  • 吴旗韬,陈伟莲,李苑君,张虹鸥,周晴.推进渔业高质量发展建设现代渔业强省的思考[J].海洋开发与管理,2019,36(9):84-88    
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关键词:  渔业发展  空间优化  广东省  渔村振兴  海洋强省
The Promotion of High-quality Development of Fisheries for Guangdong Modern Fisheries Development
WU Qitao,CHEN Weilian,LI Yuanjun,ZHANG Hongou,ZHOU Qing
Guangzhou Institute of Geography;Guangdong Public Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application;Guangzhou Institute of Geography;Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,CAS
Promoting the high-quality development of fisheries in Guangdong province is an important support for promoting the revitalization strategy of fishing villages and building a strong marine province.This paper proposed the path and suggestion for promoting the highquality development of fisheries in Guangdong province from four aspects: optimizing the strategic layout of fishery development,improving the coordinated and sustainable development of aquaculture and resource environment,coordinating the development of marine fishery resources,and promoting the integration of the entire industry chain of fisheries.The research aimed to provide decisionmaking advice for Guangdong province fishery development.For the aim of promoting the development of modern marine fisheries in Guangdong province,the government shall firm the production base of fisheries, imply the strategy of quality fishing and build a system of industrial integration of fishing villages.In combination with Guangdong′s economic and social development strategy,Guangdong province should further optimize the spatial development pattern of fishery development,and build three unique breeding areas and three fishing belt, including the Pearl River Delta urban fishing area,the fish and shrimp cultivation area in western Guangdong,the northern ecological fishing area,the coastal marine aquaculture belt,the Xijiang and Beijiang River and the lower reaches aquaculture belt,and the freshwater aquaculture belt in the lower reaches of the Dongjiang River.Finally,Guangdong province shall scientifically delineate banned areas,restricted areas and breeding areas,and strengthen the coordinated development of fish farming, processing and trade.
Key words:  Fisheries development,Spatial optimization,Guangdong province,Fishing village revitalization,Strong marine province