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Conjoint analysis of small‐boat recreational fishers in New Zealand
Authors:Carla F. Muller  John D. Holland  Thomas J. Kay  Karen F. Hytten
Affiliation:Environmental Management Programme, Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Conjoint analysis is a useful technique to assist recreational managers formulate policy, and develop strategies to efficiently and effectively distribute resources. Accurate estimates of the value of natural resources remain challenging, despite the development of a number of decision analysis techniques. This recreation geography study uses conjoint analysis to examine the relative importance of attributes associated with small‐boat recreational fishing experiences and demonstrates the value of conjoint analysis as a non‐market valuation tool. We found that the choices associated with companionship are the most important factors of recreational fishing and more tangible attributes such as the quality of launch facilities and catch probability are the least important factors.
Keywords:conjoint analysis  natural resource management  non‐market valuation  recreational fishing
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