[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2015, 34(4) 1106-1112 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Q ֵ����
Article by Sun, H. Q.
Article by Han, L. G.
Article by Xu, Y. Y.
Article by Gao, H.
Article by Zhou, Y.
Article by Zhang, P.
���� L-BFGS �㷨��ȫ���η��� Q ֵ�����о�
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���Ƶز�Ʒ������ Q ���������¹���ֲ�������Ԥ�ⶼ������Ҫ�����塣���ǵ������ڽ����д���ʱ������������ã�����ѡ�� 2D �������������ȫ���η��ݣ����۲Ⲩ��������ģ�����õ��IJ�������һ��Ŀ�꺯�������� L- - BFGS �㷨���ݳ��ز�Ʒ�����ӡ����÷���Ӧ�����쳣��ģ�ͺ� Marmousi ģ�Ͳ��ԣ�������������ݵ�ģ��������ģ�͵��������С�����㾫�ȸߣ�����Ч���á�

�ؼ����� Q ֵ����   L-BFGS �㷨   �������������   ȫ���η���  
Method of Q through full waveform inversion based on L- BFGS algorithm
SUN Hui-Qiu, HAN Li-Guo, XU Yang-Yang, GAO Han, ZHOU Yan, ZHANG Pan
College of Geo- exploration Science and Technology��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

Estimating the stratigraphic quality factor Q is important for the description of tectonic distribution and the prediction of oil and gas�� Considering the viscous property of the medium when the wave propagation is modeled��2D visco- acoustic equation is used to full waveform inversion�� The observed wave field and the other wave field obtained by forward modeling construct an objective function��and L- - BFGS algorithm is used to inverse seismic quality factor�� To test the efficiency of this method (L- BFGS) in FWI��an abnormal model and a Marm- ousi model are examined from surface seismic data�� The results show that the inversion model is closer to the theori- cal model��high in the computational accuracy and good in inversion effect��

Keywords: quality factor (Q) inversion   L- BFGS method   visco- acoustic equation   full waveform inversion  
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1�� ����, ������, �⿡��, ����, ����.ʱ�������״�ȫ���η��ݼ�ʵ��Ӧ��[J]. �������, 2016,35(1): 256-263

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