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引用本文:王奋飞,任鑫,刘建军,施俊,李春来. 嫦娥二号影像密集匹配及DEM制作方法[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2017, 42(7): 918-923. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20150147
作者姓名:王奋飞  任鑫  刘建军  施俊  李春来
作者单位:1.中国科学院国家天文台, 北京, 100012
摘    要:嫦娥二号卫星搭载了一台两线阵CCD立体相机,以线阵推扫成像方式获取了覆盖全月球的7 m分辨率影像。与嫦娥一号影像相比,影像分辨率大大提高,月表地貌细节更加丰富,制作高分辨率月表DEM更加复杂而困难,现有的基于嫦娥影像制作方法难以满足应用需求。针对嫦娥二号影像特点,在基于RPC模型生成近似核线影像基础上,进行金字塔影像匹配,实现了原始影像的逐像素匹配;计算匹配点的月面坐标后,采用基于反距离插值方法生成月表三维地形;对于图像阴影等地形漏洞,采用基于径向基函数进行插值填补。试验结果表明,该方法生成的月表三维地形DEM数据,能准确真实地表达高分辨率的月表地形地貌细节,并较好地应用于嫦娥二号全月球三维地形DEM数据产品的生产任务中。

关 键 词:嫦娥二号   影像匹配   DEM   月球

The Methods of CE-2 Image Dense Matching and Lunar DEM Extraction
Affiliation:1.National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China2.Key Laboratory of Lunar and Deep Space Exploration, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100012, China3.Beijing Eastdawn Information Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100190, China
Abstract:The two-line CCD stereo camera carried by the Chang E-2 (CE-2) satellite has successfully captured the global lunar imagery at 7 m resolution by the linear push-broom imaging manner. Compared with the image of Chang E-1(CE-1), the spatial resolution of CE-2 is greatly improved, which enables the more detailed presentation of the lunar surface features and topography, and consequently makes the production of high-resolution lunar DEM more complex and difficult. The existing methods based on the Chang E image can hardly meet the application requirements. In this paper, based on the previous studies on the characteristic of CE-2 image, we proposed methods of image matching and the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) extraction. The working flow started with the generation of the approximate epipolar images based on the RPC model and the construction of the pyramid images. By matching with the pyramid hierarchical, a pixel-wise matching of the original image was realized. We then calculated the three-dimension coordinates on the lunar surface of the matching points, and generated the DEM using the inverse distance interpolation method. Finally, the radial basis function interpolation was employed to fill the terrain hole caused by the image shadows. The results show that the lunar DEM generated by our method can accurately depict the most detailed and complete lunar surface topography, and perform better in the production of the global Lunar DEM products of CE-2 mission.
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