  • 姜玉环,张继伟,赖敏,陈凤桂.我国海洋生态补偿机制的现实进展与发展进路[J].海洋开发与管理,2022,39(11):3-10    
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关键词:  海洋生态保护补偿  海洋生态损害补偿  地方实践  陆海统筹  协同机制
The Development Progress and Future Path of Marine Ecological Compensation Mechanism in China
JIANG Yuhuan,ZHANG Jiwei,LAI Min,CHEN Fenggui
Third Institute of Oceanography, MNR
Marine ecological compensation mechanism is an important environmental and economic means to promote the scientific development and utilization of marine resources, the improvement of marine ecological environment quality and the high-quality development of the ocean. Based on the new trend of policy evolution in the field of marine ecological civilization in recent years, this paper summarized the formulation and practice of marine ecological compensation mechanism in major coastal provinces and cities of China in recent years, and analyzed the experience and gap of marine ecological compensation policy and legal system construction at national and local levels from a systematic perspective. In order to meet the needs of the reconstruction of marine ecological compensation policy system and the improvement of local mechanism, it suggested that in the future, from the perspective of overall coordination, the establishment and improvement of the collaborative governance system of marine ecological compensation should be promoted with the coordination of land and sea from the dimensions of policy collaboration, multi-mechanism collaboration, cross-sector collaboration, cross-regional collaboration and information and resources collaboration.
Key words:  Marine ecological protection compensation,Marine ecological damage compensation,Local practice,Land and sea coordination,Synergistic mechanism