The Applica tion of the Numer ica l S imula tion and Imag ing of Se ism icSca tteredWave in Explora tion ofMeta lM inera l Deposits
投稿时间:2007-12-17  修订日期:2008-12-02
中文关键词: 地震数据处理 地震散射波 金属矿勘探 惠更斯%菲涅尔原理
英文关键词: seismic data p rocessing, seismic scattered wave, base metal exp loration, huygens2Fresnel Princip le
基金项目:国家自然基金委员会“多分量转换波地震勘探中的面波法静校正研究”(编号: 40574055)项目和科技部973“深部煤炭资源赋 存规律、开采地质条件与精细探测基础研究”项目课题7“深部煤岩多相地质体的地球物理响应”(编号: 2006CB202207)联合 资助。
李战业 青海省地质调查院,西宁 
摘要点击次数: 1684
全文下载次数: 1891
      [摘要]由于金属矿地质模型一般具有强非均匀性,造成金属矿地震勘探中采集到的信号杂乱, 应用常规的反射地震处理技术难以获得可靠的成像效果。而基于惠更斯%菲涅尔原理的散射成像方法 能充分利用地震信号中的全波场信息,例如反射波、绕射波、回转波、直达波、转换波等,它们都是散射波 的一种表现形式,从而可以获得较好的成像效果。结合中国东部典型铜矿- 铜陵冬瓜山铜矿与中国西 部典型锡矿- 云南个旧锡矿的地质模型,我们模拟了散射波地震记录,并通过散射成像方法获得了高质 量的偏移结果,从数值模拟角度证明了散射成像在金属矿地震勘探中具有较好的应用前景。
      Abstract:The seismic data collected during the base metal exp loration can be hampered by a variety of non - reflecting signals because of the hetero2 geneity of ore bodies and host rocks. It is difficult to p roduce a high - quality seismic p rofile when conventional seismic p rocessing algorithms are app lied to the data. According to the Huygens - Fresnel p rincip le, every grid node can be considered as a vibrating source, and geologicalmodel can be discrete within the grids. Therefore we have stacked all kinds of waves, including scattered waves from these grids. It seems that the more scattered signals are used and the better themigrated section is. Two geologicalmodels are simulated and tested, one is the Tongling coppermine in the eastern China, and an2 other is Gejiu tin mine in Yunnan Province of the south - western China. We have simulated the seismic scatteringwave generated high - qualitymigrated seismic p rofiles, which match the geologicalmodels verywell. It p roves that imaging of the seismic scattered wavemay be an app rop riate tool to p rocess the seismic data in base metal exp loration
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