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CHEN Hua,DING Yihui,HE Jinhai, 2007: Reappraisal of Asian Summer Monsoon Indices and the Long-Term Variation of Monsoon. J. Meteor. Res., 21(2), 168-178, doi: [doi].
Reappraisal of Asian Summer Monsoon Indices and the Long-Term Variation of Monsoon
Received:March 27, 2007  
Keywords:monsoon indices, interannual and interdecadal variation, climate abrupt change
Supported jointly by the South China Sea Monsoon Experimental Research of the National 9th Five Years Program B and the Project of Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development under Grant No. 2004cb418303.
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Hua Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044 Changzhou Meteorological Bureau, Changzhou 213001 
DING Yihui National Climate Center, Beijing 100081 
HE Jinhai Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044 
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      The Webster and Yang monsoon index (WYI)??the zonal wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa was calculated and modified on the basis of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. After analyzing the circulation and divergence fields of 150-100 and 200 hPa, however, we found that the 200-hPa level could not reflect the real change of the upper-tropospheric circulation of Asian summer monsoon, especially the characteristics and variation of the tropical easterly jet which is the most important feature of the upper-tropospheric circulation. The zonal wind shear U850-U(150+100) is much larger than U850-U200, and thus it can reflect the strength of monsoon more appropriately. In addition, divergence is the largest at 150 hPa rather than 200 hPa, so 150 hPa in the upper-troposphere can reflect the coupling of the monsoon system. Therefore,WYI is rede ned as DHI, i.e., IDH=U *850-U*(150+100), which is able to characterize the variability of not only the intensity of the center of zonal wind shear in Asia, but also the monsoon system in the upper and lower troposphere. DHI is superior to WYI in featuring the long-term variation of Asian summer monsoon as it indicates there is obvious interdecadal variation in the Asian summer monsoon and the climate abrupt change occurred in 1980. The Asian summer monsoon was stronger before 1980 and it weakened after then due to the weakening of the easterly in the layer of 150-100 hPa, while easterly at 200 hPa did not weaken signi cantly. After the climate jump year in general, easterly in the upper troposphere weakened in Asia, indicating the weakening of summer monsoon; the land-sea pressure di erence and thermal difference reduced, resulting in the weakening of monsoon; the corresponding upper divergence as well as the water vapor transport decreased in Indian Peninsula, central Indo-China Peninsula, North China, and Northeast China, indicating the weakening of summer monsoon as well. The difference between NCEP/NCAR and ERA-40 reanalysis data in studying the intensity and long-term variation of Asian summer monsoon is also compared in the end for reference.
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