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引用本文:童思友,廖 仪,陈 亮,吴志强.OBS海洋环境信号分析与应用[J].海洋科学,2016,40(2):145-150.
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童思友1, 廖 仪1,2, 陈 亮1, 吴志强3
1.中国海洋大学 海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室;2.中海石油(中国)有限公司湛江分公司;3.青岛海洋地质研究所
为研究海洋环境信号在OBS(Ocean Bottom Seismograph)原始数据中的规律及应用, 根据OBS原始数据的波形及频谱特征, 将研究区划分为5个时间段, 依次为旧涌浪阶段、风浪渐强阶段、风浪全盛阶段、风浪消退阶段和新涌浪阶段。结合海洋天气预报, 认为上述现象是由偏南风风浪对海流的影响造成的。参考野外地震数据采集记录班报, 得到各阶段的时长和距离, 计算风浪渐强、全盛和消退阶段OBS 附近海流的平均速度。结果表明: OBS原始资料中浅海海洋环境噪音增强的主要因素是风浪,且风浪引起的噪音信号的波形变化特征是渐进式的; OBS可用于接收某种特殊阶段(如台风、海啸等)的噪音信号, 并根据噪音信号的波形特征、频谱变化规律和持续时间估算该阶段的海流速度变化。
关键词:  海洋环境信号  OBS(Ocean Bottom Seismograph)  海浪实测
基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(41230318, 41240005, 90814011); 国家863 项目(2009AA093401)
Analysis and application of ocean ambient signal based on ocean bottom seismograph
TONG Si-you,LIAO Yi,CHEN Liang,WU Zhi-qiang
To investigate the regularity and application of ocean ambient signals from the ocean bottom seismograph (OBS), we divided the signal analysis into five stages: old swell, wind wave coming, wind wave, wind wave leaving, and new swell stages, and then examined their waveform and spectrum characteristics. With respect to marine forecasting, the above phenomena are thought to be due to the effects of southeast wind waves on the seabed current. We calculated the different stages of duration time and length extension, using data from the field seismic acquisition report, to then calculate the average velocity of ocean currents around an OBS on the seafloor. The research results show that the main factor enhancing ocean ambient noise is the wind wave and that the characteristics of waveform develop gradually. An OBS can monitor the unique stages of ocean currents by seabed observation, making it possible to estimate the current velocity based on the waveform, spectrum characteristics, and duration of that unique stage.
Key words:  ocean ambient noise  ocean bottom seismograph (OBS)  ocean current monitor
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