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The characteristic of shortwave radiation to snow beneath forest canopies of the Western Tianshan Mountains, China
投稿时间:2018-08-10  修订日期:2018-09-26
中文关键词:  森林积雪  短波辐射  短波辐射透射率
英文关键词:forest snow  shortwave radiation  shortwave transmissivity
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41741014, 41401089), 中国科学院西部之光-西部博士项目(2015-XBQN-B-24),中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费(IDM2016007)
范子昂 新疆金锋华云气象科技有限公司 franz1326@163.com 
陆恒* 四川师范大学地理与资源科学学院  
摘要点击次数: 259
全文下载次数: 55
      Downward and upward shortwave radiation beneath different canopy openness forest were measured in Tianshan Research Station for Snow-cover and Avalanche of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The variation of shortwave radiation beneath forest canopy, shortwave transmissivity and the influence of intercept snow above forest crown on shortwave were analyzed. The results showed the downward shortwave radiation beneath forest canopy were less than that on the sunny slope, it decreased with canopy openness decreased. The downward and net shortwave radiation beneath forest canopy increased with solar elevation angle increased, the difference of downward and net shortwave radiation beneath forest canopy between different canopy openness forest also increased with solar elevation angle. In clear day, the daily variation of downward shortwave radiation in sunny slope, above forest canopy and beneath 80% canopy openness forest presented single peak type, the relative proportion of direct shortwave radiation and diffuse shortwave radiation decided the appeared time of downward shortwave radiation peak value. In cloudy day, the variation of downward shortwave radiation was mainly influenced by cloud cover. The sparser the forest was, the bigger the shortwave transmissivity was ,the daily average of shortwave radiation was increased with solar elevation angle increased. The sparser the forest was, the more the shortwave transmissivity increase. The daily variation of shortwave transmissivity presented “U” type, the value of shortwave transmissivity in the morning and evening were bigger than that in 12:00~17:00 period.
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