引用本文:陆益,余晖,陈佩燕.台湾海峡区域热带气旋内核深对流特征分析[J].气象与环境科学,2015,38(3):94-99..Characteristics Analysis of Deep Convection in Inner Core of Tropical Cyclones at Taiwan Strait[J].Meteorological and Environmental Sciences,2015,38(3):94-99.
摘要点击次数: 259
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作者姓名陆益  余晖  陈佩燕
作者单位中国气象局上海台风研究所,上海 200030
中文关键词:热带气旋  台湾海峡  深对流  内核
Characteristics Analysis of Deep Convection in Inner Core of Tropical Cyclones at Taiwan Strait
Authors:Lu Yi  Yu Hui  Chen Peiyan
Abstract:The satellite infrared (IR) TBB data during 1996 and 2010 are analyzed to study the characteristics of deep convection in inner core of tropical cyclones (TC) at Taiwan Strait region. The TC are categorized into four different stages according to their distance to Taiwan island, including the far sea stage, coastal stage, over-Taiwan stage and over Strait stage. It is found that the inner core structure of TC tends to become looser as they move from far sea stage to over-Strait stage. The area of deep convection is much smaller at over-Strait stage than far sea or coastal stages, but the number of independent deep convection systems becomes more and occurs at a position further away from the TC center. The water body at Taiwan Strait is favorable for the recovery of deep convection in the inner core of TC passing over Taiwan island but not for the development of extremely deep convection systems (hot towers). The distribution of deep convection systems is significantly asymmetric for TC at over-Taiwan and over-Strait stages. Particularly, at over-Strait stage, over 50% hot towers appear at the left-rear quadrant as relative to the moving direction of the TC.
Keywords:tropical cyclone  Taiwan Strait  deep convection  inner core
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