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(国家海洋局第二海洋研究所,浙江 杭州 310012)
关键词:  海洋环境科学  生态系统管理  海洋生态适宜性  空间分析模型  温州洞头
Management of marine ecosystem based on ecological suitability assessment with a case study in Dongtou district, Wenzhou city
XIANG Yun-yun,YANG Hui,CHEN Pei-xiong,ZHOU Xin,CHEN Quan-zhen,ZENG Jiang-ning
(Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, Hangzhou 310012, China)
The role of marine ecosystems, as critical elements of global life support systems, has gradually become recognized. Ecological suitability analysis can reflect the advantages of regional marine resources and the potential socio-economic development. In this study, taking an example of the island district, Dongtou, we constructed a comprehensive evaluation model in order to designate the main function areas of the ecological suitability. Then the predominating direction of regional marine resources protection and utilization was recognized and the advantages and limitations of each function area were illustrated. The results indicate that marine resources utilization can be clearly divided into four categories in the study area. They were key protected zones, general protected zones, moderately developed zones and optimized developed zones where they occupies 23%, 50%, 18% and 9% of the whole region, respectively. The first two zones are sensitive to the environment and thus are considered to be the important ecological restoration areas of the county, while the latter two zones are buffer areas for future marine resources utilization. Refers to the marine functional zone, three development modes of urban exploitation, fishery farming and ecological protection could be recognized for further marine resources management. This study has significant implications for marine ecological functional zoning, resolution of conflicts between the marine resources conservation and exploitation as well as the construction of a comprehensive regional marine management pattern.
Key words:  marine environmental science  ecosystem management  ecological suitability  spatial analysis model  Dongtou district

