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Tree ring based annual precipitation reconstruction over last 191year at the south edge of Badain Jaran
投稿时间:2014-10-28  修订日期:2014-11-02
中文关键词:  巴丹吉林南缘,树轮, 降水重建
英文关键词:Badain Jaran, Tree ring width, Annual precipitation reconstruction
张永香* 国家气候中心 zhangyx@cma.gov.cn 
摘要点击次数: 951
全文下载次数: 950
      Desert and its surrounding area are vulnerable and sensitive to climate change. Due to the limited resource of forest, few paleo-climate researches has been conducted at Badain Jaran at century and millenary scale. Based on tree ring width data sampled at south edge of Badain Jaran, a 191 annual precipitation has been reconstructed. The annual precipitation is the total precipitation from previous July to current year August. The correlation between tree ring chronology and observed annual precipitation is 0.636. The reconstruction is reliable and stable and could explain variance 40.4%, adjusted 0.392. During last 200 years, there were frequent dry and wet switches during 19th century, but less abrupt change in 20th century. Drought is the domain condition in the first half part of 20th century. 1920s drought event is a long lasting and extreme drought period at the south edge of Badain Jaran.
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