Comparative Analysis about the Method of Obtaining the Evaporation Duct Environmental Parameters
中文关键词:  蒸发波导  大气折射率测量  预测模型
英文关键词:Evaporation duct  Refractive index measurement  Prediction model
许晨 国家海洋技术中心天津 300112 
王心鹏 国家海洋技术中心天津 300112 
刘宁 国家海洋技术中心天津 300112 
摘要点击次数: 601
全文下载次数: 419
      The evaporation duct has a significant effect on the propagation of electromagnetic waves on the sea. The rapid acquisition of large scale accurate refractive index parameters has become a research hotspot of evaporation duct. This paper firstly analyzed the existing prediction model of evaporation duct and simulated the classical model. Then we summed up the prediction model of evaporation duct height and the lack of correct refractive index profile by comparing the simulation results of different models. In order to sum up the measurement accuracy and data conditions that the measuring system should have and analyze the error source introduced by the measurement system aiming at the improvement direction of different measurement systems, we compared the original principle, measurement accuracy and applicable conditions of the existing evaporation duct measurement system from the perspective of hardware. Finally, the future research direction and development trend of different methods were summarized through the comparison about the methods and the analysis of the application process of the measured data used in evaporation duct environmental parameters calculation.
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