李志华.铁矿床深部矿体定位预测的一种新途径 ———以西藏恰功铁矿为例[J].地质与勘探,2009,45(2):90-97
铁矿床深部矿体定位预测的一种新途径 ———以西藏恰功铁矿为例
A New Def in ingM ethod of Deep Concea led Ore Bod ies, a Ca se Study a t theQiagong Iron Deposit in Tibet
投稿时间:2008-07-21  修订日期:2008-10-17
中文关键词: 多元信息 锑矿 云南木利
英文关键词: orientation p rognosis of deep concealed ore body, high - accuracy ground magnetic survey, discrete wavelet transform, euler deconvolu2 tion method,Qiagong iron deposit
李志华 内蒙古自治区矿产实验研究所,呼和浩特 
摘要点击次数: 2049
全文下载次数: 1650
      [摘要]本文通过地球电化学、次生晕、电吸附、土壤离子电导率、土壤吸附相态汞多种新方法在已 知矿体上方异常特征,再结合地质分析矿体上方的异常,最终提取有用的多元信息为电提取、土壤离子 电导率和土壤吸附相态汞异常,且它们异常必须共生。在土壤离子电导率异常和土壤吸附相态汞范围 内或旁侧(与电导率异常局部重叠吻合),出现明显的As、Sb、Ag 等地电提取的峰值明显的离子异常,唯 这些离子异常比电导率异常和土壤吸附相态汞异常幅度窄一些。
      Abstract:The Qiagong Iron deposit is a newly discovered deposit, but geometric characteristics of its ore body such as the shape, size, position, oc2 currence and boundary have not been fully tested. Based on awavelet andmulti - scale analysis and Euler deconvolutionmethod, the vertical signal of po2 tential field is separated and the sources dep th is estimated. The twomethodsmentioned above are jointly used to detect themagnetic source dep ths, which could p lay an important role in locating the deep - buried orebodies.
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