  • 王鹏,林霞,张盼,于永海.基于自然岸线保有率的大连市海岸线整治修复[J].海洋开发与管理,2018,35(12):47-51    
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为加强海岸线资源的保护和管理,提高自然岸线保有率,促进大连市海洋生态文明建设和社会经济可持续发展,文章总结大连市海岸线开发利用和整治修复的基本情况,分析存在的主要问题,提出亟待开展海岸线整治修复的典型区域和推进海岸线整治修复的对策建议。研究结果表明:1995—2017年大连市大陆海岸线总长度增加169 km,原生自然岸线缩减378 km,缩减率超过50%;2000—2007年原生自然岸线保有率由55%下降到29%,此后下降速度逐渐放缓;2010年以来大连市开展凌水湾和普兰店湾等海岸线环境综合整治工作,取得一定成效,但仍存在自然岸线缩减、海湾和滩涂湿地面积锐减以及珍稀地质景观受损等问题;目前大连市亟待开展大潮口、金州湾南岸和普兰店湾等典型区域的海岸线整治修复,并应尽快实施《大连市海岸线保护与利用规划》、建立海岸线整治修复项目库、开展渤海海岸线整治修复专项工程以及建立围海养殖占用海岸线的退出机制。
关键词:  海洋生态文明  大陆海岸线  自然岸线保有率  整治修复  蓝色海湾
Renovation of Dalian Coastal Line Based on Natural Coastal Line Preservation Rate
WANG Peng,LIN Xia,ZHANG Pan,YU Yonghai
National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center;.Key Laboratory of Sea-Area Management Technology,SOA
To strengthen the protection and management of the coastline resources,improve the natural coastline retention,the marine ecological civilization construction and the social economic sustainable development of Dalian,the paper summarized the coastline exploit and renovation of Dalian,analyzed the main problems,put forward suggestions and countermeasures for the typical area which was to carry out and promote the coastline renovation.The research results showed that the mainland coastline in Dalian had an increase of 169 km from 1995 to 2017,the native natural coastline had a decrease of 378 km,and the reduction rate was more than 50%.From 2000 to 2007,the native natural coastline retention rate decreased from 55% to 29%,and after that it decreased slowly.Since 2010,in the Lingshui bay and Pulandian bay,the comprehensive coastline improvement of the environment had been carried out,which had made some progress.But there were still some problems,for example,the decrease of the natural coastline,bays,beaches and the wetland areas.What is more,there was also the problem of the damage of rare geological landscape.At the moment,the coastline renovation was needed in typical areas,such as Dachaokou,south Jinzhou bay and Pulandian bay.And the Dalian coastline protection and utilization planning should be implemented,the coastline renovation project library should be built,the Bohai coastline renovation specific construction project should be carried out and the withdrawal mechanism of sea aquaculture coastline occupation should be set up.
Key words:  Marine ecological civilization,Continental coastline,Natural coastal line preservation rate,Renovation,Blue bay