引用本文:张民, 李杨, 何显川, 冯俊龙, 郑瑶, 王宏坤, 杜金刚, 王书山.滇西临沧花岗岩中段离子吸附型稀土矿成矿特征研究[J].沉积与特提斯地质,2018,38(4):37-47.[点击复制]
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(核工业西藏地质调查院, 四川 成都 610059)
关键词:  临沧花岗岩中段  离子吸附型稀土矿  成矿模式  滇西
Mineralization of the ion adsorption-type REE deposits in the central part of the Lincang granites in western Yunnan
ZHANG Min, LI Yang, HE Xian-chuan, FENG Jun-long, ZHENG Yao, WANG Hong-kun, DU Jin-gang, WANG Shu-shan
(Xizang Institute of Geological Survey, Sichuan Bureau of Nuclear Geology, Chengdu 610059, Sichuan, China)
The Late Triassic biotite monzogranites in the central part of the Lincang granites in western Yunnan are considered as the naturally mineralized parent rocks of the ion adsorption-type REE deposits. The hot and humid climatic conditions in this area are responsible for the formation of the tremendous granite weathering crust, and the preservation in the flat terrains, moderate mountains, moderate mountains-hills and intermontane basins in the moderate mountains. The granite weathering crust may be divided, according to the intensity of weathering from the surface to the bedrock, into the humus layer, loam layer, completely weathering layer, locally weathering layer, slightly weathering layer and fresh bedrock. The completely weathering layers occur as the main pay streaks of the ion adsorption-type REE deposits. Geochemically, the weathering processes gave rise to the fractionation and concentration of the rare earth elements, with the stress on the mineralization of light rare earth elements such as La and Ce. Three types of mineralization model for the ion adsorption-type REE deposits are presented here according to the geomorphological types. The majority of the REE ore bodies reside in the gently moderate mountains and moderate mountains-hills in the study area.
Key words:  central part of the Lincang granites  ion adsorption-type REE deposit  mineralization model  western Yunnan

