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Heat Resource Change Effect on Cotton Production in Korla Reclamation Area Recent Ten Years
投稿时间:2011-04-10  修订日期:2011-08-26
中文关键词:  界限温度  持续日数  积温  无霜期  棉花  影响
英文关键词:boundary temperature  cumulative temperature  day numbers of duration  frostless season  cotton  effect.
曹娟* 兵团农二师29团气象站 15001560010@163.com 
杜峰 莎车县气象局  
陈海莉 兵团农二师33团气象站  
摘要点击次数: 957
全文下载次数: 721
      Abstract:Make use of the meteorological data during 2000-2009 from 29 corps of korla weather station,the heat index was analyseed for the first day,the last day,the day number of duration,the active cumulative temperature and the frostless season of three boundary temperature(10℃,15℃,20℃) respectively.The results show the first day of boundary temperature has become earlier,while the last day be come later; Stability through three boundary temperature of the day numbers of duration are more than calendar year . Three boundary temperature of the cumulative temperature has increased. The frostless season has been declined slightly and the first-frost period become earlier, the final frost be come later. Cotton is a kind of crop of thermophilic and light-preferring, it has a requirement of heat resources during its sowing time, seeding stage, floral bud emergence as well as blossoming and boll-forming stages. Through correlative analysis of heat resource information and corresponding years' cottons' per unit area yield, the conclusion that cottons' per unit area yield is higher in years that has a richer heat resource can be drawn.
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