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滑坡堰塞湖是山区常见的一种自然灾害, 对其溃决风险与过程的科学认知和合理评估是应急处置的关键。外荷载作用下滑坡堰塞体的力学响应、滑坡堰塞湖渐进破坏机理与溃决洪水预测理论是滑坡堰塞湖风险评估研究领域的关键科学问题。本文围绕滑坡堰塞湖形成后的溃决风险与过程展开综述, 从定性和定量的角度分别对堰塞湖危险性评价方法进行分析总结, 从小尺度、大尺度和超重力场试验技术的角度总结了堰塞湖的溃决机理、溃决过程及其影响因素, 从数学方法的角度对堰塞湖溃决洪水预测中经验公式法、简化和精细化数值模拟方法的进展进行总结评价。然而, 国内外关于滑坡堰塞湖风险评估领域的研究仍处于起步阶段, 空-天-地一体化监测技术、堰塞湖危险性评价中的不确定性问题、堰塞体材料冲蚀特性与溃决机理、堰塞湖溃决洪水精细化模拟等将是未来的重点研究方向。本综述可为堰塞湖防灾减灾和流域水工程风险管理提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

2009年汛期,广西河池卡马水库右岸溢洪道附近发生垮塌,大坝安全风险骤然增加.在应急除险实践中,同时对大坝不同状态进行了有限元渗流分析及采用非线性指标进行边坡稳定分析,初步确定出险位置可能处于放空洞中段,在此基础上,对水库溃决风险进行了分析,得出了风险决策依据,从而提出减灾措施,有效降低了水库溃决的风险.从卡马水库的应急处置出发,探讨了中国水库应急除险的关键技术,并提出了中国水库安全管理相关的一些重要问题.  相似文献   

典型高风险堰塞湖具有崩塌滑坡方量大、集雨面积大、蓄水量大、溃决历时短、破坏力强、灾害链长等特点,属重大水旱灾害。堰塞湖信息快速获取、风险快速评估、风险处置与快速解危、风险管控预报等方面技术仍较为薄弱,其风险防范及应对属世界性难题。本文在分析堰塞湖致灾危害的基础上,归纳梳理了堰塞湖风险类型及其防范与对策,提出有必要在堰塞湖灾损发生前及早发现隐患、分析预测潜在风险,进而提前干预来减免风险;从堰塞湖风险评估、风险处置、风险后评估及后续处置等方面对堰塞湖风险防范与对策进行了总结,提出堰塞湖风险应对中的关键技术问题,以期为堰塞湖的风险防范和应对提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

加拉堰塞湖威胁其上下游的人口安全、城镇设施及生态环境。加拉堰塞体地处无人区,没有对外交通,调研困难,因此形成机制研究甚少。作者于2019年3月调研了堰塞湖现场,通过对残留堰塞体地形实测,堰塞体岩性及结构、沿途堰塞湖水毁现象调查,结合堰塞体粒度特征,查明了加拉堰塞体的物质组成、堰塞湖形成过程及湖区灾损机制。调查发现雅鲁藏布江下游左岸色东浦沟冰碛物3次活动堵塞河道形成堰塞湖,并于10月19日、31日两次溃决,溃口流量分别达到32000m3 ·s-1和19000m3 ·s-1。前两次活动入江体积达6500×104m3,堰塞体高度88m,蓄水至6.0×108m3后发生第1次溃决。第3次活动入江体积约1000×104m3,堰塞体垭口高度约67m,蓄水至3.26×108m3后发生第2次溃决,体现了源于冰碛物堆积、混杂大量冰块、含水率极高的类似泥石流堆积堰塞体的独特溃决机理和洪水特征。雅鲁藏布江大峡谷河段堰塞湖堵江事件频发,通过加拉堰塞湖形成过程、溃决机理研究,可以为本区域堰塞湖灾害应对提供参考。  相似文献   

地震诱发堰塞湖的应急水文分析方法与实践   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文运用事件分析方法,在分析突发事件水文应急分析要求的基础上,结合当前应用模式,提出了应急水文分析方法框架模型,并示例说明了在四川"5·12"地震后堰塞湖除险处置过程中不同阶段的应用情况.这些方法对于其他突发事件的水文应急分析也有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

地震诱发的堰塞湖初步研究   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
由于地震引发山体滑坡并堵塞河道形成的湖泊称为地震堰塞湖。据统计,我国自1856年以来,共计产生141个地震堰塞湖,按照其形成和造成的灾害来看,堰塞湖可以分为3类:高危型堰塞湖、稳态型堰塞湖和即生即消型堰塞湖。高危型堰塞湖由于蓄水量大、落差大,往往在形成后几天至几年后会被冲垮,形成严重的地震滞后次生水灾。稳态型堰塞湖(亦称“死湖”),可以存在很长时间且湖积水量很大。即生即消型堰塞湖为震时形成的短时堰塞湖,很快会被后来累积的水体冲毁,一般危害不大。如果简单的用时间来区分堰塞湖的类型,那么在一天或者几天内溃决的是即生即消型堰塞湖;几天至100年溃决的是高危型堰塞湖;溃决时间超过100年者,是稳态型堰塞湖。  相似文献   

吴瑞安  张永双  郭长宝  杨志华  钟宁  任三绍  张怡颖 《地质论评》2022,68(1):2022020009-2022020009
开展古滑坡堰塞湖形成演化过程研究,可以揭示古灾害地质环境效应,重建区域构造历史活动序列和古气候演变特征。特米古滑坡发育于金沙江上游巴塘段,滑坡堆积地貌和堰塞湖相沉积物保存较好,是研究区内古地质环境的良好载体。在遥感解译、无人机测绘、现场调查和地质测年的基础上,结合前人研究成果,分析探讨了特米古滑坡发育特征、堰塞湖形成时间与溃决演化过程。结果表明,特米古滑坡是特大型岩质历史堵江滑坡,滑坡堰塞湖实际形成时间应该远早于2.15 ka BP,历史上曾发生过多次溃决,完全溃决时间大约为1.08 ka BP,堰塞湖稳定保存时间大于1.07 ka。金沙江巴塘段大型堵江滑坡群并非由单次地质事件形成,而是由金沙江断裂带多次强烈地震诱发。  相似文献   

首先阐述堰塞湖溃坝控制与人工排险的内容、原则和方案.在此基础上分析堰塞湖应急处置中安全监测的原则和内容,以及泄流、渗流控制、滑动体加固等应急工程措施适用性.最后讨论冲切和坝体稳定泄流的工程设计与应急转移措施.  相似文献   

随着黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展上升为国家战略,滑坡灾害防治成为迫切需要攻克的基础性问题。另外,黄河上游地区因地形高差大、古地震及强降雨事件频繁,诱发的滑坡及滑坡堰塞湖数量多、分布广、危害重,是近年来滑坡发育和演化机制以及滑坡堰塞湖溃决效应研究的热点。本文在综合整理该地区已有研究工作的基础上,结合笔者研究团队近20年来所获得的滑坡调查评价、测试分析和防灾减灾研究成果,系统归纳了黄河上游地区滑坡调查与风险评价、滑坡时空展布规律及主控因素研究、典型滑坡堰塞湖的续存时长及溃决危害、古滑坡堆积体开发利用及防灾减灾等方面的研究进展和成果,提出了未来在该地区研究古滑坡、堰塞湖沉积与河流阶地以及堰塞湖溃决效应等应关注的4个科学问题。研究结果对于揭示黄河上游地质历史时期滑坡发育和堰塞湖形成的主控因素,探讨滑坡发育的动力机制对地震和降雨的响应过程,拓展第四纪地质学在古滑坡形成演变方面的应用研究等具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

地震、滑坡等原因都能造成河道堵塞形成堰塞湖.堰塞湖的危害:一是上游的淹没灾害,二是溃决后对下游的冲毁及淹没灾害.要妥善处理堰塞湖,减少灾害损失,需要掌握一些水文信息.本文提出了解堰塞湖六个方面的基础信息,探讨如何计算堰塞湖里的蓄水量、堰塞湖溃坝流量及沿程最大流量.目的是为决策者提供基础水文信息,帮助领导正确决策,减少次生灾害的发生.  相似文献   

Li  Ming-Hsu  Hsu  Ming-Hsi  Hsieh  Lung-Sheng  Teng  Wei-Hsien 《Natural Hazards》2002,25(3):289-303
Without any omen, massive landslides induced by the Chi-Chi earthquake blocked up gorges of Ching-Shui creek, and produced a new landslide lake.Although emergency spillways have been constructed to prevent dam failures,overtopping and possible breaching may still occur due to excessive inflows in raining seasons. As a result, the downstream valleys will have serious inundation and the safety of people and properties will be in immediate danger. The purpose of this work is to simulate and to analyze the inundation potentials downstream of Tsao-Ling landslide lake using a hydrologic/hydraulic approach and GIS (Geographic Information System) technology. Hydrologic analysis is employed to describe regional rainfall-runoff characteristics andto design rainfall/runoff scenarios. One-dimensional dam break flood routings are performed with different return periods of rainfall events and dam failure durations for downstream creeks. The depletion hydrographs of dam break routings are applied into two-dimensional overland flow simulations for downstream lowlands. The results of hydraulic computations are evaluated with GIS maps for inundation potentials analysis, which can be usedto assist the planning of emergency response measures.  相似文献   

An Ms 6.5 earthquake shocked the Ludian County, Yunnan Province, China, on 3 August 2014 and triggered the Hongshiyan landslide dam. The dam, with a height of 83 m and a lake capacity of 260?×?106 m3, threatened more than 10,000 people. A unique feature of this landslide dam was that it formed between a man-made dam and a hydropower plant. An existing drainage tunnel connecting the lake and the hydropower plant became a natural drainage conduit for the landslide dam, which played an important role in the mitigation of the landslide dam risks. This paper reports a quantitative risk assessment for the Hongshiyan landslide dam considering both engineering and non-engineering risk mitigation measures. The risk assessment is divided into three stages according to the implementation of two engineering measures: construction of a diversion channel and excavation of a branch drainage tunnel. The dam breaching hydrographs, flood zones, population at risk, and likely fatalities in each of the three stages are analysed. The optimum evacuation strategy in each stage is also studied based on the principle of minimum total consequence. It is found that the diversion channel decreases the dam breaching peak discharge and the associated risks significantly. The branch drainage tunnel prevent the landslide dam from overtopping failure in non-flooded period; however, the landslide dam may fail by overtopping in a future flood if the inflow rate is larger than the outflow rate through the drainage tunnels, resulting in serious losses of lives and properties. The dam breaching risks in all the three stages could be largely reduced by the optimal evacuation decision, which shows that timely evacuation is vital to save life and properties. The study provides a scientific basis for decision making in landslide dam risk management.  相似文献   

白什滑坡坝漫溢溃坝的水文条件预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为防避四川省北川县白什滑坡坝溃坝酿至溃决洪水与泥石流灾害,对导致漫溢溃坝的水文条件进行了预测。在论述白什滑坡和滑坡坝的特征的基础上,通过对可能发生的溃坝类型、形成漫溢型溃决所需临界水头、溃决时水流流速和导致溃决的洪峰流量的预计,得出了一般洪水时不会溃坝、100年一遇洪水时可能溃坝的预测结论。  相似文献   

易贡滑坡堰塞湖溃坝洪水分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
滑坡堰塞坝体主要由块石、碎石土等松散材料组成,随着上游水位的不断上升,极易失稳,一旦决口将对给下游人民的生命财产安全造成极大的威胁。因此,研究堰塞坝溃坝问题具有重要的学术意义和应用价值。2000 年 4 月 9 日,西藏林芝地区波密县易贡藏布河扎木弄沟发生大规模山体滑坡堵塞易贡藏布江,形成坝高60m,长约2500m,库容可达288108m3,体积约28108~30108m3的滑坡堰塞湖, 2000年6月10日堰塞坝溃决。本文以易贡堰塞湖溃坝为例,从连续性方程及Navier Stokes方程出发,结合标准型湍流模型,并采用VOF方法进行自由面处理,基于流体计算软件Fluent模拟分析了溃坝洪水在下游弯曲河道的演进过程及不同位置的流速变化。数值模拟结果与实测资料记录基本一致,表明该模型能够模拟溃坝洪水在地形复杂弯曲河道中的演进过程。  相似文献   

M. Peng  L. M. Zhang 《Natural Hazards》2012,64(2):1899-1923
The Tangjiashan landslide dam was formed during the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and posed high risks to 1.2?million people downstream the dam. A human risk analysis model (HURAM) reported in the companion paper is applied to evaluate the human risk in the Tangjiashan landslide dam failure. The characteristics of this landslide dam are introduced first. The breaching parameters in two cases (i.e., the actual case and a high erodibility case) are predicted with a physically based model, and the flood routing processes in these two cases are simulated using numerical analysis. The population at risk downstream of the landslide dam is then obtained based on the results of the flood routing simulations. Subsequently, the human risks are analyzed with HURAM using Bayesian networks. Fourteen influence parameters and their interrelationships are considered in a systematic structure in the case study. A change in anyone of them may affect the other parameters and leads to loss of life. HURAM allows not only cause-to-result inference, but also result-to-cause inference by updating the Bayesian network with specific information from the study case. The uncertainties of the parameters and their relationships are studied both at the global level using multiple sources of information and at the local level by updating the prior probabilities.  相似文献   

周礼  范宣梅  许强  杨帆  郭晨 《工程地质学报》2019,27(6):1395-1404
2018年10月、11月于金沙江川藏交界处江达县波罗乡白格村先后发生两次体积约2400×104 m3和850×104 m3的滑坡,两次滑坡平均运动距离1400 m,堵塞金沙江形成堰塞湖。首次形成的堵江滑坡坝天然溃决,未造成人员伤亡;然而第2次滑坡堵塞第1次滑坡自然溃口,导致堰塞湖库容迅速增加到3.85×108 m3。政府部门立即开展抢险工作,通过人工修建溢洪道的方法成功泄洪,极大程度上降低洪水风险。本文利用PFC3D颗粒流软件模拟两次滑坡的发生、运动、堆积过程,并在反演结果的基础上对白格滑坡滑源区残留潜在不稳定部分未来失稳的运动路径和堆积范围进行预测,对其危险性进行科学评价。结果表明:(1)滑坡在重力作用下失稳,除了受初始势能的影响外,微地貌也是决定滑坡运动路径与距离的关键因素之一;(2)PFC3D颗粒流数值模拟方法适用于类似于白格滑坡这类碎屑流类型的滑坡,两次滑坡反演得到的堆积厚度、堆积范围均与真实结果相近;(3)利用两次事件反演所得参数,可以预测若滑源区潜在不稳定部分同时失稳,则形成约70 m高的滑坡坝,可能再次堵塞金沙江。  相似文献   

Zheng  Hongchao  Shi  Zhenming  Peng  Ming  Guan  Shenggong  Hanley  Kevin J.  Feng  Shijin 《Landslides》2022,19(3):573-587
Landslides - Affected by earthquakes and heavy rainfall, multiple landslide dams often cluster closely together along river reaches or gullies. Compared with a single landslide dam, the burst flood...  相似文献   

Landslides may obstruct river flow and result in landslide dams; they occur in many regions of the world. The formation and disappearance of natural lakes involve a complex earth–surface process. According to the lessons learned from many historical cases, landslide dams usually break down rapidly soon after the formation of the lake. Regarding hazard mitigation, prompt evaluation of the stability of the landslide dam is crucial. Based on a Japanese dataset, this study utilized the logistic regression method and the jack-knife technique to identify the important geomorphic variables, including peak flow (or catchment area), dam height, width and length in sequence, affecting the stability of landslide dams. The resulting high overall prediction power demonstrates the robustness of the proposed logistic regression models. Accordingly, the failure probability of a landslide dam can also be evaluated based on this approach. Ten landslide dams (formed after the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and 2009 Typhoon Morakot) with complete dam geometry records were adopted as examples of evaluating the failure probability. The stable Tsao-Ling landslide dam, which was induced by the Chi-Chi earthquake, has a failure probability of 27.68% using a model incorporating the catchment area and dam geometry. On the contrary, the Tangjiashan landslide dam, which was artificially breached soon after its formation during the Wenchuan earthquake, has a failure probability as high as 99.54%. Typhoon Morakot induced the Siaolin landslide dam, which was breached within one hour after its formation and has a failure probability of 71.09%. Notably, the failure probability of the earthquake induced cases is reduced if the catchment area in the prediction model is replaced by the peak flow of the dammed stream for these cases. In contrast, the predicted failure probability of the heavy rainfall-induced case increases if the high flow rate of the dammed stream is incorporated into the prediction model. Consequently, it is suggested that the prediction model using the peak flow as causative factor should be used to evaluate the stability of a landslide dam if the peak flow is available. Together with an estimation of the impact of an outburst flood from a landslide-dammed lake, the failure probability of the landslide dam predicted by the proposed logistic regression model could be useful for evaluating the related risk.  相似文献   

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