  • 王学哲,闫吉顺,王鹏,刘豫宁,刘晓璐,张盼.辽宁省围海养殖的用海效益和退出机制[J].海洋开发与管理,2019,36(4):17-19    
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关键词:  海水养殖  生态效益  经济效益  投入产出比  退出机制
The Benefit and Withdrawal Mechanism for Sea Reclamation Aquaculture in Liaoning Province
WANG Xuezhe,YAN Jishun,WANG Peng,LIU Yuning,LIU Xiaolu,ZHANG Pan
School of Urban Planning and Environmental Science,Liaoning Normal University;National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center;Jinzhou Fishing Port Supervision Office
In order to optimize the industrial structure of mariculture industry in Liaoning province and promote the construction of marine ecological civilization and the highquality development of marine economy.Based on the results which the analysis of the present situation of the cofferdam mariculture in Liaoning province,the paper demonstrated the benefits of the cofferdam mariculture from two aspects of ecological and economic benefits,and put forward some suggestions on the withdrawal mechanism.The results showed that the scale of the cofferdam mariculture in Liaoning province was large,which had caused adverse effects on the ecological environment of offshore waters.The ecological benefits of the cofferdam mariculture were low by establishing inputoutput index system and calculating inputoutput ratio.Taking the sea cucumber of cofferdam mariculture as an example,by analyzing its per unit yield,per unit output value and cultivation area,the situation of industrial contribution and comparison of cultivation modes was comprehensively considered.In addition,the economic benefits of the cofferdam mariculture were reduced,and the gradual withdrawal of the cofferdam mariculture was imperative because of the overall low efficiency of the cofferdam mariculture.The withdrawal mechanism should be established scientifically according to different categories by means of clearance or removal.
Key words:  Mariculture,Ecological benefit,Economic benefit,Input output ratio,Withdrawal mechanism