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西南峰丛山区分散供水模式及存在的问题   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
西南峰丛区居民主要采用溶井、水柜与水窖三种模式进行分散式供水,其水源分别来自地下河、岩溶泉及雨水。水柜供水适用于有使用价值的泉水出露的峰丛山区,溶井供水主要适用于有竖井的峰丛洼地底部及溶丘谷地边缘,水窖供水多用于地势较高、地表垂向岩溶极为发育、仅有雨水可供利用的峰丛山区。在大量调查与实际工程基础上,本文分别对三种供水模式的设计思路、设计参数与施工中的注意事项进行了详细论述,并给出了分散供水模式的设计示意图。分散供水目前存在的主要问题是选址布局不合理、设计与施工不科学以及水质安全得不到保障,对分散供水工程进行储水、供水与水处理一体化优化设计是保障水质安全的可靠手段。   相似文献   

针对华昱矿区面临的生产、生活用水匮乏,水资源复用率低,严重制约矿区可持续发展的问题,提出将矿井水资源纳入区域水资源进行统一配置利用是解决该问题的关键。通过对五家沟煤矿、元宝湾煤矿和南阳坡煤矿22组矿井水水样进行水质分析,确定了区内矿井水的水质类型,将总硬度、氟化物、硫酸盐、亚硝酸盐、总铁和矿化度作为评价指标,构建水质评价模糊综合矩阵对区内矿井水水质进行评价。根据区内煤矿自身涌水和生产用水的实际情况,提出了“多井联动调配+井上下协同净化+分质供水+梯级利用+全复用”的水处理新模式。结果表明,区内矿井水为含悬浮物和高矿化度矿井水,矿井水水质级别为Ⅴ级,水质极差水样有20组,该类水样占比为90.90%,经深度处理后产水水质均达到了《地下水质量标准》(GB/T14848—2017)中的Ⅰ类标准,水资源利用新模式实施后,满足了各矿井不同用水的供水需求,实现了煤矿间的多井联动调配和零排放。  相似文献   

根据贵州不同煤矿区矿井水的水质特征,将矿井水分为含悬浮物矿井水、酸性含铁锰矿井水和非酸性含铁锰矿井水三大类,并总结出各类矿井水的分布规律。矿井水的水质特点及类型决定了矿井水应采取的处理工艺。工程实践表明:含悬浮物矿井水宜采用混凝沉淀+过滤工艺进行处理;酸性矿井水铁锰含量高,宜采用中和+混凝沉淀+过滤工艺处理,用浓度为5%的高锰酸钾浸泡过的锰砂作为滤料能减少矿井水处理站的启动时间;非酸性含铁锰矿井水适宜采用混凝沉淀+锰砂过滤工艺进行处理。选择合适的处理工艺对于确保矿井水达标排放,减轻环境污染具有重要意义。  相似文献   

天然碱矿综合钻井水溶开采工艺设计   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对土耳其卡赞天然碱矿的地质特征和生产现状,为降低采矿成本,充分利用矿产资源,解决当前开采中存在的工艺问题,提出了一种“综合钻井水溶开采法”。通过对各个布井参数的确定,根据一定布井原则,对整个矿区进行了钻井开采工艺设计。该方法采用了水平井、分支井、对井压裂、单井吞吐等多种开采形式和井组类型。  相似文献   

利用淮南市朱集东矿井新生界松散层供水水文地质勘探成果和抽水试验资料,查明了区内新生界松散层供水含水层的供水水文地质条件,认为第一含水层埋藏浅,易受污染,水量随季节变化大,不宜作为生活饮用水供水水源,第三含水层水质较差,亦不作为生活饮用水供水水源,确定了第二含水层为矿区主要供水层位。采用解析法对第二含水层的水量进行了计算,并设计了布井方案,计算了井群水量;水位预报结果表明,开采50a后,3#、4#井中的水位最大降深为35.229m,小于其顶板埋深,说明拟建井群布置是合适的。评价结果为矿井供水设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

我国西部干旱-半干旱矿区既面临水资源匮乏,又面临矿井涌水量大、矿井水矿化度高等难题。为减少采煤过程中水资源浪费、保护西部地区水生态环境,基于保水采煤和煤-水双资源协调开采等理论基础与技术方法,围绕“矿井水深部转移存储”这一核心科学理念,提出将处理后的矿井水进行高压深井转移存储,转移至煤层底板深部含水层中存储。在鄂尔多斯盆地东部某矿实施试验井工程,通过开展野外岩样采集、室内电镜扫描、岩石成分分析、压汞等实验与定量-定性方法,研究目的转移存储层的水文地质条件和特征,分析不同高压水力压裂增渗试验主控因素,对比矿井水水质、转移存储层原生地层水水质和转移存储后混合水质,获取了矿井水高压持续深井转移存储的水文地质效应。结果表明:目前试验井单井累计转移存储矿井水量已满足设计预期,且持续高压水力压裂增渗方式可不断改善和渐次增强目的存储层的矿井水存储能力,延长服役时效。因此,高矿化度矿井水深部转移存储在技术和经济上具有可行性,将对西部地区水资源保护、水生态环境可持续发展产生重要意义;同时,相比高矿化度矿井水处理成本,能够有效缓解矿井水处理经济负担,为西部煤矿区矿井水转移存储提供典型示范。   相似文献   

土耳其天然碱矿水平对接井水溶开采技术回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
土耳其是世界上最早应用定向对接井进行天然碱商业化开采的国家,其所使用的核心技术——对接井水溶开采技术,就是引进我国自主研发的定向水平对接井水溶开采技术。与常规旱采方法相比,该技术具有劳动强度低、人工成本少、不排放尾矿、绿色环保等优点。在过去10多年里,我国以对接井水溶开采技术为依托,深度参与了土耳其贝帕扎里和卡赞两大碱矿从试验到生产的开发,在整个工程实施过程中持续对开采井组模式、定向器具、井底钻具总成、测井仪器等进行了改进,尤其是磁中靶系统方面取得了突出成果和广泛应用,开发了第四代“慧磁”钻井中靶导向系统,设计施工了三井组模式。一方面,通过该项技术的应用使土耳其天然碱资源得到广泛开发,其纯碱工业在世界上占有了一席之地;另一方面,通过广泛的生产实践进一步推动了定向钻探技术的发展,提升了我国定向水平对接井技术水平。  相似文献   

混凝和膜分离联用处理制药废水二级出水中试试验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对东北制药总厂废水处理厂的二级出水采用混凝-超滤-反渗透膜工艺进行中试处理研究。试验结果表明:混凝工艺对浊度和COD的去除率分别在62.0%和22.3%以上;超滤工艺对浊度和COD的去除率分别在87.4%和54.5%以上;反渗透工艺产水脱盐率在97.6%以上。工艺出水满足循环用水水质指标,工艺运行稳定。  相似文献   

辽宁省阜新市清河门区已建设人畜饮水井、基本饮水井和农村饮水安全等各类工程约31处,工程覆盖率达到88%,但未配套水质消毒和净化设备。通过对该区34项水质检测指标结果进行分析,发现部分村镇存在典型的细菌和硝酸盐超标现象,饮水安全存在风险。而枯水期水质明显好于丰水期,微生物指标超标多发生在7、8月份,应加快建设反渗透水处理设备,配备自助刷卡投币取水系统,以实现高标准自动化24 h自助取水,使出水达到生活饮用水卫生标准。提高农村供水质量,巩固农村饮水安全工程建设成果。  相似文献   

管内投砾新工艺在水文水井围填滤料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
水文水井滤料围填的质量对供水水质及使用寿命具有重要影响,常规填料工艺经常出现"架桥"现象和投砾不到位的问题。为此,提出了一种管内投砾新工艺,可以克服上述缺陷。首先阐述了其核心设备—专用转换接头的基本原理,介绍了其施工工艺流程;最后基于两个工程实例,分析了设计与施工方面的难点并给出了相应的解决方案。结果表明:(1)与常规工艺相比较,管内投砾法既能够实现止水、注浆和固井的一体化操作,又能够减少成井环节,缩短成井周期,经济效益显著,可靠度100%;(2)采用专用转换接头围填滤料,能够保证水文水井滤料的充填质量,工艺简单易行、安全高效;(3)在深井投砾时,应安装井口自动投砾器;在井管内宜设置投砾导向管,并采用动水投砾。  相似文献   

The Gavbast karstic aquifer located in southern Iran is in direct contact with an exposed salt diapir. To assess the influence of the diapir on the quality of groundwater in the karstic aquifer, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, flow rate, temperature and major ion concentrations were measured at 57 sampling sites, including springs, surface waters and wells. A conceptual model of groundwater flow is proposed for the Gavbast karstic aquifer based on the geological setting, water budget, local base of erosion, and hydrochemistry of the sampling sites. The model suggests two subbasins in the Gavbast Anticline draining into two distinct discharging alluvial sections. Unexpectedly, groundwater discharging from the carbonate Gavbast aquifer is saline or brackish and water is of chloride type. The study indicates that the source of salinity of the Gavbast aquifers is infiltration of surface diapir-derived brine into the aquifer. The contribution of the diapir brine in the Gavbast karst aquifer is calculated about 4 L/s, using chloride mass balance. Construction of salt basins to evaporate brine discharging from the diapir springs is proposed to reduce the salinity of karst water. A row of strategically placed wells in the Gavbast karst aquifer would potentially exploit large volumes of fresh groundwater before it is contaminated by the salt. Such low-cost remediation should allow the agricultural exploitation of 40 km2 of currently barren land.  相似文献   

地下水动力条件变化是导致临沂市城区岩溶塌陷的诱因和动因,通过分析岩溶区地质及水文地质条件,建立了临沂市城区岩溶地下水流数值模型,预测了2007年6月至2019年6月地下水水位时空变化过程。从流场拟合情况看,所建模型拟合效果良好,客观反映了地下水系统演化规律,可以用于岩溶塌陷预警预报,为岩溶塌陷地质灾害防治提供技术依据。  相似文献   

为了岩溶水的合理利用,根据物探及水源井资料,对蜀山背斜岩溶水水文地质特征进行了研究。结果表明:蜀山背斜寒武-奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶发育程度主要受岩性、构造及埋藏条件等因素的控制,可溶成份含量高的地层、构造发育强烈的地段及碳酸盐岩埋藏浅的地区岩溶发育程度相对较高,相反,岩溶发育程度较低;岩溶水主要接受上覆孔隙水的垂向越流补给,其次为裸露区大气降水入渗,主要排泄途径为人工开采及侧向排泄;岩溶水水位总体上随气候与气象呈周期性变化,基本处于动态平衡状态;岩溶水水质良好,水化学类型主要为SO4·HCO3-Ca·Mg型,水质在枯水期与丰水期的变化不明显。  相似文献   

KARSTIC: a sensitivity method for carbonate aquifers in karst terrain   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
. Groundwater in karstic aquifers can be dangerously sensitive to contamination. Many cities in the western USA rely on karstic carbonate aquifers for municipal water supplies. For example, Rapid City, South Dakota, pumps more than half of its drinking water from wells in the Madison Limestone. This work examined the sensitivity of karstic aquifers to surface contamination in mountainous terrain. Where karstic carbonate aquifers are exposed at their outcrop areas, they are particularly susceptible to the introduction of contamination through diffuse recharge or through point recharge at swallow holes along streams. Residential developments in mountainous regions of the western USA are encroaching on the recharge areas of karstic aquifers. Many of these residential developments are served by onsite wastewater disposal systems such as septic tanks and drain fields, with the attendant danger of introduction of pathogens from malfunctioning treatment systems above fractured limestone which offers little filtering. Where streams disappear into karstic aquifers at swallow holes, microbial contaminants such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium are a concern, as well as potential spills, leaks, or accidents along roads near these streams. The KARSTIC method developed and modified in this work puts greater emphasis on karst features than previous sensitivity procedures such as the US Environmental Protection Agency's DRASTIC method. The modified method gives increased attention to highly sensitive areas of karstic carbonate aquifers by weighting the synergistic effects of fracturing, karst development, and swallow holes of recharging streams. In a field application, hydrogeologic maps of a watershed in the Black Hills, USA, were digitized into a geographic information system. The resulting sensitivity map and report can be used by planners, managers, and the public as a screening tool for assessing groundwater sensitivity in regions which include karstic aquifers.  相似文献   

邢台市区地下饮用水源位于太行山前储存两种相当丰富的岩溶水和孔隙水的百泉泉域径流排泄区。令人担忧的是:浅层孔隙水已受到轻度污染,深层岩溶水出现个别水井水质超标。本文针对几起地下饮用水源污染事例,探讨岩溶水饮用水源污染成因和规律。  相似文献   

岩溶热储井间连通性的示踪研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
岩溶热储储层的不均匀性强,采灌井之间的连通性不易确定。示踪技术可以将运移参数量化,有效刻画储层流体的特征,研究回灌井和开采井之间的水力联系,包括导水通道,流体流速等信息,对长期回灌可能引起的开采井的冷却进行预测,是岩溶热储井间连通性研究十分有效的技术。本文以华北牛驼镇地热田雄县地区为例,针对蓟县系雾迷山组岩溶热储,采用荧光素钠示踪剂,进行了1口井注入,10口井观测的群井示踪试验。采用裂隙介质溶质运移模型,对示踪试验数据进行了解释,得到优势通道的长度、渗透流速、纵向弥散度、回收率等储层性质,获得了试验区内采灌井之间的连通特征。对调整采灌井布局提出了建议。  相似文献   

The fluorescent properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) have been used as natural tracers in various water systems. However, only few studies have focused on groundwater systems, specifically, on karst systems. The aim of this study was to develop the use of the DOM fluorescence signal as a natural tracer, considering the multiple compartments of a karst system. This method was applied to the Lez hydrosystem, which supplies the city of Montpellier with drinking water. The hydrodynamics and hydrochemistry of the spring were monitored beginning March 2006. The DOM fluorescence was measured by the excitation–emission matrix spectroscopy technique. The analysis of the total fluorescence signal confirms the efficiency of this tool to trace rapid infiltration flows. Moreover, the decomposition of the signal into different fluorophores complements the information provided by the total signal. Indeed, the fluorescence emitted by the humic compounds seems to be the ideal tool for identifying rapid infiltration flows. Nevertheless, the fluorescence of protein-like compounds is better correlated with the inflow of faecal bacteria at the outlet. This decomposition of the fluorescence signal is an interesting way to provide information on both the rapid infiltration flow as well as the vulnerability of the karst aquifers.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers represent one of the main sources of water supply in Serbia. Wide distributions of karstic areas, abundant reserves, and excellent quality of karst groundwater have been the reasons for its extensive use in water supply systems throughout the country. In Serbia, 70 karstic sources have been tapped for centralized water supply, with the assessed minimal capacity exceeding 4.5 m3/s. Most of the large cities of Eastern and Western Serbia currently use karst groundwater for water supply; however, due to unstable flow regime when only natural springflow is tapped, numerous problems arise during the recession period (summer–autumn). During the last two decades, after favorable conditions had been confirmed through hydrogeological survey and feasibility studies, several newly constructed systems for artificial control of karst aquifers (mostly in Eastern Serbia) resulted in significantly improved water supply.  相似文献   

邯峰矿区岩溶含水层主要是寒武系、奥陶系厚层灰岩、石炭系薄层石灰岩,其中以奥陶系中统含水层富水性最为丰富,具有随埋藏深度增大而岩溶发育减弱的特性。根据岩溶水补、径、排条件,邯峰矿区岩溶水可分为黑龙洞、白龙洞、紫泉岩三个子系统,各子系统又根据岩溶发育程度、钻孔单位涌水量、水井单井出水量等富水性特征划分为四个区,研究了地下水动态特征,提出了保护岩溶地下水资源的建议。  相似文献   

Scarcity of water, particularly in towns situated along the Mediterranean coast where the main aquifers are in karstic carbonate rocks, necessitates more thoroughness in exploiting and protecting the groundwater resources. Geomorphological and hydrogeological studies have revealed large quantities of the input and throughput features, such as sinkholes, dolines, uvalas and poljes in the recharge areas of many karst aquifers in Turkey. Naturally, recharge areas are generally located at higher elevations and regions remote from the urbanized areas. These features lead the local authorities and persons to utilize the karst features for their own purposes. Dolines and ponors are commonly utilized as injection points for wastewater, while uvalas and poljes are used as solid waste disposal sites. When doing this, the people are unconscious of the connection of such sites with the wells or springs that provide water for their supply. A number of occurrences in Turkey have demonstrated that, no matter how perfect the efficiency of the technical work, protection of the water resources is primarily related to the consciousness of the local authorities. They must either take proper measures to protect the resources or to educate the public in this issue. To achieve this aim, it is very important to involve the public administrative sector and the technical sector in preparing guidelines for integrated environmental evaluation of karst water resources. The main phase of a study should include locating appropriate sites for disposal of wastewater and various liquid and solid wastes that will satisfy requirements by the administrators as well as providing a water supply of good quality for the public. This paper discusses the issue of how to overcome the public awareness problem. Some examples demonstrate how the technical achievements failed to be effective and applicable due to the lack of contribution on the part of the local authorities and the public. Some suggestions are made concerning a revision of the currently insufficient regulations.  相似文献   

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