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"How one conceptualises the impacts of migration depends on whether one takes the viewpoint of aggregate area-level income change, of per capita change, or of longer-term (future earnings) change. Several empirical analytical measures are proposed in order to conceptualise the various income impacts of migration.... [A] decomposition procedure is developed for examining how the changes in per capita income of states reflect three different income differentials: those between (a) in-migrants and 'stayers', (b) out-migrants and 'stayers', and (c) in-migrants and out-migrants. Examination of these measures, and of typologies based on them, highlights how income migration significantly and differentially impacts upon U.S. states. The methods are illustrated here in the context of an important new American data source: the 1993-94 migrant income data released by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service."  相似文献   

"This paper investigates total and regional population characteristics in Moscow [Russia] during 1979-1989, specifically nationality, age, sex and education and their interrelationships. Population dynamics of Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, and, to a lesser extent, other groups are examined based on a regionalization scheme dividing the city into Inner Zone and Outer Zone [regions]. The same spatial framework is employed in an analysis of changes in the age and sex structures of the city's overall population, as well as in levels of education. Linkages between these characteristics and rates of housing construction, recent demographic history, and city migration policy are explored."  相似文献   

"Interregional migration results in a regional redistribution of labor, essential under the current mismatch between the locations of labor and of natural resources and industrial capacity in the USSR. This study focuses on economic and geographical determinants of destination choice of migrants from 1968 through 1985. Particular emphasis is placed upon the relative effects of economic variables and quality of life factors and on the effect of gravity variables (i.e., distance and population size). The statistically significant results for the economic and gravity variables indicate the appropriateness of using Western theories to analyze migration in the Soviet context."  相似文献   

非洲世界遗产的分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以世界文化和自然遗产为主要类型, 通过图表分析和计算密度, 分全洲、地区和国家3 个尺度, 研究非洲世界遗产的分布特征。从全洲看, 非洲大陆沿海和海岛地区、中等河流流域与非洲东部局部区域世界遗产分布相对集中。不同地区中, 东部、北部和西部非洲比较稠密, 其中东部非洲密度最高。各国中, 塞内加尔、突尼斯、冈比亚、佛得角、毛里求斯和塞舌尔密度最高, 其次为科特迪瓦、摩洛哥、多哥、肯尼亚、乌干达、马拉维和津巴布韦等国。世界文化遗产在东部、北部和西部非洲同样密集, 密度较高的有埃及、摩洛哥、突尼斯、贝宁、加纳、塞内加尔、多哥、冈比亚、佛得角、埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、马拉维、毛里求斯和津巴布韦等国。世界自然遗产以东部非洲密度最高, 主要分布在突尼斯、尼日尔、几内亚、科特迪瓦、塞内加尔、喀麦隆、中非、民主刚果、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、塞舌尔、乌干达、马达加斯加、南非、津巴布韦和马拉维等国。  相似文献   

During the 1990s, the city of Moscow was subject to an extraordinary transformation in its political, economic and social structures, which had consequences for the position of Moscow within the national and international hierarchy of cities. This article is concerned with the trends that can be discerned regarding the position of Moscow on the national and European scales. Without a doubt, the development of Moscow is characterized by an increasing separation from the national urban system and a growing international orientation. The Russian capital has no competitors on the national level: measured against the relevant economic indicators it is a long way ahead of the remaining Russian cities, which are primarily integrated into national and regional economic flows, and participate in the global economy only to a limited degree. Moscow, in contrast, is increasingly striving to integrate itself into transnational and international economic structures. Although the concept of Moscow as a global city is often instrumentalized in municipal politics, the ability of the Russian capital to act as a global centre is in fact limited. At present Moscow's most important function, from a Central European perspective, is to act as a bridging link between Central and Western Europe and Russia. There is a danger that the spatial disparities between Moscow on the one hand, and the remaining Russian cities and regions on the other, will continue to grow.  相似文献   

关中地区是中华文明的重要发源地,也是当前引领和辐射西北地区快速发展、落实西部大开发战略的重要区域.借助历史文献资料、孢粉和土壤剖面等分析的相关结论,从以气候、水、土三大要素为主导的资源环境状况演变的角度,对西周至唐朝灭亡这段历史时期内(公元前1059-705年),我国关中地区都城的迁移历史及其资源环境驱动力进行系统分析...  相似文献   

"The population of the Himalayan region has tripled between 1901 and 1981 (from 11 to 33 million) and the rate of increase accelerated after about 1951 (from 1.26 to 2.7 percent per annum). These generalized figures, however, conceal significant sub-regional differences. It is argued that aid and development programmes have so far paid insufficient attention to local socio-cultural institutions and environmental conditions, and especially to the status of women." (SUMMARY IN FRE AND GER)  相似文献   

对新疆和田地区7个县的主体民族维吾尔族的JC病毒IG区域基因型的地理分布状况进行了对比研究。从178个40岁以上的男性尿样提供者中分离出了JC病毒,并且对它们进行了DNA提取,对JC病毒IG区域进行了PCR扩增和DNA序列测定,得到了117人的JC病毒DNA IG区域的碱基序列。多态分析研究结果表明,117人中的基因型分别由B1-b,B1-c和EU组成,各基因型所占比率为:88.9%,3.4%和7.7%。研究发现,在各基因型中B1-b所占的比率高,其次是B1-c和EU基因型。通过NJ法进行了聚类分析法构建分子系统树,分析发现该人群JC病毒基因型中广泛分布于欧亚大陆中心的B1-b型占优势。这个结果与维吾尔族的祖先是公元前3世纪在中国北方蒙古高原生居过的丁零民族的后裔这个历史事实是一致的。  相似文献   

"This article investigates economic region net migration patterns in the USSR during the 1979-89 intercensal period. Net in-migration and net migration rate increases (compared to 1970-79) occurred in both the western and eastern portions of the Northern USSR region, while net out-migration and rate declines occurred throughout the Southern USSR. Net in-migration again occurred to Siberia, especially Tyumen' Oblast, and there was a reduced rate of net out-migration from the Nonchernozem Zone and Central Chernozem Region of European RSFSR."  相似文献   

降雨、灌溉入渗和潜水蒸发在卫宁平原地下水循环中有重要的作用。为了准确评价卫宁平原地下水垂向入渗补给量和蒸发量,通过设立中卫、中宁两个包气带原位试验点,观测期为2013年6月~2013年11月和2014年4月~2014年10月,获取了两个试验点不同埋深处的土壤水负压、温度、岩性及水分运移参数,并采用定位通量法计算试验点的地表蒸散发、入渗量和潜水面蒸发、入渗量。结果显示:在包气带岩性相同、灌溉期相同(7~10月)、总灌溉量相近条件下,作物的灌溉模式决定了灌溉对潜水的补给强度:玉米少次大量(150 mm·次-1)灌溉对潜水的补给量为373.65 mm,远远大于茄子多次小量(50 mm·次-1)的灌溉模式下的152.3 mm;而在包气带岩性相同、种植作物相同、灌溉模式不变的前提下,同时期潜水面净补给强度相近:中宁试验点2013年7~10月份潜水面净通量为32.88 mm,2014年同期为57.42 mm。在降雨情况或灌溉量较小(50 mm)的情况下,植被的生长会阻碍水分在包气带中的下渗;在灌溉量较大(100 mm和150 mm)的情况下,植被的生长会促进包气带水分的下渗。  相似文献   

Bobkov IV 《Soviet geography》1987,28(4):244-255
Reasons for the continuing growth of central Moscow in comparison with little growth in subsidiary cities in the surrounding Moscow Oblast are examined. The author attributes this uneven growth to the concentration of shopping facilities in central Moscow. It is noted that past attempts to slow the growth of central Moscow have failed and that the only strategy likely to succeed in the future would involve developing the infrastructure of the surrounding subcenters.  相似文献   

The author examines the process of urbanization in Delhi, India's National Capital Region. An urban plan for the metropolitan area that emphasizes decentralization is assessed, and the spatial distribution of the population is described. The central city, suburban areas, and transportation and communication systems that link them are also considered.  相似文献   

In the present study, spatio-temporal urban sprawl and land consumption patterns were analysed in seven capital cities located in the Himalayan region during 1972, 1991 and 2015 using multi-temporal satellite images. The study exhibits that capital Himalayan cities experienced rapid growth (830.92%) with high population increase (333.45%) during the observation period (1972–2015). The significant urban growth was observed in the cities of western and middle Himalayan region viz., Srinagar (9.36 km2–142.19 km2), Kathmandu (11.38 km2–92.58 km2) and Dehradun (4.1 km2–50.09 km2) in the higher altitudes due to remarkable increase in the population (0.5–1 million persons) during 1972–2015. On the contrary, Itanagar (7.19 km2), Gangtok (7.09 km2), Shimla (3.04 km2) and Thimphu (2.93 km2) observed less urban growth with moderate to low population growth (i.e., 0.05 to 0.15 million persons). The Shannon entropy based study exhibits that the cities viz., Kathmandu, Gangtok and Itanagar observed comparatively more dispersed urban growth during later period (1991–2015) as compared to the previous period (1972–1991) whereas, the remaining cities observed comparatively less dispersed urban growth during later period. The temporal land consumption pattern exhibits low density urban growth in Srinagar, Dehradun and Kathmandu, as observed with decrease in population density and increasing land consumption during 1972–2015 as compared to other cities, wherein urban densification was evident with increase in population density and decrease in land consumption. The cities in central and western Himalayan region observed high urban growth as compared to cities in eastern Himalayan region. The result shows that the capital cities contributes insignificant proportion (0.5%; 314 km2) of urban area in Himalayan region and accommodating large (ca. 4 million) population during 2015. The study indicates unplanned and haphazard growth in all capital Himalayan cities, leading towards urban densification as well as dispersion in the periphery with varied pattern and intensity. The specific trends and patterns of urban and population growth are governed by geographical as well as socio-economic-political factors at local to regional scale. The high population pressure induced higher risk to the urban residents as well as constrained urban growth over higher vulnerable zones. The study necessitates implementation of suitable urban planning methods considering socio-economic and physico-cultural characteristics of the region.  相似文献   

"A modification of the population potential model is used to analyze the structure of the potential of population for cities of the Moscow region, to develop a relationship between population potential and city size, and to use this procedure to forecast future population change in Moscow Oblast cities." Cities in the region with a population of 50,000 or more at the censuses of 1959, 1970, and 1979 are included.  相似文献   

"Data from the 1981 Census of Canada are used to develop a typology of migrants on the basis of their personal characteristics. Migrants are defined as those individuals who have changed their residence since the 1976 Census, crossing at least a municipal boundary. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics are perceived to differentiate stayers from movers, and to distinguish each migrant type [that is to say] intraprovincial, interprovincial and international. Discriminant analysis is applied to classify people into migrant types based on their personal characteristics and the typology developed."  相似文献   

清代关中地区土地垦殖时空特征分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据清代文献资料,探讨关中地区有清一代土地垦殖过程及时空特征。分析认为清代册载田亩数据不能反映本区土地垦殖的真实情况,并与实际情况有相悖之势,但在反映地域变化情况时,则具有一定的合理性。提出关中地区清代土地垦殖过程的五个阶段:即明末清初的抛荒期、顺治十年至乾隆六年的复垦期。乾隆六年至咸丰末年的拓垦期、同治元年至光绪六年的新抛荒期和光绪六年至清末的新复垦期,大致在雍、乾之际宜农土地即已复垦完毕,耕地面积可达或接近原额水平,道、咸年间出现耕地数的历史峰值。在此基础上,深入分析不同地域土地垦殖的差异性,认为关中地区清前期的复垦是以平原、原为主,中期拓垦则以山地、丘陵为主,晚期复垦与康、雍复垦相比,在地域上具有明显的类同性。  相似文献   

Land use changes in the environs of Moscow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on several aspects of land use change in Russia during the 1990s with a particular focus on the environs of Moscow. These aspects include modes of farming, recreation, ownership of land, and concentric zones of outwardly declining land use intensity that resemble Von Thunen's economic landscape. These zones are given special attention. In contrast to other land use aspects, the analysis of which indeed reveals a fair amount of change bringing the environs of Russian cities one step closer to their Western counterparts, concentric agricultural land use patterns with outwardly declining productivity suggest continuity rather than change.  相似文献   

超富集植物蜈蚣草在中国的地理分布及其生境特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据本研究小组多年来对我国南部近20个省、市(区)的调查,结合前人的文献资料,编制了蜈蚣草在中国的分布图,总结了蜈蚣草对日照、水分、热量和土壤等因素的生态适宜性。研究发现,蜈蚣草在中国主要分布在秦岭以南的热带、亚热带地区。蜈蚣草生长需要的水热条件为:年均温高于10℃、1月均温大于0℃、7月均温大于20℃、≥10℃积温超过3800℃、无霜期不短于200天和年降水量大于500 mm。冬季的低温(1月均温和无霜期)可能是蜈蚣草进一步向高纬度分布的主要限制性因素。蜈蚣草对土壤pH的适应范围较宽。本研究结果为蜈蚣草的引种及其在植物修复中的潜在应用价值的确定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

三维生态足迹是可持续发展定量化评价的重要方法,陕西关中地区作为丝绸之路经济带的重要承载地,研究其土地自然资本利用状况对可持续发展具有重要意义。论文采用改进三维足迹模型,并利用足迹广度基尼系数等指标,对关中地区1995—2015年自然资本利用状况从“产品—地类—区域”3个尺度进行了分析。结果表明: ① 1995—2015年,关中地区土地足迹呈现先增后减的变化趋势,土地承载力逐年下降,生态赤字逐年增大,不利于可持续发展;② 关中地区5个市均处于生态赤字状态,足迹深度均超过原长1,消耗存量资本来弥补流量资本的不足已成关中地区社会发展的常态;③ 耕地和建设用地为流量资本占用主要地类,草地、耕地和建设用地为存量资本消耗主要地类;④ 区域内部流量占用不公平程度逐渐增加,若仍不采取合理措施,2025年将呈现较不均衡状态,2030年则为高度不均衡。论文聚焦“实态足迹”,揭示了关中地区土地利用效益,为其可持续发展提供科学参考。  相似文献   

民勤沙尘暴分布的地理因素及其前期气象特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
民勤沙区沙尘暴频繁,沙尘暴的分布与其所处的地理位置和当地的地表特征密切相关.河西走廊是我国寒潮南下的必经要道,民勤县恰位于这条寒潮路径的中心线路上,沙尘暴的发生季节、发生次数均与寒潮存在显著相关关系.民勤境内及其周围沙漠广布,且大面积沙漠裸露,易形成以沙漠为中心的高温低压区,与西西伯利亚向东南方向扩散的冷高压形成明显的气压梯度.当地的沙尘暴以中沙尘暴和强沙尘暴为主,沙尘暴发生的季节、时间等都具有一定的规律性,沙尘暴的主风向以NW、WNW为主,与该路径上的寒潮方向完全一致.沙尘暴前期在气温、气压、风速、风向等气象要素方面均会表现出明显的异常特征,当地沙尘暴的季节分布特征也异常明显,依据沙尘暴前期气象要素的异常特征和沙尘暴分布的季节特征以及沙尘暴在前站后站之间的运移方向和速度就可以对沙尘暴进行预测、预报和预防.  相似文献   

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