引用本文:布亚林,李飞.MICAPS系统下温,压,湿曲线图的自动绘制[J].气象与环境科学,2000,(2):..To Draw the Changing Curves of Temperature Pressure and Humidity with MICAPS Automatically[J].Meteorological and Environmental Sciences,2000,(2):.
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作者姓名布亚林  李飞
中文摘要:利用MICAPS系统本身所具有的图像放大、缩小、移动、模拟动画等功能 ,将日常手工绘制的温、压、湿曲线图移植到计算机上。利用开发出的绘图软件 ,即可将原始资料加工成具有一定格式的文本文件 ,并生成温、压、湿曲线图供日常业务使用
中文关键词:MICAPS系统 温度 气压 湿度 自动绘制 曲线图
To Draw the Changing Curves of Temperature Pressure and Humidity with MICAPS Automatically
Authors:Bu Yalin  Li Fei
Abstract:As the MICAPS has the function of displaying images on meteorology data and to zoom move or animate the images is the basic function of it .So in this way we have migrated the changing curves of temperature pressure and humidity which we used to draw by hand to computer. Now with this software we can get the curves automatically, and all the original data can be made into some formatted files for use later. Certainly, you can output the images to the screen or the printer, and which is chosen lies on what you prefer to.
Keywords:MICAPS,Changing Curves of Temperature Pressure and Humidity,Graphics display on computer
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