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居丽丽,史 军,张 敏.1961-2015年华东地区极端气温变化研究[J].沙漠与绿洲气象,2020,14(3):112~121
Study on extreme temperature changes in East China during 1961–2015
投稿时间:2019-02-22  修订日期:2019-04-23
中文关键词:  极端气温  时空变化趋势  气候突变  概率密度函数  华东
英文关键词:temperature extremes  spatial-temporal trend  abrupt change of climate  probability density function  East China
居丽丽* 上海市气候中心 julili1215@126.com 
史 军 上海市气候中心  
张 敏 华东师范大学地理科学教育部重点实验室  
摘要点击次数: 3267
全文下载次数: 1087
      Based on daily maximum and minimum temperature data at 399 meteorological stations in East China, the temporal and spatial characteristics of temperature extremes in East China were analyzed with climatically statistical methods, including the extremes climate index software - RClimdex, the linear trend estimation, Mann-Kendall test and the fitting of probability density function. The results indicate that the maximum and the minimum value of the lowest temperature increased significantly at 0.2 °C and 0.6 °C per decade, respectively, and the minimum value of highest temperature increased significantly at 0.3 °C per decade in East China during 1961-2015. Meanwhile, the number of ice days, frost days, cold nights and cold days were significantly reduced by 0.5 days, 3.7 days, 2.0% and 0.7% per decade, respectively, and that of summer days, tropical nights, warm nights and warm days were significantly increased by 2.9 days, 2.8 days, 1.8% and 0.8% per decade, respectively. During the period, both the maximum and the minimum value of temperature showed an abrupt increased change in East China. The number of ice days, frost days, cold nights and cold days showed an abrupt decreased change in the middle-to-late 1980s and 1990s, while the number of summer days, tropical nights, warm nights and warm days were abrupt increased in 2000. Compared to the distribution of probability density function during the period 1961-1990, the distribution for the maximum and the minimum value of temperature were both shifted to the right, and the peaks were increased during the period of 1991-2015. The distribution of ice days, frost days, cold nights and cold days were all shifted to the left, the peaks increased and the shapes narrowed, while the summer days, tropical nights, warm nights and warm days are opposite.
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