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(广东省韶关市中医院,广东 韶关,512026)
关键词:  痛性糖尿病周围神经病变  气虚血瘀型  中西医结合疗法  身痛逐瘀汤
Clinical effect of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy in treatment of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy:An analysis of 32 cases
HE Qia-ren,ZENG Xiao-hong
(Shaoguan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shaoguan 512026,Guangdong,China)
Objective:To investigate the clinical effect of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy in the treatment of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy with Qi deficiency and blood stasis.Methods:A total of 64 patients with painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy with Qi deficiency and blood stasis were randomly divided into control group and treatment group,with 32 patients in each group.The patients in the control group were given pregabalin and mecobalamin,and those in the treatment group were given Shentong Zhuyu decoction in addition to the treatment in the control group.The two groups were compared in terms of overall response,Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) score,and neurological function.Results:There was a significant difference in overall response rate between the treatment group and the control group(84.4% vs 71.9%,P<0.05).Both groups had significant changes in VAS score and neurological function after treatment,and there were significant differences between the two groups after treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion:Integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy has a good clinical effect in the treatment of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy with Qi deficiency and blood stasis.
Key words:  painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy  Qi deficiency and blood stasis  integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy  Shentong Zhuyu decoction

