  • 张荧楠.海洋渔业产业结构优化对碳排放效率的影响——基于我国沿海地区的空间计量分析[J].海洋开发与管理,2021,38(4):3-15    
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关键词:  海洋渔业  产业结构  碳排放  莫兰指数  空间计量
The Influence of Marine Fishery Industrial Structure Optimization on Carbon Emission Efficiency:Spatial Econometric Analysis Based on Coastal Areas of China
ZHANG Yingnan
Management College,Ocean University of China
It is of great practical significance to study the influence of optimization of marine fishery industrial structure on carbon emissions for promoting the highquality development of marine fishery.Based on the panel data of 9 coastal provinces (autonomous region) in China from 2008 to 2017.The data envelopment method was used to calculate the carbon emission efficiency of marine fishery,and spatial measurement model was used to explore the impact of the optimization of the industrial structure of marine fishery on the carbon emission efficiency.The results showed that: there were significant differences in the carbon emission efficiency of marine fisheries in China at the provincial level,except Hebei and Guangxi,the other areas had higher carbon emission efficiency of marine fisheries.From the perspective of spatial characteristics,the optimization level of marine fishery industrial structure had a significant spatial agglomeration,and there was a certain spatial dependence on the carbon emission efficiency of marine fishery.The “highhigh” agglomeration characteristics of carbon emission efficiency were more obvious.From the regression results,the optimization of marine fishery industrial structure and the economic level of marine fishery had a significant positive impact on the carbon emission efficiency of marine fishery,which not only affected the local area,but also radiated to the adjacent areas.However,the income of fishermen,the input of fishery scientific research and the level of fishery opening to the outside world had some negative effects on the carbon emission efficiency of marine fishery.
Key words:  Marine fishery,Industrial structure,Carbon emission,Moran′s index,Spatial measurement