved/re-precipitated schwertmannite that was deposited under higher flow conditions and subsequently transformed to goethite through exposure to wet/dry cycling associated with seasonal fluctuations in the amount of water moving through the hydrogeologic system. Trace metal concentrations in ammonium oxalate extracts of these minerals provides the first published data on the behavior of multiple trace metals through this phase transformation, which has important ramifications for considering schwertmannite as a long term metal sink due to its known metastability with respect to goethite. A relative retention scale through this phase transformation of Pb > Zn, Mn > As, Al, Cu is potentially applicable to other ASW systems.  相似文献   

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