  • 闫春霞,沈欣.基于地理探测器的我国海水养殖产量的影响因素分析[J].海洋开发与管理,2022,39(2):65-71    
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关键词:  渔业  海水养殖  地理探测器  技术推广  空间差异
Influencing Factors of the Yield of Mariculture in China Based on Geographic Detector
YAN Chunxia,SHEN Xin
College of Economics and Management,Shanghai Ocean University
In order to promote the sustainable development of China′s marine aquaculture industry, based on the statistical data of China′s mariculture output, this paper selected 19 influencing factors, empirically analyzed the influencing factors of China′s mariculture output and the output of main mariculture varieties by using geographic detector method, and put forward development suggestions. The results showed that fish mariculture production was mainly distributed in Guangdong and Fujian, crustacean mariculture production was mainly distributed in Guangdong, shellfish mariculture production was mainly distributed in Shandong and Fujian, algae mariculture production was mainly distributed in Fujian. The main influencing factors of mariculture output in China were market demand, technology extension and equipment, the common main influencing factors of fish and crustacean mariculture output were technology extension, scientific and technological innovation and economy, and the common main influencing factors of shellfish and algae mariculture output were market demand and technology extension. Relevant coastal areas should attach great importance to the role of science and technology, improve the added value and competitiveness of mariculture products, and further develop and utilize their ecological value.
Key words:  Fisheries,Mariculture,Geographic detector,Technology promotion,Spatial differences