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钟秀玉,张 建
(河南中医药大学儿科医学院,河南 郑州,450046)
目的:探寻唐代名医孙思邈在《备急千金要方》《千金翼方》中治疗小儿病症的用药经验及处方规律,以期指导儿科临床实践。方法:收集孙氏二书中治疗小儿病症的口服方药,建立数据库,利用IBM SPSS Statistics 26、Microsoft Excel进行药物使用频次及性味归经频次统计;使用R4.2.0 apriori函数进行关联分析;利用IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0、Cytoscape 3.9.0构建核心中药共现网络;并利用IBM SPSS Statistics 26对核心中药进行无监督的系统聚类分析。结果:共筛选纳入方剂102首,涉及中药168味,药物使用累计频次达699次,使用频次≥15次的有甘草、大黄、桂心、黄芩、芍药、麻黄、苦杏仁、石膏。药物四气以寒性居多、温性次之;药味以苦、辛、甘为主;归经主要集中在肺、肝、胃、脾、心经。支持度最高的药对为黄芩-大黄(支持度21.57%);常用的角药有大黄、甘草-黄芩(支持度14.71%,置信度71.43%),茯苓、芍药-大黄(支持度8.82%,置信度100.00%)等。聚类分析得到的潜在处方有“桂心、紫菀、生姜、半夏、苦杏仁”“石膏、甘草、麦冬、芒硝”等。结论:通过对《备急千金要方》《千金翼方》中小儿处方用药分析,发现孙氏治疗小儿病症往往遵循“病证结合、重视脏腑辨证”“寒温并用以调阴阳”“攻补兼施以祛邪扶正”的用药规律及学术思想。
关键词:  孙思邈  小儿病症  数据挖掘  用药规律  《备急千金要方》  《千金翼方
Medication rule of Sun Simiao in treatment of infantile diseases:A study based on data mining
(School of Pediatrics,Henan University of Chinese Medicine,Zhengzhou 450046,Henan,China)
Objective:To investigate the medication experience and prescription rule of Sun Simiao,a famous doctor in Tang Dynasty,in the treatment of infantile diseases in Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency and A Supplement to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold,and to guide the clinical practice of pediatrics.Methods:Oral prescriptions for the treatment of infantile diseases were collected from the above two books to establish a database,and IBM SPSS Statistics 26 and Microsoft Excel were used for the statistical analyses of drugs in terms of frequency,nature,taste,and meridian entry;R4.2.0 apriori function was used for association analysis;IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0 and Cytoscape 3.9.0 were used to construct a co-occurrence network of core traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) drugs;IBM SPSS Statistics 26 was used to perform a unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis of core TCM drugs.Results:A total of 102 prescriptions were included,involving 168 TCM drugs;the total frequency of drugs was 699,and the drugs with a frequency of use of ≥15 were Radix Glycyrrhizae,Rheum officinale,Cortex Cinnamomi,Scutellaria baicalensis,Paeonia lactiflora Pall.,Herba Ephedrae,Semen Armeniacae Amarum,and gypsum.Most drugs were cold in nature,followed by those of a warm nature,and most drugs had a bitter,pungent or sweet taste and mainly entered the lung,liver,stomach,spleen,and heart meridians.The drug combination of Scutellaria baicalensis-Rheum officinale had the highest degree of support (21.57%),and the commonly used combinations of three drugs included Rheum officinale-Radix Glycyrrhizae-Scutellaria baicalensis (with a degree of support of 14.71% and a degree of confidence of 71.43%) and Poria cocos-Paeonia lactiflora Pall.-Rheum officinale (with a degree of support of 8.82% and a degree of confidence of 100.00%).Cluster analysis obtained the potential prescriptions including “Cortex Cinnamomi-Aster tataricus-ginger-Pinellia ternate-Semen Armeniacae Amarum” and “gypsum-Radix Glycyrrhizae-Radix Ophiopogonis-mirabilite”.Conclusion:The analysis of the prescriptions for pediatric patients in Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency and A Supplement to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold shows that the treatment of infantile diseases by Sun Simiao often follows the medication rule and academic thinking of “combining disease and syndrome,emphasizing syndrome differentiation based on viscera and bowels”“using both warm and cold drugs to regulate Yin and Yang”,and “combining tonification and purgation to eliminate pathogen and strengthen vital Qi”.
Key words:  Sun Simiao  infantile diseases  data mining  medication rule  Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency  A Supplement to Recipes Worth A Thousand Gold

