  • 章柳立,陈绵润,张胜鹏.我国典型国家级海洋公园建设管理的研究与建议[J].海洋开发与管理,2020,37(9):49-56    
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关键词:  海洋公园  管理体制  海洋保护区  海洋生态文明  滨海旅游业
Research and Suggestions on the Construction and Management of Typical National Marine Parks in China
ZHANG Liuli,CHEN Mianrun,ZHANG Shengpeng
South China Sea Institute of Planning and Environmental Research,SOA
Since 2011,China has approved the establishment of 48 National Marine parks.The establishment of National Marine Parks has provided the public with a good marine environment for coastal recreation and entertainment space.Besides of promoting marine ecological conservation,marine parks have promoted the sustainable development of marine tourism and enrich the contents of marine ecological civilization.By mastering the current situation of the construction and management of marine parks in China,this paper provided some background analysis of management of marine reserves at home and abroad,and selected two typical national marine parks as examples to analyze the problems and reasons of the management system of national marine parks,based on which this paper proposed the following suggestions: improving the relevant laws and regulations of Marine Parks to straighten out the management system of protected areas; establishing a sound management organization for Marine Park innovation management mode; strengthening the construction of surveillance and monitoring system to improve the level of information-based scientific management technology; strengthening the construction and planning of enforcement equipment to improve the governance according to law; implementing relevant economic compensation to aborigines in parks; innovating propaganda means to play the role of propaganda carrier; learning,using reference,and strengthening domestic and foreign cooperation.Relevant suggestions and analysis of this study had provided ideas for the future standardization of marine park construction.
Key words:  Marine Park,Management system,Marine Protected Area,Marine ecological civilization,Coastal tourism