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(1.厦门大学海洋与地球学院海洋生物制备技术国家地方联合工程实验室,福建 厦门 361102;2.海南热带海洋学院,海南 三亚 572022; 3.海南省海洋食品工程技术研究中心,海南 三亚 572022)
以甲醇对2种短指软珊瑚进行提取,检测提取物对各波段紫外线的吸收效果以表征其防晒活性,以酪氨酸酶抑制实验检测其美白活性,并以DPPH法检测其抗氧化活性,首次探讨了软珊瑚来源物质在化妆品开发中的应用潜力。结果表明,在防晒活性方面,Sinularia compacta和Sinularia wanannensis提取物对紫外线具有较强的吸收特性,随浓度增加其光吸收波段也随之扩大,浓度在5.0 mg/cm3以上时对280~400 nm波长范围的紫外线均有良好吸收,总体上S. compacta提取物的防晒活性略高于S. wanannensis提取物,两者对紫外线的吸收效果均优于阳性对照熊果苷和二苯甲酮,S. compacta提取物在10.0 mg/cm3时对紫外线的吸收效果甚至与阳性对照芦丁相当,显示出较高的防紫外效能;在美白活性方面,S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物均有一定的抑制酪氨酸酶活性作用,S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物在此活性无显著性差异;在抗氧化活性方面,S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物均显示出优异的清除自由基能力,且其活性随浓度的升高而升高,在1.0~5.0 mg/cm3浓度下S. compacta和S. wanannensis提取物的抗氧化活性与阳性对照Vc相当,在10.0mg/cm3时S. wanannensis提取物的抗氧化活性显著高于S. compacta提取物和Vc。研究结果为开发软珊瑚源天然新型化妆品物质奠定了重要基础。
关键词:  海洋生物学  软珊瑚  化妆品  防晒  美白  抗氧化
基金项目:海南省重大科技资助项目(ZDKJ2016009 3);海南省重点研发计划资助项目(ZDYF2019154);海南热带海洋学院博士启动经费资助项目(RHDXB201628)
Application potential of extracts from two species of soft coral Sinularia in cosmetics
QI Yu-xuan,LIN Xue-ke,WANG Pei-zheng,XU Yun-sheng,LI Wei-dong
(1.StateProvince Joint Engineering Laboratory of Marine Bioproducts and Technology, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen 361102,China; 2.Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Sanya 572022, China;3.Hainan Engineering Research Center of Seafood, Sanya 572022, China)
In this study, extracts of two species of soft coral Sinularia were prepared by methanol, and tested for the sunscreen activity by absorption of different UV range, the whitening activity by the tyrosinase inhibition, and the antioxidant activity by measurement of DPPH. The potential application of the natural substances from soft corals in cosmetics development was investigated for the first time. The results showed that extracts of Sinularia compacta and Sinularia wanannensis exhibited a strong absorption of UV. As the concentration increased, the absorption band of the extracts from S. compacta and S. wanannensis expanded, with high absorption of UV from 280-400 nm at concentrations above 5.0 mg/cm3. Generally the sunscreen activity of the extract from S. compacta was better than that of the extract from S. wanannensis. Both the extracts showed higher absorption of UV than the positive controls of arbutin and benzophenone. Besides, the UV absorption of the extract from S. compacta at 10.0 mg/cm3 was comparable to that of the positive control of rutin, indicating the high sunscreen activities of the extracts from two species of soft corals. The extracts of two species showed similar inhibitory activities against tyrosinase. Furthermore, both the extracts showed outstanding antioxidant activities. Their antioxidant activities increased with increasing concentrations. The extracts of two species at 1.0-5.0 mg/cm3 showed comparable antioxidant activities to the positive control of Vc. The extract from S. wanannensis at 10.0 mg/cm3 exhibited significantly higher antioxidant activity than the extract of S. compacta and Vc. The results are important to develop novel natural cosmetics derived from soft corals.
Key words:  marine biology  soft coral  cosmetics  sunscreen  whitening  antioxidant

