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江波  王任一  齐红霞
中石化华东分公司规划设计研究院 江苏南京210036(江波,齐红霞)
,中国地质大学 湖北武汉430074(王任一)
      The information of petroliferous reservoir is hidden in the level of differential waveform complexity between the resistivity and porosity log curves of reservoirs,which can be described by the use of the chaotic dynamics.The poincar map of the oil layer phase space clearly shows resemblance and presents chaos characteristics.The poincar maps of the water layer and swept layer phase space show an obvious decrease on the chaos characteristics,which tends to be simple in order.The density of power spectrum,on the whole,is an exponential declining curve along with frequency augmentation without reference to water flooded extent.When the water flooded extent reduces gradually,the decreasing extent becomes smaller and the whole energy lowers down..Some certain frequency components are absorbed,the curve changes gradually from slick to dentate,and the power spectral entropy increases gradually.The conventional log explanation theory poorly identifies the low resistivity oil layer,which is well identified by the identification method based on chaos and the power spectral entropy characteristic of log signal.
Keywords:Water flooded layer,Chaos,Power spectral entropy,Low resistivity oil layer