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薛福民,刘新春,马 燕,张 琼.1997-2007年塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地沙尘天气变化特征[J].沙漠与绿洲气象,2009,3(1):31~34
Variation Characteristics of Dust Weather in the Hinterland of Taklimakan Desert during 1997-2007
中文关键词:  沙尘天气  变化特征  温度  湿度  
英文关键词:dust weather  variation characteristic  temperature  humidity  wind
薛福民 塔中气象站新疆 库尔勒 830013 
刘新春 Institute of Desert Meteorology, CMA, Urumqi 830002, China 
马 燕 阜康市气象局新疆 阜康 831500 
张 琼 巴州气象局雷达站新疆 库尔勒 830013 
摘要点击次数: 639
全文下载次数: 1005
      Based on the observation data of Tazhong station and the surrounding station of Taklimakan desert from 1997 to 2007, the climatic characteristics of dust weather were studied. The results show that, in all the dust weather events in Tazhong region, floating dust is the most frequent, blowing-sand weather is less and sandstorm is the least, the mean annual days were 97.4d, 59.6d and 15.8d respectively. Dust weather displays obvious seasonal and interannual changes. Dust weather occurred frequently during March to August, accounting for 79.6% of the annual average in past years. The floating dust and blowing-sand weather days showed an increasing trend, Contrary to the sandstorm situations. The collectivity distribution of the dust weather in this region increased from the east to southwest and the south. However, the dust weather in Tazhong is not the most frequent. The sandstorm weather is the most frequent under such conditions: the temperature is 19℃~33℃, relative humidity is 10%~16%, the wind is easterly and northerly and the wind speed is≥7m/s.
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