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及晓梦,刘 雨,周 慎
(湖南中医药大学,湖南 长沙,410208;湖南省中医药研究院附属医院,湖南 长沙,410006)
关键词:  脑梗死急性期  阴虚络瘀证  中医药疗法  柔肝通络汤
Clinical effect of Rougan Tongluo decoction in treatment of acute-stage cerebral infarction:An analysis of 40 cases
JI Xiaomeng,LIU Yu,ZHOU Shen
(Hunan University of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410208,Hunan,China;The Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Academy of Chinese Medicine,Changsha 410006,Hunan,China)
Objective:To investigate the clinical effect of Rougan Tongluo decoction in the treatment of acute-stage cerebral infarction with Yin deficiency and collateral obstruction.Methods:A total of 80 patients in the acute stage of cerebral infarction with Yin deficiency and collateral obstruction were enrolled and randomly divided into treatment group and control group,with 40 patients in each group.The patients in the treatment group were given Rougan Tongluo decoction,and those in the control group were given conventional Western medicine treatment.Results:There were significant differences between the treatment group and the control group in overall response rate(87.5% vs 72.5%,P<0.05)and overall response rate of TCM syndrome(90.0% vs 75.0%,P<0.05).Both groups had significant changes in hemorheological indices and NIH Stroke Scale score after treatment,and there were significant differences in these indices between the two groups after treatment(P<0.01).Conclusion:Rougan Tongluo decoction has a better clinical effect than conventional Western medicine treatment in the treatment of acute-stage cerebral infarction with Yin deficiency and collateral obstruction.
Key words:  acute-stage cerebral infarction  Yin deficiency and collateral obstruction  traditional Chinese medicine treatment  Rougan Tongluo decoction

