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Study on signal processing methods of atmospheric electric field in thunder and lightning
投稿时间:2020-04-05  修订日期:2020-08-31
中文关键词:  大气电场,功率谱分析,小波降噪,傅里叶变换
英文关键词:Atmospheric electric field  power spectrum analysis  wavelet noise reduction  Fourier transform
刘邕 天津市气象灾害防御技术中心 subutai@yeah.net 
姚慧茹* 天津市气象灾害防御技术中心 huiru_yao@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 706
全文下载次数: 111
      Based on atmospheric electric field detection and lightning location data in Jizhou District of Tianjin, the characteristics of ground atmospheric electric field during thunder was analyzed by using some signal processing methods such as power spectrum analysis, wavelet noise reduction and fast Fourier transform. The results indicated that in the process of lightning, the power of atmospheric electric field is mainly concentrated to low resolution. The 7-level or 8-level decomposition of sym5 wavelet function is used to extract the low-frequency signal, which reflects the main variation of atmospheric electric field. Moreover, when lightning is approaching, the frequency spectrum amplitude of atmospheric electric field fluctuates much more obviously than that in non-lightning weather. Euclidean distance was used to quantitatively judge whether the frequency spectrum of atmospheric electric field are closer to spectrum in the lightning weather or the non-lightning weather, which provides an effective method for thunder forecasting and early warning.
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