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我国嫦娥三号着陆于雨海北部的年轻玄武岩熔岩平原上,该区域的物质成分和矿物组成对于理解月球年轻的火山活动具有重要研究价值。月球全球勘探者(Lunar Prospector,LP)探测的元素数据揭示着陆区附近岩石类型主要为高铁中钛玄武岩(19.5%FeO;5.2%TiO_2)。本研究利用月球矿物绘图仪(Moon Mineralogy Mapper,M~3)获取的嫦娥三号着陆区附近的新鲜撞击坑高光谱数据,采用Hapke辐射传输模型和修正高斯模型(MGM)联合分析,对其年轻月海玄武岩铁镁质矿物进行了定量反演。研究表明该区域玄武岩中矿物组成以单斜辉石矿物为主,存在较高比例的橄榄石。基于光谱库匹配方法和MGM优化分析,我们反演出单斜辉石,斜方辉石,橄榄石和钛铁矿四种矿物的相对体积比为57.6:18.0:15.3:9.1,这一研究结果有待于与嫦娥三号玉兔号月球车上搭栽的红外成像光谱仪数据进行比对,以期从遥感和就位探测两个角度获得对于该地区矿物和岩石类型的全面认识。  相似文献   

深空探测是国家综合国力的集中体现,也是各航天大国科技竞争的制高点。自2007年嫦娥探月工程顺利实施以来,我国已经成为全球第二次探月热潮里的中坚力量。嫦娥五号采样工程的成功,使人类在间隔44年后再一次获得来自月球的珍贵样品,标志着中国探月工程上了更高的台阶。海量探测数据的获取和月球样品的返回,将为月球形成演化等重大科学问题的研究提供新的视角与支撑。放眼未来,我国月球极区探测、载人登月和月球科研站建设已经列入规划,工程探测和科学研究的目标已从“认识月球”逐步向“开发月球”“利用月球”转变。对于月球土壤样品的研究,中国科学院地球化学研究所具有良好的基础,曾对来自Apollo的月壤样晶进行过详细的研究,本次针对嫦娥五号样品,该所承担了月壤特性及其形成演化历史等方面的研究工作。为让广大科技工作者和社会公众了解这一工作进展,本刊特邀地球化学所李阳博士撰文介绍相关情况,后续工作本刊还将进行跟踪报道。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS的月球数字地质填图:以月球北极地区为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
月球数字地质填图是以中国探月工程获得的"嫦娥一号"(CE-1)CCD3C影像数据、干涉成像光谱仪(IIM)数据、激光高度计(LAM)数据,"嫦娥二号"(CE-2)CCD3C影像数据以及其他已有的月球地质资料为基础,通过对月表物质成分、构造要素、地质时代信息的研究,基于ArcGIS平台与Geodatabase数据模型,编制月球地质图并建立空间数据库。文中以月球北极地区为例,制定月球地质填图的标准、流程、方法和图示图例,编制1∶250万月球北极地区地质图(YQ-1),建立空间数据库,为开展月球地质综合研究、编制全月球地质图及未来开展其他天体的地质编图工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

月球虹湾幅(LQ-4)地质图的编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用中国首次月球探测工程所获得的嫦娥一号(Change-I)CCD影像数据、干涉成像光谱数据、数字高程模型(DEM)数据和数据分析处理结果等资料,开展了虹湾—雨海地区区域地质综合研究。通过对月球撞击坑及溅射堆积物分析,以及地层单元划分、构造单元划分、岩石类型划分、年代学和月球演化历史的集成分析,依据月坑的形态特征、充填物的多少和保留的程度等,将月球撞击坑划分出7种类型11个亚类,并将月球撞击坑堆积物系统划分为6种类型9个堆积岩组。根据TiO2的含量、分布及影像特征,将月海、月陆玄武岩划分为高钛玄武岩、中钛玄武岩和低钛玄武岩。应用ArcGIS地理信息系统,试点编制了1∶250万月球典型地区——虹湾幅(LQ-4)地质图,并建立了空间数据库,探索制定了月球数字地质图编制技术规范、流程和方法,为中国下一步应用嫦娥二号数据开展"全月球地质图"编制,以及未来其他天体的区域地质综合研究与地质编图工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

刘道飞  陈圣波  路鹏 《地球学报》2015,36(2):245-249
为了研究利用Clementine热红外数据反演月球表面岩石的氧化钙(Ca O)含量,论文选取了两景覆盖Apollo17登月点的Clementine热红外影像,将其覆盖的区域选为研究区。利用月球表面温度物理模型模拟月表温度,结合普朗克函数,完成发射率反演。在此基础上,对LPI中35个除Apollo17登月计划外所采集的样品Ca O含量与其热红外发射率特征做回归统计分析,发现存在很好的线性关系(R2=0.661)。由此,基于Clementine热红外发射率实现了研究区Ca O含量反演。通过利用LPI Apollo17月岩(壤)样品实际Ca O含量分析数据对反演结果进行精度评价,发现8组反演值与实际值的相对误差最小为1.77%,最大为9.29%,均方根误差为0.767。研究结果表明,使用发射率进行Ca O含量反演方法可行,为利用Clementine热红外数据对月表矿物成分含量定量反演提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

佩塔维厄斯幅月球地质图(LQ-21)位于近月面与远月面交接位置,又处于月海和月陆的过渡区,周边邻近酒海、丰富海、史密斯海等大型撞击盆地,是月球数字地质填图工作中的一个典型区域。研究该地区的地质发育概况有助于了解月球的发展演化历史。本文利用中国探月工程所获得的“嫦娥一号”(CE-1)CCD影像数据、干涉成像光谱仪(IIM)数据、激光高度计(LAM)数据和“嫦娥二号”(CE-2)CCD影像数据以及其他已有的月球地质资料,应用ArcGIS平台,开展月表物质成分、构造要素、地质时代信息的研究和数字填图工作,编制了1: 2 500 000佩塔维厄斯幅(LQ-21)数字月球地质图,总结了该地区区域地质演化历史并建立地质图空间数据库。  相似文献   

月球表面的元素和物质成分分布是理解月球成岩与地质演化历史的重要线索。嫦娥一号干涉成像光谱仪(IIM)是我国首台月球探测成像光谱仪器,其获得的大量月球高光谱数据已成为我国未来探测月球成分与地质演化研究的宝贵基础数据。本文利用探月工程地面应用系统发布的IIM B版本2C级数据,开发出一套数据再定标流程,获得了较为可靠的月表相对反射率数据。我们在新校正数据的基础上开展月球表面FeO、TiO_2的反演建模,获得了全月FeO和TiO_2分布图,这些图件是进行月球地质填图的基础。校正数据反演的FeO和TiO_2分布与前人对Clementine UVVIS数据的反演结果相近,表明干涉成像光谱仪数据具有较大的应用潜力。高地的低铁岩石成分(一般小于8%)佐证了月球月壳形成的过程中的岩浆洋分异假说,而月海玄武岩的TiO_2成分变化范围较大(0~13%)则表明月海玄武岩来源于不同的月幔源区。根据嫦娥一号干涉成像光谱仪全月FeO分布图,可将月球表面物质类型总体划分为高地斜长岩和月海玄武岩,而根据TiO_2分布可以进一步将月海玄武岩划分为5种不同钛含量的玄武岩岩石类型。FeO和TiO_2在全月范围内的分布表明Apollo和Luna返回的月球样品不能够代表全月范围内的矿物成分多样性,月球岩浆演化历史比前人认为的要复杂。未来月球样品返回任务(如嫦娥五号)如能赴这些特殊地区进行取样,将很有可能返回重要的月球科学研究发现和成果。  相似文献   

撞击坑是月球表面最为普遍且显著的地貌单元和地质构造标志,其形态和布局特征蕴含了月球形貌发育演化的关键信息。基于中国探月工程获得的嫦娥一号CCD、嫦娥二号CCD影像数据和LOLA激光高度计等影像数据,结合专家知识,以LQ-2为研究区识别直径 10 km的撞击坑共计589个。并从撞击机理和撞击能量大小两个方面对坑物质类型及数量进行统计分析,得出不同地质年代、不同类型撞击坑在月球表面的空间分布特征。研究发现该区域撞击坑分布密度高,直径较小的撞击坑成片出露,形貌特征较为单一;直径较大的撞击坑主要集中在艾肯纪和酒海纪,数量较少,但撞击坑形态类型丰富。  相似文献   

玉兔二号月球车在嫦娥四号着陆区发现了许多坑缘呈破碎石块状的小型撞击坑,其直径大多在亚米级,过去对于这种小尺度撞击坑的研究大多源于Apollo、Surveyor、Ranger系列任务,然而当时获取的影像质量较低,且并未覆盖月球背面.小尺度撞击坑在月球表面分布十分广泛,与月球最表层的演化密切相关,因此对其展开研究具有重要的意义.本文利用嫦娥四号任务获取的高分辨率全景影像,统计了8、9、11~15月昼影像中新鲜撞击坑的直径、频数、深度等信息,并根据这些撞击坑和周围石块的形态特征,推测这些坑应该形成于不同方向的二次撞击事件,这为揭示玉兔二号月球车行进途中观测物质的来源提供了重要信息.小型二次撞击坑从深径比中难以与一次撞击坑区分,且一般处于饱和状态,因此应避免使用小尺寸的撞击坑进行定年.  相似文献   

美国阿波罗月球样品的处理与保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
中国嫦娥工程三期将进行月球样品的采集与返回,这是继美国Apollo和前苏联Luna之后,国际上最新的月球样品返回计划。月球样品的存储与管理方法将成为中国探月工程中亟待解决的重要问题之一。特别是如何最大程度地保持月球样品的科学研究价值,避免或减少可能的样品污染等问题,不仅为工程部门所关心,也是月球科学家所极为关注的问题。文中主要回顾和总结了美国Apollo月球样品的处理与保存方法,包括月球样品实验室简况、月球样品初步处理方法、月球样品初步测试分析及相关实验简介和月球样品的保存方法等内容,以期为中国月球样品的返回和地面存储提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the Apollo 14 mission delivered samples of the Fra Mauro formation, interpreted as ejecta of the Imbrium impact, defining the age of this impact has emerged as one of the critical tasks required for the complete understanding of the asteroid bombardment history of the Moon and, by extension, the inner Solar System. Significant effort dedicated to this task has resulted in a substantial set of ages centered around 3.9 Ga and obtained for the samples from most Apollo landing sites using a variety of chronological methods. However, the available age data are scattered over a range of a few tens of millions of years, which hinders the ability to distinguish between the samples that are truly representative of the Imbrium impact and those formed/reset by other, broadly contemporaneous impact events. This study presents a new set of U-Pb ages obtained for the VHK (very high K) basalt clasts found in the Apollo 14 breccia sample 14305 and phosphates from (i) several fragments of impact-melt breccia extracted from Apollo 14 soil sample 14161, and (ii) two Apollo 15 breccias 15455 and 15445. The new data obtained for the Apollo 14 samples increase the number of independently dated samples from this landing site to ten. These Apollo 14 samples represent the Fra Mauro formation, which is traditionally viewed as Imbrium ejecta, and therefore should record the age of the Imbrium impact. Using the variance of ten ages, we propose an age of 3922 ± 12 Ma for this event. Samples that yield ages within these limits can be considered as possible products of the Imbrium impact, while those that fall significantly outside this range should be treated as representing different impact events. Comparison of this age for Imbrium (determined from Apollo 14 samples) with the ages of another eleven impact-melt breccia samples collected at four other landing sites and a related lunar meteorite suggests that they can be viewed as part of Imbrium ejecta. Comprehensive review of 40Ar/39Ar ages available for impact melt samples from different landing sites and obtained using the step-heating technique, suggests that the majority of the samples that gave robust plateau ages are indistinguishable within uncertainties and altogether yield a weighted average age of 3916 ± 7 Ma (95 % conf., MSWD = 1.1; P = 0.13) and a median average age of 3919 + 14/-12 Ma, both of which agree with the confidence interval obtained using the U-Pb system. These samples, dated by 40Ar/39Ar method, can be also viewed as representing the Imbrium impact. In total 36 out of 41 breccia samples from five landing sites can be interpreted to represent formation of the Imbrium basin, supporting the conclusion that Imbrium material was distributed widely across the near side of the Moon. Establishing temporal limits for the Imbrium impact allows discrimination of ten samples with Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar ages about 50 Ma younger than 3922 ± 12 Ma. This group may represent a separate single impact on the Moon and needs to be investigated further to improve our understanding of lunar impact history.  相似文献   

Geochemical and 40Ar/39Ar data on nine impact glasses from the Apollo 14, 16, and 17 landing sites indicate at least seven distinct impact events with ages ∼800 Ma. Rock fragments analyzed by Barra et al. [Barra F., Swindle T. D., Korotev R. L., Jolliff B. L., Zeigler R. A., and Olsen E. (2006) 40Ar-39Ar dating of Apollo 12 regolith: implications for the age of Copernicus and the source of nonmare materials, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,70, 6016-6031] from the Apollo 12 landing site and some Apollo 12 spherules reported by Levine et al. [Levine J., Becker T. A., Muller R. A., Renne P. R. (2005) 40Ar/39Ar dating of Apollo 12 impact spherules, Geophys. Res. Let., 32, L15201, doi: 10.1029/2005GL022874.] show ∼800 Ma ages, close to the accepted age of the Copernicus event, 800 ± 15 Ma [Bogard D. D., Garrison D. H., Shih C. Y., and Nyquist L. E. (1994) 39Ar-40Ar dating of two lunar granites: The age of Copernicus, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 3093-3100]. These Apollo 12 samples are thought to have been affected by material from the Copernicus event since there is a Copernicus ray going through the Apollo 12 landing site. When all of these data are viewed collectively, including an Apollo 16 glass bomb [Borchardt R., Stöffler D., Spettel B., Palme H. and Wänke H. (1986) Composition, structure, and age of the Apollo 16 subregolith basement as deduced from the chemistry of post-Imbrium melt bombs. In Proceedings, 17th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, pp. E43-E54], and in the context of diverse compositional range and sample location, there is a suggestion that there may have been a transient increase in the global lunar impact flux at ∼800 Ma. Therefore, the Copernicus impact event could have been one of many. If correct, there should be evidence for this increased impact flux around 800 Ma ago in the age statistics of terrestrial impact samples.  相似文献   

Apollo和LP伽马射线谱仪获取了全月10种元素的分布图,通过已有的月岩以及陨石的化学成分数据,将伽马射线谱仪探测数据与这些数据融合,用Th-Fe-Mg三角图解定性的获得元素含量与岩石类型的相关性,同时通过以前融合的数据,获得了月海玄武岩、月陆斜长岩、KREEP岩和富镁岩的全月球表面岩石类型分布图。  相似文献   

Mineralogy of the Lunar surface provides important clues for understanding the composition and evolution of the primordial crust in the Earth–Moon system. The primary rock forming minerals on the Moon such as pyroxene, olivine and plagioclase are potential tools to evaluate the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) hypothesis. Here we use the data from Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) onboard the Chandrayaan-1 project of India, which provides Visible/Near Infra Red (NIR) spectral data (hyperspectral data) of the Lunar surface to gain insights on the surface mineralogy. Band shaping and spectral profiling methods are used for identifying minerals in five sites: the Moscoviense basin, Orientale basin, Apollo basin, Wegener crater-highland, and Hertzsprung basin. The common presence of plagioclase in these sites is in conformity with the anorthositic composition of the Lunar crust. Pyroxenes, olivine and Fe-Mg-spinel from the sample sites indicate the presence of gabbroic and basaltic components. The compositional difference in pyroxenes suggests magmatic differentiation on the Lunar surface. Olivine contains OH/H2O band, indicating hydrous phase in the primordial magmas.  相似文献   

通过撞击坑的大小频率计算月表的地质年龄是一种行之有效的方法,包括累积分布法和相对分布法。其中累计分布法在已知撞击坑直径范围的基础上,可分为3种年代函数计算月表的地层单元,分别是Melosh 和 Vickery 1989 (直径大于4 km 撞击坑), Neukum 1983(直径大于1 km撞击坑)和李坤等2012(直径小于1 km 撞击坑)。应用高分辨率影像SELENE TC(10m/pixel)数据,完成了Apollo 14及Apollo 16登月区域地层单元的解译,并应用撞击坑直径频率统计方法获取同一地层单元的形成年龄。通过与Apollo登月区域样品同位素年龄对照,得出Neukum 1983(直径大于1 km撞击坑)相对于其他几种方法更加准确,同时分析了撞击坑的退化、次级撞击坑影响等相关问题。  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of global concentrations of Th, K, and FeO have an important bearing on understanding the bulk chemistry and geologic evolution of the Moon. We present empirical ground-truth calibrations (transformations) for Lunar Prospector gamma-ray spectrometer data (K and Th) and a modified algorithm for deriving FeO concentrations from Clementine spectral reflectance data that incorporates an adjustment for TiO2 content. The average composition of soil samples for individual landing sites is used as ground-truth for remotely sensed data. Among the Apollo and Luna sites, Apollo 12 and 14 provide controls for the incompatible-element-rich compositions, Apollo 16 and Luna 20 provide controls for the feldspathic and incompatible-element-poor compositions, and Apollo 11, 15, and 17, and Luna 16 and 24 provide controls for Fe-rich compositions. In addition to these Apollo and Luna sample data we include the composition of the feldspathic lunar meteorites as a proxy for the northern farside highlands to extend the range of the calibration points, thus providing an additional anorthositic end-member composition. These empirical ground-truth calibrations for Lunar Prospector Th and K provide self consistency between the existing derived data and lunar-sample data. Clementine spectral-reflectance data are used to construct a TiO2-sensitive FeO calibration that yields higher FeO concentrations in areas of high-Fe, low-Ti, mare-basalt-rich surfaces than previous FeO algorithms. The data set so derived is consistent with known sample compositions and regolith mixing relationships.  相似文献   

The manned Apollo 11, 12, 14 and 15 and the automated Luna 16 lunar missions have provided us with lunar rock and regolith (soil) samples from a number of geologically distinct sites. The mare regions were sampled by Apollo 11, 12 and Luna 16, whereas Apollo 14 landed on a terrain with more relief, the Fra Mauro Formation which represents an ejecta blanket from the Imbrian Basin, and Apollo 15 touched down near the lunar highlands. The samples collected consist of a mixture, mainly of basalt, breccia and regolith (soil-particulate matter, generally < 1 cm in size). The basalts show considerable variation in texture, mineralogy and chemistry and probably represent fragments from various parts of relatively thin and extensive lava flows in the maria. The breccias represent regolith material which was indurated to varying degrees by impact events. The regolith is a product of the breakdown, again by impact, of coherent rock masses of basalt and breccia.  相似文献   

Approximately 100 glasses and 52 lithic fragments from Apollo 11 lunar fines and microbreccias were analyzed with the electron microprobe. Ranges in bulk composition of lithic fragments are considerably outside the precision (<±1%) and accuracy (±2–5%) of the broad electron beam technique. Results of this study may be summarized as follows: i) A large variety of rock types different from the hand specimens (basalt) were found among the lithic fragments, namely anorthosites, troctolitic and noritic anorthosites, troctolites, and norites (different from Apollo 12 norites). ii) In analogy to the hand specimens, the basaltic lithic fragments may be subdivided into low-K and high-K groups, both of which extend considerably in composition beyond the hand specimens. iii) Glasses were divided into 6 groups: Group 1 are the compositional analogs of the anorthositic-troctolitic lithic fragments and were apparently formed in single-stage impact events directly from parent anorthosites and troctolites. iv) Group 2 glasses are identical in composition to Apollo 12 KREEP glass and noritic lithic fragments, but have no counterparts in our Apollo 11 lithic fragment suite. Occurrence of KREEP in Apollo 11,12, and 14 samples is indicative of its relatively high abundance and suggests that the lunar crust is less depleted in elements that are common in KREEP (e.g. K, rare earths, P) than was originally thought on the basis of Apollo 11 basalt studies. v) Group 3 glasses are the compositional analogs of the basaltic lithic fragments, but low-K and high-K glasses cannot be distinguished because of loss of K (and Na, P) by volatilization in the vitrification process. vi) Group 4 glasses have no compositional analogs among the lithic fragments and were probably derived from as yet unknown Fe-rich, moderately Ti-rich, Mg-poor basalts. vii) Group 5 (low Ti-high Mg peridotite equivalent) and 6 (ilmenite peridotite equivalent) glasses have no counterparts among the Apollo 11 lithic fragments, but rock equivalents to group 5 glasses were found in Apollo 12 samples. Group 6 glasses are abundant, have narrow compositional ranges, and are thought to be the products of impact melting of an as yet unrecognized ultramafic rock type. iix) The great variety of igneous rocks (e.g. anorthosites, troctolites, norites, basalts, peridotites) suggests that large scale melting or partial melting to considerable depth must have occurred on the moon.  相似文献   

Mafic impact-melt breccias (IMB) from the Apollo landing sites—particularly Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17—are abundant and form compositionally distinct groups. These groups exhibit a range of major-element compositions and incompatible-element enrichments. Although concentrations of incompatible elements span a significant range, inter-element ratios vary little and have been used in the past to infer a common KREEP component (KREEP = rich in potassium, rare-earth elements, phosphorus, and other alkali and high-field-strength elements). On the basis of an extensive, high-precision data set for melt-breccia groups from different Apollo landing sites, variations in trace-element signatures of the mafic impact-melt breccias reflect significant differences in KREEP components of source regions. These differences are consistent with variable enrichment or depletion of source regions in those trace elements that fractionated during the latest stages of residual-melt evolution and are more or less related to “lunar granite.” Compared to other sites, the source region of Apollo 14 impact melts had an excess of the elements that are concentrated in lunar granite, suggesting either than this source region was enriched in such a component (K-frac) or that it lost a corresponding mafic component (REEP-frac). Because these are impact-melt breccias formed in large (probably basin) impacts, the indicated geochemical separations must have occurred on a broad scale.

Variations in the incompatible-element concentrations of the IMB groups reported in this paper are used to calculate a revised KREEP incompatible-element composition. On the basis of several extremely enriched lunar samples that retain the incompatible elements in KREEP-like ratios, the KREEP composition is extended to a level of 300 ppm La, or about three times the concentration of high-potassium KREEP as estimated by Warren (1989).  相似文献   

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