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基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41072246),“十二五”国家支撑计划课题(2011BAB06B08 2),中国地质调查局项目(12120113089100,1212011120986)
陈 曦,陈建国,王成彬,等 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院 
关键词:植被覆盖区  遥感地质  断裂构造  地表湿度  福建武夷山
      Geological information extraction by remote sensing in vegetation-covered areas was one of the research priorities in the fields of remote sensing geology. The authors introduced the use of evidence chain combined with geological structure information and remote sensing information. By monitoring the evidence chain of plant canopy temperature-stomatal resistance-plant water potential-actual root water uptake-soil water supply-soil water content, the underlying soil humidity would be indirectly acquired from the apparent plant canopy temperature, which finally reflected the moisture abnormal of fracture structure areas. Finally, using the soil humidity inversion modes such as TVDI、PDI、MPDI and SPSI, the authors highlighted the fracture structure information under the vegetation-covered-areas in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Province.
Keywords:Vegetation-covered area  Remote sensing geology  Fracture structure  Surface humidity  Wuyi Mountains  Fujian
陈 曦,陈建国,王成彬,等.福建武夷山植被覆盖区遥感地质信息提取[J].地质学刊,2013,37(3):496-508